Urban Fur: Jolson’s Revisited

As I stated previously, the Mister and I are taking a staycation. and No staycation would be complete without a visit to Jolson’s Fine Wines & Spirits. He, so as to acquire some grappa and raki. I, so as to visit my favorite brick shit house of a cat: Chupi.

Chupi the stare nys

He even got up close and personal for the camera!

Chupi up close and personal NYS

Is it just me— or does this handsome fellow sport more than a passing resemblance to Jaws? If Richard Kiel was a cat, anyway.

Chupi Profile nys

Here’s a profile shot.

ROAR nys

This yawn shot came out rather hilarious. Eventually Chupi’s aide de camp, Bagheera, graced us with his presence.


The make a pretty awesome team, don’t they?

Bagheera and Chupi nys





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