Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: Art Lovers Special

184 Russell Street August 30 2015 cropped

Every time I walk by a construction site (which is pretty much every day I leave the apartment nowadays) I wonder how the neighbors must deal with it. This is especially true of sites which strike me as being, how shall we say, sub-par from a professional stand-point. Well, this property (which bore the vestiges of a Stop Work Order which appears to have been lifted) piqued my interest so I went in for a closer look. I’m glad I did!

Construction fence cum art gallery nys

A neighbor has elected to use this opportunity to create an open air art gallery! The curator seems to have a taste for landscapes, but as you can see black velvet genre (a bullfighting scene, no less) abstraction are also represented. But it does not end there.

Art exhibition on Russell Street detail

No sir, there’s more! Note the still life of a Harpoon ale bottle. However, without argument the following was the show-stopper…

Vampire clown with black cat cropped nys

I call this one “Vampire Clown with Black Cat”. What it lacks in “technique” it more than makes up with subject matter and, um,  feeling. Sweet dreams, Garden Spotters!

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