Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: No Spitting


This one never gets old. What’s more, Alex Low of the New Kings Democrats not only noticed— but made sure that all attendees present at this evening’s proceedings minded their “P’s” and “Q’s”…

This is the first installment of this evening’s debate. More to come. Given my site is acting up again (Yeah, I know) I’ll continue adding footage as I can. Otherwise, I’d advise everyone to check my YouTube page. There you will find it all!

Josef and Levin

Josef, one of the Greenpoint community’s more colorful characters, talks up Councilman Levin after said proceedings.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Reina

September 30, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11106, Astoria, Astoria Queens 

OMR Deli & Grocery: 33-01 36 ave, Astoria

Taken by Carnade.

Miss Heather

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