From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: The Big Apple
Filed under: New York City
Taken by Scott Dolan.
Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Manhattan Avenue
Garden Spot snow storm survival tip: a grocery bag can be easily and effiectively repurposed as headgear. (I am not knocking it— I have done this myself!)
Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: On Ice
Those of you who cannot get enough of the stuff should be advised to head to the Starbucks on Manhattan Avenue. There you will find your bliss! Special thanks go out to Bitch Cakes for giving me permission to share this gem!
From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Let It Snow?
Taken by mistergalaxy. On a related note, here’s a message from the 94th Community Affairs office:
The National Weather Service has issued a Blizzard Warning for New York City from 6:00 AM Friday, 2/8 to 1 PM Saturday, 2/9. The current forecast calls for 10-14 inches of snow accompanied by strong winds. With visibility expected to be one quarter mile or less, caution should be exercised when traveling.
Below you will find several resorces to help you prepare for the storm, and to remain safe during its impact within NYC. We will continue to keep you advised of any updates as they become available. We encourage you to forward this email to someone you think may benefit from this information using the links at the bottom.For more information on the track of the storm: winter storm preparations please visit OEM’s website:The MTA has posted its winter weather travel advisories here: can check on the status of power outages, or report an outage at ConEd’s Storm Central: You may also call 1-800-75-CONED
New York Shitty Day Ender: Snowy Greenpoint
This items comes courtesy of the New York Shitty inbox and a very nice lady named Violet. She writes:
hello miss heather.
i am sending you a link to my blog where I have just posted some of my greenpoint snowy pics!
it is really a winter wonderland out there!feel free to use any of these if you wish, people are really digging the nativity scene (looks like they have been peed onto the white snow!)
i believe this particular image was shot on Noble St.ENJOY!
i really like your blog!
Thanks for the kind words, Violet! Those of you who have not been completely “snowed out” really should give these images a look-see. There are some real gems!
Miss Heather
From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part III: Calyer is Clogged
If my inbox is any indication this would appear to be the winter of Greenpoint’s discontent. I can only hope to keep up. Nonetheless, here’s my third (and not final installment from the New York Shitty inbox wailing wall. JBG writes (regarding the above photograph):
I live on the corner of Calyer and Franklin Streets in Greenpoint. While Calyer is not an arterial, and is also not a truck route, the truth is that it plays a very important role, as it’s the first turn off from Franklin St. that connects northbound vehicles with McGuinness Blvd. There is a stalled vehicle in the middle of Calyer St., just north of Dobbin St. No one has attended to this stuck vehicle. The plow came up Calyer St. but couldn’t get all the way through because of the vehicle. Clearly, they backed out of the street. The street from in front of the vehicle all the way up to Manhattan Ave. is also still unplowed.
I am watching vehicle after vehicle make a turn onto Calyer St., see that it is blocked, and then backing out onto the very busy and not adequately plowed Franklin St. because they realize they can’t get through Calyer St., and they also can’t turn right at Dobbin St., because that road is completely unplowed.
The one-way system in Greenpoint effectively is now shuttling everyone up Greenpoint Avenue. This, combined with the fact that Franklin St. isn’t adequately plowed, is causing traffic backups. It’s only a matter of time until there’s a terrible accident; I already watched an ambulance and a squad car back down Calyer last night because they couldn’t get through.
This street is also a critical passage way to the 94th Precinct and to the Post Office over on Meserole.
I tried calling 311 but they will not take the complaint (if you can even get through, which you can’t any more). The Mayor is on TV right now touting how many stalled cars have been removed (HAHAHA! — Ed. Note.), but yet somehow this one is being overlooked. Could you have someone look into this as soon as possible? I don’t understand how this hasn’t been attended to given the proximity of the 94th precinct, the presence of DOT this morning in the area, and repeated police cars backing down Calyer.
You can read what our City Councilman has to say per Brooklyn Heights Blog. Given that many of the snow plows that are used to clear streets hereabouts are located under the Pulaski Bridge at Clay Street*— and that I am a Greenpointer— I find the negligence here particularly inexcusable.
UPDATE, December 29, 2010: I am pleased to report this story has a happy ending! You can read it by clicking here.
Miss Heather
*A mere 15 feet away from our proposed 200 bed homeless intake center.
From The New York Shitty Inbox: Come Out To Play!
Filed under: 11222, Criminal Activity, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic
L (who sent the above photograph) writes:
The bus to nowhere…
This bus has been stuck on our block (Engert Ave) since 7 am yesterday morning when I came out this morning the bus was still there but someone has spray painted the entire bus all the way around……now it kinda looks like a scene out of “The Warriors”…
…Can’t wait to see what’s in store for tomorrow, maybe garbage can fires inside the bus with heavily armed post apocalyptic 80’s punks….”Can yooooouuuuu diiiggg It”!!
Miss Heather
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