Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Bus Shelter Special

Bedford Avenue


Manhattan Avenue


(Taken September 3, 2013.)

New York Shitty Photo du Jour: Riding The B62

Taken January 26, 2012.

North Brooklyn B62 Watch: Special Williamsburg Edition

December 28, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11211, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

From Driggs Avenue & North 7 Street.

Miss Heather

Spotted Waiting For The B62: (Priceless)

Contrary to what some might think yours truly exercises some semblance of ethics when photographing people on the street. It is neither my purpose nor my desire to laugh at people. Which brings me to this.

I cannot tell a lie: I had a lot of trouble suppressing a chuckle.

But given the rather, um, copious notices I spied when exiting the Crosstown Local at India Street this afternoon can you blame a man (or woman) for being dazed and confused— or dare I say: possibly a wee bit pissed off— by our mass transit system? This is the real Greenpoint, folks— and don’t you forget it!

Fortunately there are intrepid souls who see fit— quite literally—  to cut the crap.

CASE IN POINT: the Spring Street station in SoHo.*

Miss Heather

*Yes, that is a pile of human feces peeking out from under this flier-cum-asswipe.

Long Island City Photo Du Jour: Waiting For the B62

June 2, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11101, Long Island City, Long Island City Queens 

From Jackson Avenue.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Pre-Saint Paddy’s Day Special

March 16, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Taken from the B62 bus on Manhattan Avenue.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: B61 R.I.P.

You may be gone, B61, but you will not be forgotten.

This post goes out to Bed-Stuy Banana and Best View in Brooklyn. Not only are you among the most wonderful, intelligent and downright nice people I have met via the Interwebs but you ran kick-ass blogs about kick-ass neighborhoods. I miss you and I suspect the greater “Brooklyn Blogosphere” will as well.

Take care and please keep in touch, BSB and BVIB. I love you both! I’ll darken your respective doorsteps come spring. Perhaps earlier.

Consider your respective persons warned! 🙂

Miss Heather

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