Greenpoint Snowman Du Jour: Wink!

January 27, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

From the American Playground.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: American Playground, Revisited

December 19, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

American Playground 12192010

Yes folks, it would appear that the area adjacent to 49 Noble Street has been cordoned off by our Parks Department. Exactly how long this barricade will remain in place is anyone’s guess.

Why I find this laudable, I would like to offer one piece of constructive criticism.

Signs in Polish and Spanish need to be put in place. It has been my observation quite a few patrons of this park are not fluent English speakers— much less English readers.

Just a thought.

Miss Heather

American Playground Update: Call Me Cassandra

December 16, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Plagiarism 

Most of you remember this post. I wrote it December 13th about the American Playground being open despite conditions the Department of Buildings deemed to be imminently perilous to human life. Well, I always know when I am on a good “scoop” when a reporter comes calling. CASE IN POINT: an email I received yesterday.

Will call tomorrow. American Playground. What’s the building that’s causing its closure?…

Methinks I made that pretty clear in my post. Nonetheless, I will do so again:

Here is the “Partial Vacate Order”:

And here is the complaint regarding the adjacent property:

If falling debris is the problem, why isn’t the American Playground being cordoned off properly by the Parks Department? Perhaps our Parks person (and Open Space Advocate), Stephanie Thayer, would care to step up to the plate? This is inexcusable.

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part II: What’s Up At The American Playground?

December 13, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

A lady named Michelle writes the evening of December 12, 2010:

Hi Miss Heather,

Was walking my dog a few nights ago and we happened upon a curious notice posted at the American Playground on Franklin – right across from Word.  Seems the place has been condemned and is “imminently perilous to life.”  I’ve seen these outside gnarly looking buildings that seem like they may cave in on the squatters living in them, but any idea why American Playground has earned the notice?

Would send a picture, but I’m never out there with my phone.

Just curious.

As you can imagine I found this more than a little disturbing so this morning I headed over without delay.

Sure enough, there was a Vacate Order on the premises— but why?

When I checked the Department of Buildings database I could find no indication whatsoever such an order was issued. On a lark I then checked the Department of Buildings database regarding the adjacent property, 60 West Street*. What I found was quite interesting.

Was this the reason such an order was served? There is no way to tell conclusively (this complaint is from last year) but I would not rule it outside the realm of possibility. Especially since I have it on excellent intelligence that falling debris from this property has been an issue in the past. But I suppose for the time being we’ll have to be content to walk away from this mystery with more questions than answers. On that note, I would like to leave you with this final question.

If the American Playground has a Vacate Order in place due to “conditions imminently perilous to life”, why is it open today? Thoughts anyone?

Miss Heather

*Which, as some of you may recall, is a live poultry storage facility.

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