From The New York Shitty Photo Pool, Part II: The Sun King
(Taken by charles le brigand)
This second portrait was taken by Chris Arnade, who writes:
Eugene was panhandling and drinking outside of a Bodega. Homeless, he sleeps either inside the Bodega or in a shelter. He only drinks beer, “never having done any of that other stuff.” The owner of the store tells me he would “trust Eugene with his life, he is the most loyal man I know.” When I asked Eugene about the crown, he said its to show the world that his parents are with him, souls who live in his heart.
From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Dragon
Chris Arnade (who took the above photograph) writes:
Jamie has lived underneath the Bruckner Expressway since 2004 when his mother died and her apartment was taken away. Jamie now spends his day collecting cans and bottles along the roadway.
Nicknamed “Dragon” because he is always dragging on a cigarette (and hence the shield on front of his cart) he was heading towards the store to buy more when I ran into him. We chatted over a brown bag of beer while the traffic rumbled by.
Spotted On Craiglist: Booty Call
This very special employment opportunity was brought to my attention by my hairdresser, Miss Mousey Brown. Personally I find the pants-free requirement and lure of free vodka and cranberry juice refreshments somewhat suspect— but I’m probably just being old-fashioned. MY ADVICE: get the money upfront, ladies!
Miss Heather
From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Bronx Riviera
This wonderful shot comes courtesy of charles le brigand and is part of his latest photo essay about Orchard Beach. Check it out!
Miss Heather
LAST GASP: Telling It Like It Is
Filed under: Bronx
This item comes courtesy of an anonymous tipster and hails from Hunts Point in the Bronx. Am I the only person who is wondering what made the posting of these new “house rules” necessary? Priceless…
Miss Heather
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