The Word On The Street: Right Wing NY

Right Wing NY nys

This discovery, as made today on 31st Street in Queens, is dedicated to Robert Scarano. You see, gentle readers, he (in part thanks to Curbed*) saw fit to comment on my site recently.

Comments nys

It would appear my post about 214 Franklin Street being converted into a hotel perturbed his granite-topped, sub-zero eminence. I suppose since Mr. Scarano cannot file his own plans anymore he has to occupy his time somehow. And he has elected to while away the time by commenting on my site!

I have been called a great many things in my life, but “right wing” is a new one. This one’s for you, “Scarano”! You are to architecture and north Brooklyn what blankets were to the Siege of Fort Pitt.

*To whose editor I wrote a “thank you” email stating my gratitude. Clearly my message got to the “right” people.

Spotted On 31st Street: Binti


This is eerily reminiscent of a flyer I spied on Manhattan Avenue not terribly long ago. As to whether this is a new trend (burglarizing apartments and puppies) is anyone’s guess— either way it is not cool. If anyone has seen Binti or knows of her whereabouts please contact her people at the above-listed telephone number. Thanks!


September 25, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11106, Astoria, Astoria Queens 

While quite a stretch I am posting this anyway. Why, you ask? Because anyone who would go to this amount of trouble to recover a lost pet deserves to have a leg (or would that be tail or whisker?) up! I found the above flier at the intersection of 31st Street and Broadway. If you have seen Ellie June or know of her whereabouts please contact her very concerned “people” at the above-listed telephone number. Thanks!

Miss Heather

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