Now At The Sunshine Laundromat: MSG-FEST 2015

MSG Fest 2015 nys

You can always reply upon the fine folks at Greenpoint’s very own Sunshine Laundromat for a good chuckle. Well done. Keep ’em coming!

(Taken April 25, 2015.)

New York Shitty Photos Du Jour: Sunshine Laundromat


Attention nys

Looks like they’re applying for a license to serve wine and beer. Can I honestly say I am surprised by this? No, I cannot.

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: 860 Manhattan Avenue

Watchmaker Service March 2 2015 nys

Patrick Pumpkin nys

Patrick Pumpkin 2 nys

Three Times nys

Continuing on today’s theme (this being street justice) I present Patrick Pumpkin. I stumbled upon him while running errands this morning. In the annals of Garden Spot acts of discontentment employing edibles, this is a sullen twee whimper when, say, compared to this.* Those of you who feel so inclined to give Mr. Pumpkin a looksee be advised to keep your shutter-bugging/gawking on the downlow. The proprietress of this establishment vehemently dislikes such things. In fact, she may very well yell at you. “Deserve” has nothing to do with it.

*Which, for those of you who may be wondering, is the fruit (bad pun intended) of a disagreement between a citizen and the Department of Sanitation.  He complained to them about some matter or another. I do not recall what— it is really not important. What is important is that he made our Strongest angry. Angry enough— or so he alleged— that they dumped bags of rotten tomatoes in front of his property and then wrote him a ticket for them. I miss the good ol’ days sometimes…

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Sunshine Laundromat

Sunshine Laudromat nys


Taken February 27, 2015.

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Pharmacy Wars?

Beth (who sent the above photograph to my attention) writes:

Hi Heather! This email is part 1 of 2.

Maybe you’ve already spotted this but I wanted to share. CVS fires a shot across Chopin’s prow….

…Sunshine Laundromat responds the way they do best – with a smart ass sign.

Well played, Sunshine Laundromat!

UPDATE, 8:09 pm:

It would appear Sunshine Laundromat is hosting a Cinco De Mayo event. Admission is free and BYOD (Bring Your Own Dog).

Reader Contribution Du Jour: Concentration



These photos come courtesy of Stefano Giovannini. This fellow is presently working on a wonderful photo essay/series of the Garden Spot. Please take a moment and check out his work. Great stuff!

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Official National Park Substitute

Official National Park Substitute

From Sunshine Laundromat.

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Sunshine Laundromat


Taken September 14, 2013.

Now At Sunshine Laundromat: Interns Wanted!


Dust off your curricula vitaes Greenpointers…

Spotted At Sunshine Laundromat: A Private Affair



Pinball enthusiasts and laundromat goers take note: tomorrow evening after 8:00 p.m. Greenpoint’s very own Sunshine Laundromat will be closed for a private function. Plan accordingly!

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