New York Shitty Day Ender: B61 R.I.P.

You may be gone, B61, but you will not be forgotten.

This post goes out to Bed-Stuy Banana and Best View in Brooklyn. Not only are you among the most wonderful, intelligent and downright nice people I have met via the Interwebs but you ran kick-ass blogs about kick-ass neighborhoods. I miss you and I suspect the greater “Brooklyn Blogosphere” will as well.

Take care and please keep in touch, BSB and BVIB. I love you both! I’ll darken your respective doorsteps come spring. Perhaps earlier.

Consider your respective persons warned! 🙂

Miss Heather

York Shitty Day Starter: Manhattan Avenue

May 25, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Street Art 



Note the leopard print headband.

Miss Heather

Ah, Greenpoint!

November 25, 2008 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

Earlier today I made a rather fascinating discovery; when you run the search terms “drunk” and “Greenpoint” some mighty interesting things pop up on YouTube. The following are three of my more “choice” finds. Enjoy!

You know, inasmuch as people are angry at the prospect of doling out $2.50 to ride our fine city’s subways and buses I really do not mind. With “in flight” entertainment like this dude I have no qualms whatsoever with ponying up an extra fifty cents. As a matter of fact I consider money well spent.

Miss Heather

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