The Word On The Street: Walt Whitman


As anyone who lives/works near the Salvation Army Family Store on Manhattan Avenue can/will attest: Sundays are a pretty popular day for folks to leave “donations”. Given this establishment is closed on Sunday (as Christian institutions are known to do) the end result is essentially a free-for-all of free goods. Today it would seem Mr. Whitman did not make the “cut”…

Greenpoint Commerce Watch: Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

December 21, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Green Point

The game of musical storefronts grinds on at 821 Manhattan Avenue (or the place formerly known as Dixie). Anyone want to place bets how long Green Point Snack & Smoke Shop will be with us? A month? Longer?

Miss Heather

Photo Credits: These images come courtesy of Caryn Rose who is most assuredly on top of this situation!

New York Shitty Day Ender: A Very Greenpoint Bedtime Story

November 24, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


It recently came to my attention that the owner of T & N Wine, a fabulously cranky man named Chris, has rolled out a real doozy of a Thanksgiving display. Among the items employed are eighteen artfully placed bottles of Wild Turkey 101 (any less proof would be an insult to the Garden Spot of the Universe) and one very real— and anatomically correct— turkey.


I have written about this already. Yet none of my readers seems to have noticed this curiously (and, it should be noted, prodigiously) endowed fowl. No worries, the local population has. This display has literally stopped passersby in mid-stride. I learned this earlier today— noon, to be exact— when I was out running errands.

A 40-something gentleman exits T & N after making his lunch-time acquisition of spirits (vodka as best as I could tell— every hour is happy hour on Manhattan Avenue). He stops, looks at the window and laughs. LOUDLY.

Me: Nice, eh?
Man: Yes, very nice.
Me: As you can see that turkey is a male.
Man: It is?
Me: Yeah, look at it.
Man (looks, a puzzled expression clouds his face): How do you know it is male?
Me: Look closer at the turkey.
Man: ???
Me (getting exasperated): LOOK AT IT’S CROTCH— or what’s left of it, anyway.
Man (looks closer): AHAHAHAHAHA! Very funny.
Me: I told you that turkey is, uh was, a male.
Man: You are a very nice lady. Would you like to go for a drink… or a cup of coffee?
Me: It’s nice of you to offer but I have to be somewhere. Soon.
Man: You are a very nice lady. STAY THAT WAY! (wanders off laughing to himself)

The End.

Miss Heather

Reader Contribution Du Jour: Smoothies?

November 24, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


This, the latest business to occupy the space formerly known as Subs Ur Way (and Dixie), comes courtesy of Caryn. Still no word on what’s going to be next door. In any case I hope this business will last longer than its predecessor. The game of musical storefronts at 821 Manhattan Avenue has become so convoluted even I am having trouble keeping up!

Miss Heather

P.S.: I have a confession to make. At a casual glance I thought those grapefruit halves were boobs. Methinks the Greenpoint glory that is the anatomically correct Thanksgiving display at T & N Wines is getting to me.

Reader Contribution Du Jour: Dixie

November 20, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 


sub dixie way

These photographs of the cool old sign which graces the place formerly known as Subs UR Way (821 Manhattan Avenue, which appears to have been divided into two storefronts) come courtesy of Tony Luib. Great find!

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Notes From The Falafel Front

August 4, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

gbdeliMy friend (and fellow Greenpointer) Neighborhood Threat writes (in an email entitled new in the Greenpoint falafel wars):

The God Bless Deli Grocery now has felafel and shwarma! I had the felafel Friday night. It was in a lafa and not a pita bread, but it was delicious. I would have had the schwarma today but they were down to almost nothing. They’ve got a menu now and are really picking up their game.

They’re good guys and they are open 24/7.

When I walked by today, sure enough, falafel was advertised on the God Bless Deli’s front door.

For the very affordable price of $3.49, no less.


And— not be outdone— Greenpoint’s newest sandwich shop, “SUBS UR WAY” (which is located just across the street), has also entered the falafel fray.


As for which one offers better fare, that remains to be determined. I have heard mixed reviews about God Bless Deli. And as for SUBS UR WAY, well, I learned last weekend a simple (and pretty small) scoop of chocolate mint ice cream in a sugar cone will set you back $2.70. OUCH.

God Bless Deli
818 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

821 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

For those of you who are keeping track, this brings the number of establishments in Greenpoint that now serve or in the near future will serve these bits of chickpea-filled goodness to— not three, not four, not five— BUT SIX.


The red “F”s indicate where falafel is currently being served, the blue “F”s indicate establishments where falafel will eventually be offered.

Bon appetit!

Miss Heather

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