New & Noteworthy: A New Blog In Coney

May 17, 2009 ·
Filed under: Brooklyn, Coney Island 

Robert Guskind’s death left a big hole in both our hearts and Brooklyn journalism. Bob told me how he got started: by taking pictures of north Brooklyn’s waterfront. That’s how I got started. And as a close friend of Bob’s I know his heart would be filled with joy to know that someone has “stepped up to the plate” to advocate one of his favorite places: Coney Island. The blog in question is called Amusing The Zillion and although only four posts strong…


when I find the above image accompanied with the following commentary:

Tourists stand in sunshine and snap photos of Thor’s Festival by the Sea “Closed Due to Threat of Bad Weather” Sign

I cannot help but chuckle. Good luck, my former carny comrade— may your blog live long and prosper!

Miss “Carny At Heart” Heather

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