Spotted in Astoria: Steve Levin

September 15, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11205, 11206, Astoria, Astoria Queens, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Wow, WTF 

Astoria for Levin and Ciafone

Re-elect Levin IN ASTORIA

The primary might be over, but the mysteries and vestiges remain. Like these posters on Broadway in Astoria, Queens the Mister and I spied this weekend, for example. Why are they here?


Notes From The 94th Precinct Community Council Meeting

Last night’s meeting was the most subdued— and brief— yours truly has ever beheld. Not even Phyllis had a word to say. This is a shame as I always enjoy hearing her take on what’s going on in our community. However, there were items of interest. To new a few:

  • D.I. Hudson did not have much to say about the Monitor Street shooting (as it is under investigation) but he did state that the victim (who is not expected to live) was acquainted with the shooter in some capacity. In other words: this was not a random incident.
  • The 94th Precinct has been allotted ten new officers.
  • Some interesting facts about truck traffic arose.
  • Steve Levin talks about the “three-quarter house” at the former Greenpoint Hotel and notes that the next Community Town Hall regarding the proposed homeless intake center at 400 McGuinness Boulevard is tentatively scheduled to take place the first week in February. It is his hope to have a representatives of HELP USA and the Department of Homeless Services present— so mark your calendars!
  • A number of attendees present were under the impression the former Greenpoint Hospital complex was no longer being employed as shelter space for homeless people. I personally dispelled them of this erroneous notion, as you will see/hear.

Without further ado here is the footage. Do take a moment to watch it— especially the segments when Mr. Levin speaks (the third and fourth videos).

NOTE: next month’s meeting of the Community Council will come to pass February 21st at 7:30 p.m.* It will be conducted in the basement of the Peter J. McGuinness Seniors Center (715 Leonard Street).

UPDATE, January 19, 2011: I have received word that the victim of the shooting at 211 Monitor Street has died. My sincerest condolences go out to his family and loved ones.

Miss Heather

*Right, Tom?

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Voice Your Opposition to the Proposed Homeless Intake Center

January 12, 2011 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This item comes courtesy of Ashley Thompson of City Councilman’s Steve Levin’s office. She writes:

Hi Heather,

I’m not sure if you received this yet, but this is the letter we’re asking people to sign. Our office will collect the letters and deliver them to DHS. We’re also working on Spanish and Polish translations and will get those out in the next few days.

You can download a print quality jpeg of this letter by clicking here. Signed letters can be returned to Mr. Levin’s office by any of the following three means:

Miss Heather

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