New York Shitty Photo Du Jour: East 10th Street

October 26, 2014 ·
Filed under: 10003, Affluenza, East Village, East Village Manhattan, Gentrification 

Self Portrait nys

You are what you drive.

(Taken October 25, 2014.)

Urban Artifact, Part II: Glo

April 30, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11211, Urban Artifact, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 



From North 3 Street.

NoLita Recession Watch: Let Them Eat Caviar

February 21, 2010 ·
Filed under: Culture War, Manhattan, New York City, Recession 

Tonight the Mister and I showed some friends from out of town the sights in Little Italy. When I saw the following (which hails from Mott Street) I stopped dead in my tracks.

My god, WHO would buy— much less be seen in public— such a thing? Only a certifiable asshole would carry a handbag like this.

No one in our party saw fit to disagree with the aforementioned observation. Then I noticed another item of interest in same said window.

I guess there aren’t as many assholes in New York City as there used to be.

Who says the recession is necessarily a bad thing?

Miss Heather

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