Reader Contribution Du Jour: A Proven Record Of Achievement


Gropez truly is the gift that keeps on giving. In this case a “birthday card” sent to a woman in the 34th City Council District— a month late. As you can see she has taken this missive in good humor (and context). Vito writes:

I wish that for every extra candle on your cake, you receive an extra reason to smile. Happy Birthday to you!

That “come hither” look and comb-over. Wow, just wow.

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Greetings From Ridgewood!


This New York Daily News/campaign literature mash-up was made possible by a resident of Ridgewood. As you can see Mr. Gropez appears to have taken some, um, creative license with the highlighted image. Interesting. In any case, he needs to parlay some of that campaign money and hire a better Photoshop wizard. Bad.

P.S.: Oh yeah, if this fellow is willing to utilize phony photos for the campaign trail, exactly what kind of City Councilman do you think he will be? Just sayin’…

UPDATE, August 4, 2013: The New York Daily News has taken notice of this hilarious item and has a rather nice article about it. You can/should read it here!

UPDATE, August 5, 2013: New York Magazine’s Daily Intelligencer tender it’s two cents;

…New York Shitty suggested the Lopez campaign employ a better Photoshopper. It would also benefit by not retouching photos that appeared in easily Googlable Daily News stories in the first place.

Well said. And last— but hardly least— here’s what Queens Crap has to say:

This guy is either really stupid, or has cojones the size of cantaloupes.

I’d say both— but why split hairs?

New York Shitty Day Ender: Scott Avenue

January 5, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11237, Bushwick, Bushwick Brooklyn, Street Art 

Taken January 5, 2011.

Miss Heather

P.S.: Oh yeah, here’s something else I found of interest on Scott Avenue today. Enjoy!

To bastardize Tallulah Bankhead*:

It’s as pure as the driven slush.

I really like the muffler. It is a nice touch!

*Who yours truly venerates in a big, big way. FACT: an autographed photo of Ms. Bankhead graces Chez Shitty.

New York Shitty Photo Du Jour: Seasons Greetings From Morgan Avenue

The above image goes out to the Department of Sanitation and the Department of Transportation— who, in their Solomon-like wisdom— decided building a snow fort on Vandervoort Avenue was a sterling idea. The end result was not only obstructed truck traffic from Beadel Street to Maspeth Avenue, but also a clusterfuck of Biblical proportions on Morgan Avenue. NOTE: the following photographs and video footage were shot today at 1:00 p.m.

You can read more about this fiasco at the New York Daily News.

Miss Heather

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Snow Woes On Vandervoort Avenue

January 3, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

(Or: The DOT Builds a Snow Fort!)

Tara on Beadel Street (who forwarded me the above photograph) writes:

Hi Miss Heather

I have been reading your blog for years and enjoy it. I live on beadel street and vandervoort ave. I don’t know if you have seen the huge pile of snow the city started dumping last Thursday on vandervoort which has caused a ton of honking and horrible traffic.  It’s now Monday and the ave is still shut down. The city has been loading garbage trucks filled with snow and dumping them in front of key span on vandervoort – the actual street itself for more than 5 days now. Why would the city do this?  Seems very unproductive.  Thought  you could solve this riddle.

Aside from basic municipal incompetence I honestly do not know what to say. But then again, it was on Vandervoort where I once saw this:

The above photograph was taken March 10, 2010. A month or so later the DOT saw fit to stick a street cone in it. I can assure you this was truly a vision.

My advice:

Update, 5:35 p.m.: unlike a lot of the Snowmageddon posts I have erected over the last week, I have some very good news to report! After receiving Tara’s email— but before I wrote this post— I advised her to contact a number of people. This list included Community Board 1’s Transportation Committee Chair, Karen Nieves. Tara writes:

I got in touch with Karen and she has been a great help today. We had called 311 on Thursday night as well… She came and took pictures of the snow pile.* I wish I had taken pictures on Thursday when it was a complete nightmare.

You rock, Karen!

Miss Heather

*Here are a couple!

What were these people thinking?

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