From The New York Shitty Inbox: Turn Out The Lights

A fellow named Edmond Hawkins writes:

Filmed from Greenpoint Brooklyn I was able to get the before and after of the NYC skyline as half of the power went out in Manhattan.

Thank you so much for sharing this with me, Edmond!

From The New York Shitty Inbox: A Benefit For Barie

A gentleman named Michael writes:

Hi Miss Heather –

I was hoping you could spread the word about a hate crime that happened a few weeks ago in Williamsburg.  on the corner of N. 4th St. and Wythe.  A friend of mine who lives in the area, Barie Shortell, was attacked and on the way home one evening.  He was not robbed, but the people attacking him did mock him with anti-gay taunts before they attacked him…breaking his nose, jaw and eye socket.  The attack has been deemed a hate crime.

Barie is doing much better but is not insured and will certainly still have a way to go in recovery…more surgeries are guaranteed.

Any attention we can draw to this would be amazing.  Barie could really use the support and people should know that this kind of shit is happening right here right now?

Duly posted. For what it is worth I heard about this disgusting act at last week’s Community Board meeting. It was described as being “pretty bad”. This is an understatement (he was in surgery for over nine hours to have his face reconstructed). Please be a good neighbor and help spread the word about what happened to Mr. Shortell. Those who are able, please tender a donation to help defray medical bills and/or attend the previously mentioned fundraiser at Blackout:

Gay Bash: A Benefit For Barie Shortell
Wednesday, March 23 2011 starting at 7:00 p.m.
Blackout Bar
916 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Cost of admission: $35.00 (includes three hour open bar)

Let’s show ’em that we north Brooklynites take care of our own!

Miss Heather


March 14, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This item was brought to my attention from the Manager of Blackout. This upcoming Friday, March 18, The folks from Que(e)ry will be conducting a fundraiser benefiting the Library and Archives of the Transgender Foundation of America in Houston, Texas. Follows is a little bit about this group per their press release:

Que(e)ry began in 2010 as a subgroup of The Desk Set, an informal group of librarians, archivists, library science students and other individuals who love books and occasionally throw fund-raising parties for non-profit organizations whose missions support literacy and culture. Read more about The Desk Set in The New York Times and The New York Sun.   Que(e)ry was developed by Desk Set members as a safe space for everyone; Que(e)ry aims to promote awareness for non-profit organizations that have established libraries and archives that advocate for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer and two spirit (GLBTIQTS) rights and heritage. Que(e)ry has held 2 successful parties to benefit organizations like the LGBT Center, the Lesbian Herstory Archives, the Tom of Finland Foundation, and the Leather Archives and Museum.

What can you expect at this event? Well, all manner and variety of things queer including (but undoubtedly not limited to): queer DJs, queer raffle prizes, queer literary-themed drinks and, most intriguingly, “nerdy go-go dancers”. The suggested price of admission is $5.00 – $10.00. Check it out!

Que(e)ry III: A Party for Queer Librarians and Those Who Love Them
March 18, 2011 starting at 8:00 p.m.
Blackout Bar
916 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

QUICKLINK: Broke A$$ Stuart

December 3, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

brokeassTHUMBI was approached a couple months ago by none other than the man behind the guides and web site, Stuart Schuffman, to write a piece for his weekly “Broke Ass of the Week” column. At long last  (Tuesday, December 1 at 2:00 a.m., to be precise) I finally tendered my response. Things get done at a glacial pace at Chez Shittybut they do get done!

Long story made short, as of this afternoon it is up. I lavish a lot of the love on the ‘hood best known as the Garden Spot of the Universe. It is well-deserved. Sorry Williamsburg, it’s our time to shine. Check it out!

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Starter: What Happened November 7?

November 21, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Criminal Activity, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This was first brought to my attention by someone whose son is a friend of a someone involved, e.g.; via the Greenpoint grapevine. By that I mean the friend (of the son of my tipster) in question was allegedly beaten up by the police and went to the hospital. Per my tipster the fight started over a woman being harassed. Her son’s friend tried to intervene and police officers were knocking cameras out of the hands of bystanders. And busting heads.

I cannot profess to know the truth for the simple reason I was not there. But something very ugly came to pass that evening. Accounts vary, but it boils down to this: two men went to the hospital that night. And the NYPD had something to do with it.

This is interesting given the NYPD’s apparent blind eye to Club Exit, which has no less than two incidences of gun play in the last 18 months— and yet is still open for business. It should also be noted Blackout has been cited for not having a Cabaret License (and a personal visit from D. I. Fulton) because they (purportedly) had D.J.s spinning records.*


Miss Heather

*Per the website:

Any room, place or space in the city in which patron dancing is permitted in connection with the restaurant business or a business that sells food and/or beverages to the public requires a Cabaret license. This description is only a general explanation of which businesses need to have a Cabaret license…

You can read the rest here. Being somewhat of an expert on such stuff D.J.s do not a dance hall and subsequent debauchery make. By all appearances Club Exit does not have a Cabaret license, yet no one is citing them.

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