From The New York Shitty Inbox: What’s Up At St. Anthony’s?

April 19, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

(Or: Where are the bells?)

A chap named Rich writes:

Hey Heather,
I just wanted to write to let you know (if you haven’t noticed) that the charming St. Anthony’s bells have not been heard for about 3 weeks.  I love the bells as I’m sure you do too so I took it upon myself to call the church to ask .. um.. why their bells are not functioning.  The gent who answered had no idea the bells were not chiming.  He said “that’s weird, I’ll tell father.”  That was last week, and still, no bells.  I just thought I’d apprise you of the sitch.

As it occasionally happens, Rich’s question got lost in the shuffle. No worries, another reader gave me a much needed reminder. A lady named Laura writes:

I heard (or rather, not heard) some sad neighborhood news today. Apparently, the hourly church bells that Greenpointers young and old have both loved and taken for granted — the ones that have rung loud and clear from St. Anthony’s church on Manhattan & Milton for years, are broken beyond repair and won’t ring again until the church can raise $10,000+ to fix them. I’m not sure when they stopped ringing, but as soon as I read the news in the church bulletin I realized that I hadn’t in fact heard them in a while.

Now, there are far more serious neighborhood issues going on but part of what makes Greenpoint great is it’s mix of new and old, and that church is a community center for Greenpoint’s Polish and Hispanic crowd. It would be a shame to never hear this rich piece of neighborhood history again.

The church is holding a raffle to raise the funds needed to repair the bells. It would be so great to see the greater community get involved…

Laura has promised to help me get in touch with the folks behind the aforementioned fund raising effect so I can pass along the details here. For the time being at least now we know why the bells aren’t ringing!

I have just gotten off the phone with a very nice lady named Christine. She has told me that this year’s raffle will be conducted solely for the purpose of getting these bad boys back in working order. Follows is the flier she was kind enough to send me.

UPDATE, 2:29 p.m.: the proprietor of Brooklyn11211 has proposed that some means of online fund-raising be put in place so as to provide a means for non-church members to make donations. I for one think this is a great idea and to this end and have reached out to Christine. She agrees that this is an excellent idea and hopes something— be it a PayPal account or Kickstarter page— can be erected for this purpose. If/when it is, dear readers, I will pass along the details here!

Miss Heather


New York Shitty Day Starter: St. Anthony

January 30, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Taken January 27, 2011.

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Starter: Hate

November 15, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Asshole, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Last night after having long overdue catch-up time with a friend of mine over dinner I found this turd affixed to a pay phone in front of the Dunkin’ Donuts at 862 Manhattan Avenue.


Don’t bother trying to find it. Immediately after taking the above photograph I tore it off and threw it in the garbage (where it rightfully belongs).

For those of you who are wondering “.cc” is the country code for the Cocos (Kealing) Islands, an Australian territory. Mind you, the peeps responsible for producing this sticker (and the website listed therein) are not Aussies: they hail from the good ‘ol U.S. of A. Arkansas as best as I can deduce.* I know this because I looked at their web site (which I will NOT link to out of principle— look it up yourself). A noose graces “Tightrope’s” header and they offer such niceties as mouse pads emblazoned with Barack Obama depicted as a monkey, swastikas and other neo-Nazi crap; exclamations of “Celtic Pride” (which is sort of weird considering the so-called “master race” was supposedly Nordic in origin. The Normans and Celts were enemies. Ask any Irishman or Basque.) and my personal favorite: “The Original Boys in the ‘Hood” (which a sports a number of Klansmen wearing hoods. A double entendre. How clever!).

Speaking as someone who spent a fair amount of her childhood in what the Yankees here call “the south” (Texas**) it has been my observation that the most vocal proponents of white supremacy (such as the people who produced and saw fit to affix this sticker to a Greenpoint pay phone) are the biggest arguments against it. I moved to New York City to get away from this shit. If any of you, dear readers, find a sticker like this do me (and everyone a favor): rip it down.

In closing I’d like to leave you with this. One of my favorite segments from one of my favorite movies.

Miss Heather

*P.O. Box 1116—-Calico Rock, AR.—-72519—USA

**It isn’t. Texas is— for better and worse and all the hype— its own country. The Lone Star State defies categorization. It is what it is.

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