Miscellaneous Notes on the Greenpoint Food & Drink Front

December 12, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


Although this is a ways off, I want to pass it along. Those of you who might have wondered what is going on at 195 Nassau Avenue (as seen above), today I got the scoop! Cody Utzman, the man behind Brooklyn Standard and Papasitos is going to open a wine Bar there! Cafe Royalle (as its name indicates) will be serving up fare with distinctively French twist. Cody told me that he guesstimates it will be open for business in “about two months”. That may seem like a ways off, but I assure you it will be upon us soon enough!

Cafe Royalle
Opening Date: February 2010
195 Nassau Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222


Lastly, I suspect I speak for a number of my fellow north ‘Pointers when I write that Jubilatka has had some downright mouth-watering cakes in their front window of late. Today I finally broke down and asked about them. Here’s the deal:


  1. This powdered sugar spritzed castle is chocolate brownie/ginger bread cake.
  2. This is conventional babka with a topping of assorted fruit.
  3. These are chocolate babka.

All of the previous cost a measly $12.00. Speaking as someone who is not especially talented when it comes to making baked goods, I know where I will be buying my Christmas dessert this year!

Jubilatka Bakery
940 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Brownie and ginger bread. Yum!

Miss Heather

Highlights From The Robot Monkey World Chimpionship: Part III

April 22, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 


As promised, here is the third installment of live footage I shot from last weekend’s Robot Monkey World Chimpionship. This, the final segment, features the rules of the game, some good-natured shenanigans and four of Greenpoint’s finest businesses waging war against Williamsburg and in one case, each other:

  • Brooklyn Standard Vs. Kellogg Diner
  • Papasito’s Vs. Number 9 Lighting
  • Dandelion Wine vs. t.b.d.

Once again Lily is in good form. They should make her a robot monkey coach. Seriously. Enjoy!

I suspect I speak for many who were present at this event when I say more such tournaments should be held. Bushwick against Williamsburg or Greenpoint immediately come to mind. Are you listening out there, Dan?

Miss Heather

2009 Robot Monkey World Chimpionship: And The Winner Is…

April 19, 2009 ·
Filed under: Advanced Life Forms, Culture War, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

Number 9.

Man oh Manischewitz was the Williamsburg versus Greenpoint robot battle fierce last night! Greenpoint’s very own Dandelion Wine* made it to the quarter finals but alas 11211 prevailed. Follows is a slide show of the event for your Sunday morning entertainment. Enjoy!

More video footage will be  forthcoming later today— because you know what they say:

It doesn’t matter if you win or lose, it’s how you play the game.

And let’s just say the game was played very interestingly.

Miss Heather

*Who will be featured in today’s New York Times. Mazel Tov!

P.S.: In somewhat-related news those of you who have been wondering what’s up with this lot next door to t.b.d.


It is no longer available. The owner of t.b.d signed a lease two weeks ago and they are creating an outdoor garden/annex. I have it per a very reliable source it will be up and running Memorial Day weekend. So mark your calendar!

TOMORROW: Brooklyn Standard Is Open For Business!

March 31, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


Unlike most of the people (who still in fact have jobs) reading this, I do not work a conventional 9-5 work week. I like this because it enables me to go out and take pictures on lovely days like this one. What’s more, it gives me a leg up on learning what’s going on. Case in point: Brooklyn Standard. Not only are they hurriedly getting the store prepped for its Grand Opening…


but said opening is scheduled for tomorrow, April 1. No foolin’!

The Brooklyn Standard
188 Nassau Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Cody Utzman was kind enough to let me snoop around and take a few snaps so you can get a sneak peek of what awaits you tomorrow. Here they are!





I think I can safely say this is the first and only “bodega” I have ever seen in Greenpoint that is appointed with a chandelier. I suppose that’s gentrification for you!

Miss Heather

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