We Have An Answer!
On January 15, 2011 I wrote regarding the above shot glasses:
Can anyone out there translate these for me? I simply MUST know what they say! You can view a larger image by clicking here. Thanks!
Well, a gentleman who calls himself Bushwickite has stepped up to the plate!
1. Jak mawiaj? Polacy, chlup i do pracy – As Poles say, “Take a shot and get to work.”
2. Jak mawiaj? Norwegowie, wiking nigdy po po?owie – As Norwegians say, “Never a viking after drinking a half.”
3. Miliard powodów maj? Chi?czycy ?eby za kieliszek chwyci? – The Chinese have a billion reasons to reach for a drink.
4. Ze Szwajcarsk? doskona?o?ci? ?eby niestane?o o?ci? – With Swiss precision, lets hope it doesn’t get stuck like a fish bone.
5. Jak mawiaj? Francuzi, to co stoi to do buzi – As the French say, “Anything that stands, put it in the mouth.”
6. I Rosjanin kielich ?yka zanim zacznie ze s?oika – Russians use shot glasses too before they start drinking from a jar.
Miss Heather
Greenpoint Consumer Product Du Jour: Intoxication By Nation
I stumbled upon the above shot glasses at Biedronka while running errands this afternoon. Regrettably, I could not find a price. But let’s face facts: that isn’t really an issue with this kind of thing.
854 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222
Can anyone out there translate these for me? I simply MUST know what they say! You can view a larger image by clicking here. Thanks!
Miss Heather
Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Grand Opening
After remodeling and some serious restocking King Discount Biedronka will reopen tomorrow, September 28!
King Discount Biedronka
854 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222
Miss Heather
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