THIS SATURDAY: Pour ’em Party

This item is for my Jewish friends and comes courtesy of my buddy Brian of Heeb Magazine. This Saturday, February 27 starting at 9:00 p.m. the peeps at Heeb along with Third Ward will be celebrating Purim in grand style with a “Pour ’em Party”. Among the treats promised is complimentary Colt 45 from 9:00 – 10:00 p.m. and the musical stylings of:

Tickets can be purchased in advance at the very reasonable price of $10.00 by clicking here. Otherwise you’ll pay at extra five bucks at the door. Check it out!

The Pour ’em Party
February 27, 2010 starting at 9:00 p.m.
Third Ward
195 Morgan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11237


Miss Heather

THIS WEEKEND: Handmade Holiday Craft Fair at 3rd Ward

2009 Handmade Holiday Craft

Soon enough Christmas will be upon us. For this reason those of you who are behind on your gift shopping (like me) should pencil in 3rd Ward’s annual Handmade Holiday Craft Fair this upcoming Saturday, December 12th! Among the items promised at this event are:

  • two floors teeming with crafts and culinary treats
  • live music
  • screenings of cult holiday classics
  • free coffee
  • delicious drinks, tasty treats and free workshops

It should also be noted that the first 300 guests will receive a free tote bag designed by Fernanda Cohen filled with goodies! Which brings me to this closing piece of advice: GO EARLY. This event gets packed very, very quickly. I speak from experience when I write this.

Handmade Holiday Craft Fair
Saturday, December 12, 2009; 12:00 – 6:00 p.m.
3rd Ward
195 Morgan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York

And that’s all she wrote!

Miss Heather



November 22, 2009 ; 1:00 – 7:00 p..m.
3rd Ward
195 Morgan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

I never knew a rummage sale/swap required “curators”. But what do I know? I work at a junk shop. This could be fun!

Miss Heather

Coming Up: Craft On Draught

March 25, 2009 ·
Filed under: Brooklyn, Bushwick, Greenpoint Magic, Recession, Williamsburg 

fabricthumbnailI’ve been doing a lot of spring cleaning of late. You know, getting rid of stuff you told yourself— REPEATEDLY— that you would do something with. But never did. Here’s your opportunity to dump, drink and make. Leslie writes:

Bring out your busted sewing projects, tired T-shirts, hideous hand-me-downs—basically all the crappy clothes from your closet that you don’t want anymore, or the stuff you’ve been meaning to make awesome—for the ultimate happy hour of destruction, reconstruction, and social mixing!

You provide the scrap, we’ll provide the beer, inspiration, crafting tools, and help from author-crafters Heather Ross and Kayte Terry—plus special projects for purchase: Scrappliqué undies, totebags, cards, jewelry boxes, picture frames, onesies and T-shirts (with that new T-shirt smell)!

WHAT: Craft in Draught Debut

WHEN: April 2, 2009.

WHERE: Spacecraft Brooklyn
355 Bedford Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

(718) 599-2718

WHY: Because it is fun and your $15.00 admission fee (or two for $10) “gets you free beer, and a raffle ticket to win a copy of WEEKEND SEWING by Heather Ross, COMPLETE EMBELISHING by Kayte Terry, grab bags of goodies from Etsy and STC Craft/Melanie Falick Books, cute fabric bundles from Heather Ross’s Mendocino line, a gift certificate to Housing Works Bookstore Café , and other assorted surprises!”

HOW: JMZ at Marcy, Bedford Avenue stop of the L or the B61, baby!

To RSVP for this event you need to shoot an email to:  rsvp (at) spacecraftbrooklyn (dot) com

Otherwise it should be noted that Craft in Draught will alternate between Spacecraft and 3rd Ward the first  Thursday of every month. “East Williamsburg” will get your turn in May!*

3rd Ward
195 Morgan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11237

Miss Heather

*Bonus points if you also haul in your wool sweaters and socks, to be felted in preparation for the Felt Up for Spring!

