New York Shitty Shitter Du Jour: Cooper Park

Given the completely revolting image of a port-o-let hailing from McCarren Park (the purported crown jewel of Community Board 1’s parks) which was brought to my attention by a concerned citizen yesterday and the fact my ladybug toilet seat (part of my “No Toilet Left Behind Project”) has suffered from not-so-benign neglect, I have decided an audit of our public lavatories is in order. Today’s privy hails from Cooper Park’s comfort station which serves the wonderfully re-vamped (and heavily patronized) Carnegie Playground.

Bad News: clearly there is some room for improvement.
Good News: the second stall was a mite bit more “user friendly”.

Williamspoint Video Du Jour: Slow Down

April 8, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 


On April 6, 2009 my buddy down at Brooklyn11211 wrote (in regards to this post):

What is more wacky is why there is a sign for the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel on Metropolitan Avenue in Williamsburg.

To wit I replied:

It’s your ‘hood, dude— you tell me!

Which brings me to the above bit of signage. It is one of several such signs that some rugged individualist has seen fit to erect on Maspeth Avenue across the street from Cooper Park (which I should add is firmly located in the 11211 zip code). While the provenance of these signs is unknown the people I spoke to on this block agreed that “crazy drivers” deemed them necessary. What I wanted to know is if they work. So I took a leisurely stroll down the block to find out.

I suspect anyone who is reading this post and has the pleasure of interfacing with 311 (it’s a hit or miss affair— some operators are better than others) will agree that filing complaints in this manner seems to be a futile endeavor. This has often been my experience, anyway. But dial them anyway, take down the complaint number and forward it to your community board. Yes, this will entail some work on your part, dear readers, but I suspect we can all agree that one person— much less a child— hit by a speeding car is one too many.

Miss Heather

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