Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: 958 Manhattan Avenue

958 Manhattan 1172016 cropped nys

teddy bear 958 manhattan 1172016 cropped nys

At long last our fair city has gotten a long overdue dose of the white stuff (snow). It is a perfect day to curl up with a book and perhaps take a tipple. However I would advise you, gentle readers, to please do so indoors.

P.S.: Note that our prodigal Teddy seems to be also enjoying a fair number of books. Perhaps this lot has become a library of sorts? If so, I have a humble suggestion as to whom it should be dedicated!

New York Shitty Street Art Du Jour: The Word On The Street

I am taking the glass half-full approach to this one: at least they have managed to place a fence around these premises. This is a very welcome development compared to what I saw back in January. Well done, Mr. Richard!

Closing on the subject (of Paul Richard), as luck (?) would have it I stumbled upon another piece of his handiwork on the Northside. It had been, how shall we say, “modified”. Whether or not this was done willfully and deliberately has been the subject of debate at Chez Shitty this evening. I contend it was not. The Mister contends that while the person responsible (and I can assure you this was the handiwork of a human being) may not have “planned” to do this, he/she did take placement under consideration. He opined— and I quote:

This was a crime of opportunity.


  1. This is not for those with weak stomachs.
  2. Once you this is seen, it cannot be unseen.

Without further ado, here it is…

Those of you who wish to see this in person go to North 11th Street. It is on the sidewalk across the street from “The Whiskey” (on the premises of the Brooklyn Brewery, if my memory serves me correctly). I suppose it goes without saying: watch where you walk!

The Word On The Street: Special Bloomblight Edition

From West Street.

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Down Periscope!*

November 17, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11222, Bloomblight, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Down Periscope

Taken November 17, 2013.

*Props go out to Pa Heather for the title!

The Word On The Street: Progress



manhattan avenue

As spied this morning at 1059 Manhattan Avenue. Get out there and vote today, north Brooklynites!

The Word On The Street: Beautiful


164 South 1 facing west

164 South 1 facing east

ECB Violation 164 South 1 Street


Yes, gentle readers, stuff such is this is why Community Board 1 Brooklyn is among the dirtiest in the entire city. One would think with an unpaid fine of $4,000 these folks could afford to hire someone with a weed whacker, Then again— why should they? There are clearly no consequences for their actions. I’ve written it before and I’ll write it again:

if the leaders of our community want to attract tourists, perhaps they should crackdown on speculators/developers who do not maintain their properties, illegally occupy the sidewalk and/or street with their “accoutrements”*, etc.? Is it just me or are our electeds sort of missing the forest for the trees here?

In the hope of getting the point across I am initiating a new feature: Community Board 1 Bloomblight of the week. To this end I have created a photo pool on Flickr exclusively for this endeavor. It goes without saying I will also take submissions via email at: missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com. Please be sure to provide a street address. Now let’s get this party started north Brooklynites!

The Word On The Street: Time Machine


Taken August 13, 2013.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool, Part II: If You Lived Here, You Wouldn’t Be Home By Now

If you lived here you wouldn't be home by now

Taken by WarmSleepy.

The Word On The Street, Part I: From Jefferson Street With Love

January 9, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11206, Bloomblight, Bushwick, Bushwick Brooklyn, The Word On The Street 



Taken January 9, 2012.

The Word On The Street, Part II: Naughty Or Nice?

From West Street.

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