Now At 159 Greenpoint Avenue: Adelina’s

July 24, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Today while running errands I spied a menu for this establishment and decided to swing by and see it for myself. Per the very nice barista on hand, they have been officially open for a couple of weeks.

While I cannot honestly say the fare is really my thing (although I do confess the bruschetta sounds enticing), it would be nice to see something finally take root here. As many of you recall a number of restaurants/bars have occupied this space rapid succession. Maybe this one will stick? Only time will tell I suppose. In any case the closing time of midnight will undoubtedly please its neighbors many of whom found its predecessor the Gypsy Bar— or more accurately the noise arising from thereof— an absolute nightmare. Non food-related tip/props: they have excellent air conditioning!

Status: Open
Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 a.m.
159 Greenpoint Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

New York Shitty Day Ender: Tidbits From Community Board 1

I was told the agenda was light and for the most part light it was. There were even sounds of merrymaking behind yours truly.* At one point I heard the distinct “clinking” sound of a wine bottle being dropped. This of course garnered a great deal of attention from the (mostly) bored attendees. I personally assured our Public Safety Chair (whose jurisdiction oversees such stuff) that I was not responsible. Whether or not he actually believes me is anyone’s guess. The previous having been written, there were a few items of note from last night’s meeting. Some serious, some not so much. I will start with the latter first.

  • Those of you who have always wondered which members of our board have perfect attendance records will be pleased as punch to know that Borough President Marty Markowitz’s office conferred just such awards last night! Follows is the riveting video footage I shot. Enjoy!

  • Next up, a fellow Garden Spotter (who I presume was responsible for the rather jaunty fliers gracing the tables when I arrived— if anyone reading this managed to grab one please forward me a scan stat. I lost mine!) brings up the matter of expanding our current historic district to includes places North ‘Point.

Those of you who are intrigued by this chap’s proposal (I for one am) should make it a point to attend the next Land Use Committee later this month. I have it on very good intelligence that this gentlemen will be present.

Community Board 1 Land Use Committee Meeting
June 29, 2011 starting at 6:30 p.m.
435 Graham Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

  • Rounding out my video footage is a brief introduction from the Location Manager of the MTV series slated to grace the Garden Spot: I Just Want My Pants Back. (NOTE: You have to crank up the volume on this one.)

For those of you who are not in the know, the gentleman grilling this chap is our Public Safety Chair: Mieszko Kalita. The article to which he is referring comes from the Wall Street Journal and was a source of considerable anger in the Polish community hereabouts. The following passage should give you, gentle readers, a very good idea why:

The show’s other executive producer, David Bartis, who is based in Los Angeles, recalled the enjoyable unpredictability of filming on location in New York. He described an incident in which they called the police on an intoxicated bartender at Greenpoint bar Tommy’s Tavern, where they filmed the pilot. The bartender refused to leave the premises, Messrs. Bartis and Liman said, making it impossible for them to continue filming…

I suspect I speak on the behalf of a number of non-Polish, “newer” residents when I write that if the above anecdote is in fact true (and I have been assured by Mr. Kalita is isn’t), this gentleman is a hero. As our Public Safety Chair notes, there is a backlash against filming in this community (because there is so damned much of it). Those of you who are interested in taking up this chap’s offer for a dialogue (or simply want to watch the fireworks) will have an opportunity to do so June 23rd (once again) at the main office of Community Board 1.

Public Safety Committee Meeting
June 23, 2011 starting at 6:30 p.m
435 Graham Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Now I will round out this post with a few items which I did not film, but believe are important.

  • On June 28th starting at 6:30 p.m. there will be a joint Executive Committee/Public Safety Committee meeting to discuss a course of action regarding the liquor license conundrum our community is currently facing. This too will come to pass at Community Board 1’s main office, so mark your calendar!
  • By far the most disturbing part of the evening came to pass when a young woman spoke about she and two companions being the victim of anti-gay slurs on Greenpoint Avenue recently. Although I have reached out to this lady and her friends in the hopes of meeting with them and getting more details (for a later post) I will recounts what facts I did gather here and now. They were walking eastward on Greenpoint Avenue when a car pulled up and the men inside started shouting epithets. One of them threw a beer bottle at these women and one of them, being understandably angry, threw it back. This act, in turn, escalated the situation: the men in question followed them to the Gypsy bar (which is located at 159 Greenpoint Avenue) where a verbal confrontation ensued. One of the men asked of these ladies (and I quote) “Are you men or women? Because I do not hit women.” Exactly how this situation was resolved (or what, if any, action was taken by the management of this establishment) remains to be seen. However, it did end non-violently and it is my understanding that these ladies are going to work with the Anti-Violence Project to file a police report. When I learn anything new, dear readers, I will post it here. Otherwise, if any of my gay, lesbian or transgendered friends have the misfortune of being subjected to this unacceptable behavior, do not retaliate. Call 911 and let the police take up the matter. That’s they’re here for!

