From The New York Shitty Inbox: Applicants Wanted!

aatrsc200Given the number of artists who read this site, this will undoubtedly be of interest to some of you— so take note! Arts@Renaissance is now accepting applications for site-specific residencies for  (blissfully distant) winter 2014! Those of you who are interested can learn more about this program by clicking here. Otherwise, you can download the application (which should be sent to arts(at)stnicksalliance(dot)org) by clicking here. Good luck— and spread the word!

TOMORROW: Hut #7 Breakfast & Meeting

This item comes courtesy of the folks at St. Nick’s Alliance. The artist, Jill Sigman, writes:

Just a quick reminder about our community meeting this Saturday morning at St Nicks Alliance. My colleague, anthropologist Gillian Goslinga, and I are very excited and our 22 students from Wesleyan University are too! We are looking forward to meeting with community members, facilitating a dialogue about pressing issues in the community, and collecting oral histories and other documentation from you and/or your neighbors. We are also planning to screen the film “Metropolitan Avenue” which some of you have suggested you’d like to see.

All of this research will be part of the groundwork for the hut I am about to build at St Nicks out of found and re-purposed objects. Take a look at the attached flyer for more explanation and details on the place and time.

I know that some of you have mentioned that you are not able to make it this Saturday. I wonder if you would continue to help us spread the word, as we’d like to get as broad a representation of the community as possible. And our follow up meeting will be Saturday, April 7, so we hope that maybe you can join us then. Let us know if that’s a possibility.

Many thanks for your interest and support. Gillian and I hope to see as many of you on Saturday as possible!

Those of you who are curious can peruse Ms. Sigman’s work by clicking here. Check it out!

Hut #7 Breakfast
March 31, 2012 starting at 9:00 a.m., meeting begins at 10:00 a.m.
2 Kingsland Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211


(Or: Build Your Own Blizzard)

Since nature has not seen (yet) to give us one, the folks at Round Robin Collective invite us north Brooklynites to make our own within the cozy confines at Arts@Renaissance! Here’s the 411 per the Facebook page for this event:

Bring on the storm, bring on the snow! Let’s make what may be the only snow storm this 2012 winter. We are building a PAPER SNOWFLAKE BLIZZARD.

Caroline Burghardt, Shannon Finnegan, Lisa Leighton, Deirdre McConnell, Breanne Trammell, & James Weingrod are building a collaborative interactive installation of not-just-paper snowflakes & we want you to participate. Flakes have been forming since the “Hospitality” exhibition started a few weeks ago but the storm will really get going on our installation workshop day, Sunday, February 19.

We invite you to bring flakes from home or come make some with us. The flakes can be any color (preferably white, blue, grey, pastels but Cheeto orange is great too!), any kind of paper (regular, metallic, clear, tissue, etc.), or any material you fancy (paper, wire, fabric, yarn, etc.). We have materials but feel free to bring your own (especially scissors – we have a limited number).

We will have coffee, donuts, and other treats to warm you up and keep you going.

This is an ALL AGES event. Kids welcome (with parental supervision).

If you can’t make it Sunday you can bring or make them any time you visit the show. By the end of the exhibition we will have the wildest, most colorful storm this winter!

To RSVP for this event kindly send an email to Chris at arts(at)stnicksalliance(dot)org. Check it out!

Paper Snowflake Workshop Day
February 19, 2012 12:00 – 4:00 p.m.
2 Kingsland Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

Mark Your Calendars: Prismatic Vortex Sewing Day

Arts@Renaissance has been rolling out a number of really amazing events— but this one (which I discovered via North Brooklyn Community Group) is especially interesting and as such merits special attention. Here’s the low-down:

An artist and all-around nice lady named Amanda Brower is endeavoring to create a site-specific fabric installation at Arts@Renaissance. This will be called “Primatic Vortex”. In order to make this happen she needs our help. Here’s how we can lend a hand:

  1. Donations such as fabric (specifically: cotton, sheets, pants, and non-stretchy fabric in all colors and/or patterns), notions, sewing tools such as needles, thread, and scissors will be greatly appreciated. These can be dropped off at Arts@Renaissance (2 Kingsland Avenue) or at any Round Robin Collective’s event (whose calendar can be found here).
  2. By literally lending a hand February 18th: no experience is necessary and all ages are welcome!

This installation, once completed, will reside at Arts@Renaissance during Round Robin’s artist in residency therein (Think: until mid March). This is a really wonderful opportunity for us north Brooklynites to donate our time (or in my case: a bunch of hoarded fabric) to make our community an even more beautiful place. Anyone wishing to get more information about this event should check out Prismatic Vortex’s Facebook page or Tumblr page; or contact masterminds behind this endeavor (Amanda and her aide de camp Ailsa) via email at: amandabrowder (at) gmail (dot) com or ailsa (dot) cavers (at) gmail (dot) com.

Sewing Day
February 18, 2012 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
2 Kingsland Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

FRIDAY: Common Ground

This item comes courtesy of Laura McLelland of St. Nick’s Alliance. This upcoming Friday, September 24, starting at 7:00 p.m. Arts@Renaissance will have an opening reception for their latest show, Common Ground: Imaging North Brooklyn. Check it out!

Common Ground: Imaging North Brooklyn
Opening Reception: September 24, 2010 starting at 7:00 p.m.
2 Kingsland Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

TONIGHT: NBK Closing Reception

This item comes from the a lady named Laura. She writes:

Please join the St. Nicks Alliance Arts & Culture Program this weekend for the closing of our inaugural exhibition NORTHBROOKLYN, featuring the first performance of Meet You Halfway, a theater piece created by Marisa Wallin specifically for Arts@Renaissance.  Hope to see you there!

NBK: NorthBrooklyn Closing Reception
August 21, 2010 7:00 – 11:00 p.m.
St. Nick’s Alliance/Renaissance Center of North Brooklyn
2 Kingsland Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

Miss Heather

TOMORROW: Arts@Renaissance

Some of you might recall that in May I took a tour of the basement at the old Outpatient Annex at the Greenpoint Hospital. It was being rehabilitated and an inaugural art exhibition was planned for the space. Well folks, this is it! Not only do they have a curated show of artwork by north Brooklyn artists for our delectation but three evenings of live performances to boot! You can peruse a full itinerary of the opening festivities by clicking here. Check it out!

July 9, 2010 – August 22, 2010
Opening Weekend: July 9 – 11; 6:00 – 10:00 p.m.
Greenpoint Hospital Outpatient Annex/Arts@Renaissance
2 Kingsland Avenue (at Maspeth Avenue)
Brooklyn, New York 11211

Miss Heather

P.S.: You can view the press release by clicking here.

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