New York Shitty Feral CitiBike Watch: Stuyvesant Town

September 24, 2014 ·
Filed under: 10003, 10009, Criminal Activity, East Village, East Village Manhattan 

1st avenue

feral citibike

As spotted today at 1st Avenue and 14th Street. Those of you who may wish to avail yourselves of a free ride should be advised that it has been brought to my attention that the NYPD is helping Citibike corral and collect these prodigal pieces of transportation. E.g.; if you happen to get caught violating traffic laws (and as such will be given a ticket) while riding an unsanctioned Citibike, our Finest will verify the latter with Citibike and you will land in jail. Given the bicycle theft problem on this, my side of the creek, I find this grimly entertaining. Ride carefully folks…

East Village Photo Du Jour: Love Me Three Times

January 8, 2011 ·
Filed under: 10003, East Village, East Village Manhattan 

My taking the above photograph did not go unnoticed by the staff at Papaya Dog. Not only did they find my interest in their window display amusing, but one chap suggested I pay $1.00 for every food item I captured with my camera. To wit I replied:

Actually, I was planning on posting this photo on my site. That constitutes advertising. If anyone owes anyone, you owe me!

This statement elicited a hearty round of laughter. This one’s for you, fellas!

Papaya Dog
239 14 Street
New York, New York 10003

Miss Heather

The Metaphysics Of The 14th Street F Train

May 8, 2009 ·
Filed under: Manhattan 


I have made mention previously that among the many scenic points of interest the Heather clan visited this week was Chinatown. As is often the case with me and the Mister, how to get there became the source of heated discussion. He wanted to take the L to 6th Avenue and transfer to the F. I, on the other hand, wanted to transfer at Union Square and take the N, R, or Q. He argued that the F was closer to our destination. This is indeed true.

However, my husband’s eye for efficiency seems to be lacking a nose to match. I have and will take great pains to avoid the 6th Avenue L as I find it a bit too fragrant for comfort (and given that I live a short distance from a massive sewage treatment plant this is really saying something). I have been known to schlep many a city block to avoid this aromatic chamber of horrors. But to keep a long story short (READ: in the interest of family peace) I relented and we commenced our journey to Stinkyville. As the train pulled into the station my mother noted the overall tatty condition of the station. Follows is my reply:

You can rest assured it smells every bit as bad— if not worse— than it looks.

And stink it did. But this is not to suggest there aren’t business opportunities to be had there by those who possess a stack of post-it notes and a little marketing placement savvy.


Everyone wishes they could escape their body!

Or at the very least their nose— while waiting at the 14th Street stop of the F train.

Miss Heather

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