Miss Heather

*Who was engaged with a fellow member of the UCB1PSCLA playing Mad Libs using the evening’s proceedings as fodder. I have not transcribed them yet, but they look promising!

Reader Comment Du Jour: Gypsy Bar

August 6, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

foodiej81 writes:

Ms heather did you notice that the now absent “Sabor” has transformed overnight in to something called gypsy bar??… I drove by last night and noticed. Didn’t realize a new bar could appear overnight like that.

I have seen a lot of work going on at this space during the last two weeks. While not exactly “overnight” this is still a pretty astonishing turn-around nonetheless. Does anyone have the 411 about this establishment? If so, please share via comments or email at: missheather (at) thatgreenpointblog (dot) com. Thanks!

Gypsy Bar
Status: OPEN!
159 Greenpoint Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Miss Heather

UPDATE, August 11, 2010: Here’s a little intel I got via a tipster. N writes:

I live next door to sabor turned gypsy bar. my roommate and i stopped in last night. they were pretty friendly. although the place is kind of small, they do have a big-ish menu and a bunch of taps. the bartender said the current menu is temporary and they’ll have a bigger one after their grand opening party around labor day.

Conspicuous Consumption: El Gran Sabor

January 29, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This week was an eventful one for yours truly. In addition to getting props from the Village Voice I met with a local artist regarding redesigning my banner. The latter came to pass at a local watering hole and the Mister, through a series of Keystone copesque machinations, managed to set his hair on fire. You need not worry, dear readers. He is okay. The Mister’s hair will grow back. His dignity, on the other hand, may take longer to restore.  It is the sincerest hope of yours truly that this incident will dissuade him from using Brylcreem once and for all. Whenever I see this stuff in our bathroom I feel like I am living in a retirement home. But I digress. It was otherwise a lovely evening with very nice and talented folk. Methinks something very neat will come out of it. Lastly, there were the preparations to be made for Souper Trivia Night 2. While the goodie bags for “Most Creative/Interesting Answer” were a joy to make— and I hope whoever got the one with a dvd of Goldmember and a brand-spanking new Swingline stapler is pleased with his (or her) haul— the circumstances under which they were made were chaotic to say the least. Suffice it to say it was a busy day at the junk shop.

Long story made short, by yesterday evening I was tired. And hungry. VERY HUNGRY. So was the Mister and a good friend of ours, Dale. We decided to give Sabor, the new pan-Latin restaurant on Greenpoint Avenue a try. All in all we were pleased. More importantly, no one got hurt.

The first thing I noticed is they have expanded their menu (which you can see by clicking here). Just as the chef, Perry, assured me last December more vegetarian fare has been added to the menu. This pleased me tremendously. The Mister and his buddy, however, wanted meat— and lots of it. Which brings me to this.

EL GRAN SABOR: one whole chicken, rice, beans, tostones, salchipapa (french fries with hot dogs) and avocado salad. As you can see this $30.00 culinary tour de force purports to feed four people. In ordinary circumstances it probably would. But these were not ordinary circumstances. I had two big and very hungry hombres to feed. STAT. We ordered placed our order without delay and soon enough, out came the kibble.


Analysis: the dressing was a wee bit sweet for my taste but the ingredients were fresh. Finding good avocados this time of year in New York City is no small feat. It was devoured.


Analysis: I didn’t eat the hot dogs (I am a vegetarian), but the french fries paired with what I presume to be aioli was pretty tasty. Once again, the plate was cleaned. Thoroughly.


Analysis: Obviously I abstained from the chicken as well but am pleased to report it was consumed with much gusto. The rice was very good; the beans were a teensy bit salty for my taste. Still good, though. We did have some of this left over. It was my breakfast this morning. I love rice and beans for breakfast.


