The Latest From The Snow Globe Factory: Let Them Eat Tear Gas

August 26, 2014 ·
Filed under: Area 51, Fuck This Shit, New York City 

Let’s face facts: although the summer in our fair city has been a lovely one weather-wise, I would not exactly call it a good one. The death of Eric Garner ushered in a series of “incidents” involving our “finest” which— and this is being kind— are appalling. Incidents which beg the question as to exactly who our public servants are indeed protecting and serving. It certainly was not Mr. Garner.

It is not my intent to simply blame the police, mind you. They follow orders. No sir: the blame, ultimately should be laid firmly on the doorstep of those who issue those orders. I do not think I need to name them here.

I have been wrestling with how to depict the goings on here via snow globes for months. Then Ferguson happened.


This is when I was reminded that this is not a mere New York City issue. It is a national issue. One which is fueled by institutionalized racism, classism, the militarization of our police force* and suppression of or (even worse) complicity of the press to name a few. Simply put: what happened there can and probably does happen here. We simply do not know about it— or prefer to forget about it. Ferguson, I suspect, has changed this.

Thus I opted instead to do a snow globe about Ferguson. Its “official” title is “Salus populi suprema lex esto”. This is the motto for the state of Missouri. It means:

The welfare of the people shall be the supreme law

I suspect a number of people will agree with me when I write that powers that be in Missouri need to be reminded of this rather apt piece of trivia. And sadly trivia is all it is. They do not seem to be comprehending much less following it.

Without further ado here it is. It pretty much speaks for itself.




Don’t shoot.

Police man grappling with photographer

Policeman grappling with a photographer.

man down

If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.

George Orwell, 1984

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: What Is Wrong With This Picture?

August 13, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Man Ave 8132014 nys

After about a minute or two they opt to turn on the roller balls!

As spied and captured today at 2:10 pm  on Manhattan Avenue. If this parking “space” looks vaguely familiar to you, gentle readers, it is because the “parking space” in question is a ticket trap of choice hereabouts.

Of course I suppose this may only apply to folks who park in the correct direction. This one’s for Sheryl Yvette. She just happened to bump into none other that NYPD Commish Bill Brattan last Friday. What’s more, she took a photo!


About this encounter she writes:

I was on 2nd Ave, waiting at the light at 57th St. I see a double parked SUV directly ahead of me, on the other side of the light, so I know I have to go around it when I get there. The light turns green. As I’m approaching, a big suited guy opens the rear passenger door – into oncoming traffic, mind you – and into the path I’m headed – and lets in none other than NYPD Commissioner Bratton. I had a cab right next to me and nowhere to go so I had to stop. Naturally I took a photo…

oh make sure to mention that they were double parked in a “sharrow” – which, if you don’t know what that is, wikipedia explains them like so: “This marking is placed in the center of a travel lane to indicate that a bicyclist may use the full lane.” It’s supposed to be a visual cue to drivers that cyclists are likely to be there. You can see it in the photo – the painted sharrow. Thanks #mynypd!

Happy Wednesday!

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