Boobification Photo du Jour: Something For The Kids

For reasons that probably do not need to be explained, today was (and still is) a red letter day for yours truly. Those of you who have congratulated me via comments and email, I want to take a moment here and now to tender my kindest regards and gratitude. You see, I did not sit on my laurels checking email and moderating comments today. I got right back to business.


I have been wanting to do this for months. Today, at 3:30 p.m. (and much to the amusement of the youths dismissed after a busy day at the Automotive High School) I finally made it happen. This one’s for you, kids. If you can believe it, you can achieve it!

Miss Heather

P.S.: While I’m titularly on the subject of eastern Europe, get a load of this sexy beast I encountered on North 8 Street!


Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: DISGRACE

October 13, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Bloomblight, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 









These photographs (which document the state of advanced decay and neglect to be found West Street between Green and Kent) were taken today, October 13, at around 2:30 p.m. I think they speak for themselves. This is inexcusable.

Miss Heather

Williamsburg Photos Du Jour: High Hopes on North 12 Street




Taken October 8, 2009

Miss Heather

Williamsburg Photos Du Jour: Brought To You By…

October 3, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11211, Bloomblight, Street Art, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 



Bedford Avenue.

Miss Heather

A North 9 Street PSA

September 15, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11211, Bloomblight, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 


Why yes, yes they do!




Looks like the natives are getting restless.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Happiness

July 28, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11211, Bloomblight, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 


This bit of happiness hails from 277 South 2nd Street (between Marcy Avenue and Havemeyer Street). The above image is a mere teaser to the tantalizing four stories of aborted and boarded up  “Fedderism” that awaits your delectation if and/or when you elect to swing by and see this Fedderus Interuptus in person. And I encourage each and every one of you, dear readers, to do just this.

Kevin Walsh (of Forgotten New York) writes in this post (which needs to be seen to truly be believed):

I’ve come to the conclusion that Johnny Rotten was wrong when he said there’s “no future for you.” There is a future for Queens, and what we’ve seen on this page is that future.

And the image gracing the beginning of this post is the future of north Brooklyn! Scratch that— this is north Brooklyn’s present. Given the number of “luxury” properties and Kings crap that are still being built here despite a surplus, lack of interest and money north Brooklyn is well along the road to its own personal perdition…


and a very sad future, indeed!

Inasmuch as I hate to be pedantic or “preachy” I am going to make an exception for this post. When you cast your ballots this fall*, fellow north Brooklynites, I want to to think about the above image.  Our elected officials (with the complicity and/or implicit— if not explicit— approval of certain “grassroots” organizations/”community organizers”) enabled this.

Miss Heather

*And I hope you do— regardless of whether or not you agree with me. North Brooklyn has long sported a deplorable voter turn-out. Make your voice heard!

Found On Union Avenue: Chance To Live In $7,000 A Month Apartment!

July 26, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11211, Bloomblight, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 


I’m not too sure how well this is going to go over in the heart of Bloomblightville, Brooklyn, 11211 but here it is. Wanna to live in a two bedroom, fully furnished “luxury apartment” in the West Village? Here’s your chance!


Per the rules no purchase is required. Interested parties can learn more by clicking here. Apparently you have to submit a 30 second video explaining why you should get it. I would strongly recommend anyone who was rendered homeless by the building collapse last month at 493 Myrtle Avenue enter and tell his (or her) story.


As for who is responsible for this piece of Darthitecture— given the mezzanine abuse I’m guessing Robert Scarano or Karl Fischer. Perhaps the folks over at Curbed can enlighten us?

Miss Heather

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