Analysis: You probably noticed this in the previous picture. While tasty and very reasonably priced (at $6.00), I barely made a dent in it. Simply too much food! This will probably be my dinner tonight accompanied with…


Analysis: The only other place I have had something like this is La Vuelta in Long Island City. It can best be described in two words: liquid crack. We went through two bowls of this stuff.


Analysis: by the time this came out I was full. My companions endeavored to persevere— and away it went. After a commodious meal like the previous a normal person would call it a night. Not us. We’re animals. We had dessert.


Analysis: I tried all three. The cake was easily the better of the two desserts. Very rich and creamy. The coffee (the Mister’s, which I tasted sparingly— to do otherwise would ensure I’d be up all night) was aromatic and strong.

As I stated previously our overall dining experience was very good. The food was tasty and plentiful and the service very attentive and gracious. If I had to tender any constructive criticism it would be this: I really wished they had sangria. There’s something so perfect about sangria with rice and beans on a cold winter night. Maybe they’ll have it next time? Yes, there will be a next time for yours truly. Sabor has made it onto the rotation for the Chez Shitty household.

Sabor Latino Cuisine
Hours: Sunday – Thursday, 11:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Friday & Saturday, 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 a.m.
Delivery: YES!
159 Greenpoint Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

(347) 227-8531

Check it out!

Miss Heather

UPDATE, 9:21 p.m.: A fellow Greenpointer I hold in high esteem, rutila, dined at this establishment tonight and was not pleased with her fare. See her comment below.

Greenpoint Restaurant Watch: OPEN!

December 5, 2009 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

When I saw the takeout menu laying on the counter at the junk shop when I got in this morning I braved the nasty weather and headed to 159 Greenpoint Avenue.




Sure enough, Sabor is open for business! Per the chef, Perry (can be seen above), Sabor has been open for “a couple of days”. They are still trying to straighten out the matter of their liquor license, but hope this will be in place next week. Until then Sabor will be decidedly dry. The previous having been written, what impressed me the most about their menu is the decent selection of vegetarian items. Perry assured me he has more veggie items in the works. I assured him this was most appreciated!

Sabor Latino Cuisine
Hours: Sunday – Thursday, 11:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Friday & Saturday, 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 a.m.
Delivery: YES!
159 Greenpoint Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

(347) 227-8531

You can view Sabors’s menu by clicking here.

Miss Heather

P.S.: On a related note, it would appear we are slated to get another Latin restaurant at 1049 Manhattan Avenue.


Or at least that is what the gentleman working there this morning told me!

Open & Closed: KARATE!


Goodbye, North Henry Eatery. Hello, ass kicking kids!

In (somewhat) related news it would appear 159 Greenpoint Avenue is well on its way to becoming a Latin American restaurant.



Miss Heather

Greenpoint Restaurant Watch: What’s Up At 159 Greenpoint Avenue

July 17, 2009 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 


The Internet Garage has long since left us, but there is plenty of activity at its old space nowadays. Curious to see what’s up I knocked around the Department of Buildings web site. Here’s what I found.


Yes, it would appear that we are getting another restaurant. In addition they applied for a liquor license last month. I have little doubt this will make for interesting bedfellows given that one of our ‘nabe’s more rowdy establishments, Club Exit, is located only steps away. But I digress.

What I want to know is what kind of foodstuffs this establishment will be serving. This remains unclear— but what I dug up here is both encouraging and discouraging.


I understand there are a great many cuisines which employ rice. But if this establishment proves to be another sushi joint, Thai restaurant, Chinese restaurant (unless it is Szechuan and very, VERY good) or (god forbid) a “pan-Asian” place my head (or more accurately: my stomach) is going to explode. And not in a good way.

Google search for “Asian food 11222”:


Google search for “Japanese food 11222”:


Google search for “Chinese food 11222”:


Google search for “Thai food 11222”:


Lest all the previous (gleaned from Google) has not already made it clear: this neighborhood has too much Asian fare. And gastronomically speaking most of it is downright awful. I suppose 159 Greenpoint Avenue might become an Indian restaurant— which would at least lend some diverse (and vegetarian friendly) fare to the slim pickings hereabouts.

But I’m not holding my breath.

Miss Heather

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