Call For Submissions: Sex Cells

March 24, 2009 ·
Filed under: Bushwick, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 


When I found an email about this open call at 3rd Ward I simply knew I had to pass along the good news here. To better understand my excitement, dear readers, follows is an excerpt from their online press release for Sex Cells:

In an age where vibrations announce flirtations in the form of text messages & conquests are captured with cell phone photos and video, 3rd Ward is challenging people to take it up a notch – a bed post notch!

This nationwide open call is a search for well-executed, erotic expressions made only with a cell phone. Videos, photos and texts will all be accepted. It’s time somebody showed sloppy celebrities and indiscreet politicians how it’s done. Redefine your phone.

The judges for this event are Chase Lisbon of Nerve and Ashlea Halpern of Time Out New York. The “most uniquely artistic, thought provoking and well-executed piece” will receive a $500 reward. Select submissions will be featured in 3rd Ward’s quarterly publication and all submissions will later be incorporated into a group show whose opening date— June 12th— has been selected to coincide with L Magazine’s Northside Festival.

There is no cost whatsoever to submit and the deadline is April 22. So get those knuckles ashufflin’ Greenpointers and send some electronic love (or abject lust) to:

cells (at) 3rdward (dot) com

Miss Heather

TOMORROW: Inflatable Art & More

January 15, 2009 ·
Filed under: Bushwick, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

There is going to be a number of wonderful ways to while away this upcoming three day weekend here in north Brooklyn. Follows are a couple of art-related events I found of particular interest scheduled for tomorrow, January 16th. Give one (or both) of  ’em a whirl!


Tomorrow, January 16, from 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. 3rd Ward will be hosting a one-night exhibition of inflatable sculpture. In addition to a 3,000 square foot space teeming with air-filled goodness live music by DJ Tanner, complementary drinks and a crash course on how to make your own inflatable art work is promised. I for one think this sounds like a LOT of fun. If you think so too you should RSVP via email at events (at) 3rdward (dot) com.*

3rd Ward
195 Morgan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11237


Next up, Hidden People and a few friends will be performing at Papa B Studios. The incredibly wallet-friendly $3.00 cover fee will not only buy you an evening of musical entertainment, but you’ll also get to savor the photographic stylings of Jonathan Fasulo. I’m not certain if this one man show will feature any work from his “mustached babies” series, but for a mere three bucks it’s well worth making the trek to find out!

Papa B Studios
907 Broadway
Brooklyn, New York 11206

Stay tuned, I have more Martin Luther King weekend goodness to share!

Miss Heather

A Little Holiday Shopping

November 26, 2008 ·
Filed under: Bushwick, Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

After spending at least five hours in the kitchen yesterday and knowing full well I will be doing the same today suffice it to say yours truly is more than a little unmotivated. In any case follows are few upcoming holiday shopping events which might be of interest.

I have been long remiss in giving Tommy and Roy (AKA: the Alter boys) a shout out. Today I wish to correct this egregious oversight on my part by passing along the deets about their upcoming “Thanksgiving Weekend Sale”. And oh yeah, pointing out that I am totally in love with this item which I found on their web site. Check it out!

20% Off Sale At Alter
November 28-30th, 2008
140 Franklin Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

This item comes courtesy of Bitchcakes. Cafe Grumpy will be hosting another “Hearts & Crafts” affair this holiday season. Hopefully I’ll make it to this one. If the wares for sale are even a fraction as nifty as their flier I am certain I will NOT be disappointed!

Hearts & Crafts Affair
December 6 & 7, 2008, Noon – 6:00 p.m.
Cafe Grumpy

193 Meserole Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

theheartsandcraftsaffair (at) hotmail (dot) com

But back to events I have attended in previous years.

I purchased some incredibly fun items last year’s holiday craft fair. I will probably do so again this year. Take my word for it: this event is worth schlepping over to 195 Morgan Avenue.

Handmade Holiday Craft Fair
December 7, 2008, Noon-7:00 p.m.
3rd Ward
195 Morgan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11237

Last up, the Gift On Grand will be throwing another giftstravaganza at Secret Project Robot. My advice about this event: ARRIVE EARLY. It gets packed.

Secret Santa Project
December 13, 2008, 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Secret Project Robot
210 Kent Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

Now back to the kitchen I go…

Miss Heather

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