From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Brooklyn

As captured by Mike Sierra— albeit in warmer days. In 2012.

Today: Community Board 1 Human Services Committee Meeting


Yes folks, it has been a while (think over four years) but Community Board 1’s Human Services Committee (which was recently merged with the Public Safety Committee) will be convening this evening at 6:30 p.m. As you can see, the agenda is an interesting one. For those of you who are wondering what the “Right To Know Act” is (from

Called the “Right to Know Act,” the legislation would require officers to identify themselves and explain why the individual is being stopped or questioned. They would also have to explain that individuals can deny consent to a search in certain instances.

Currently, police officers are not required to identify themselves or explain why they are searching individuals…

Check it out!

New York Shitty Photo Du Jour: The Word On The Street

December 28, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11201, Brooklyn, Downtown Brooklyn, The Word On The Street 

Checks cashed2 nys

Taken December 26, 2014.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Naked City

November 9, 2014 ·
Filed under: Brooklyn, New York City, Urban Artifact 

Taken by Robert S.

New York Shitty Photo Du Jour: No Waiting

MH Koski Inc nys

A nugget of hidden ad joy as discovered on today’s sojourn. You can and should view this in larger format by clicking here.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Untitled

October 12, 2014 ·
Filed under: Brooklyn, New York City 

Taken by Robert S.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Bubbles

Taken by Diane Greene Lent.

The Word On The Street: Fulton Street

September 9, 2014 ·
Filed under: Brooklyn, Clinton Hill, Clinton Hill Brooklyn, The Word On The Street 

mystery message

Anyone able to decipher this? If so, shoot me an email at missheather (at) that greenpoint blog (dot) com. Thanks!

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool, Part III: Prospect Park

August 26, 2014 ·
Filed under: Brooklyn, New York City 

Taken by Diane Greene Lent.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: York Street

August 18, 2014 ·
Filed under: DUMBO, DUMBO Brooklyn, New York City 

Taken by Axel Taferner.

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