Williamsburg Photo Du Jour: Wythe Avenue

April 22, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11211, 11249, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

Wythe Avenue nys

Taken April 22, 2015.

The Word On The Street, Part II: North 6 Street

North 6 Street nys

Taken April 22, 2015.

The Word On The Street: North 12 Street

April 22, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11249, The Word On The Street, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

North 12 Street nys

Taken April 22, 2015.

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Discovery At East River State Park

March 16, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11211, 11249, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn, Wow, WTF 

deadchicken1cp nys

A fellow named Chris writes on March 15th (AKA: The Ides of March):

What is with all these dead birds being found? Saw this today on the waterfront of the east river state park. The next photo, you may not want to look at while eating.

deadchicken2cp nys

Indeedy. Clean up in aisle five…

Seriously folks, why? How? Ew.

The Word On The Street: Wythe Avenue

March 4, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11249, The Word On The Street, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

Anymore nys

Taken March 4, 2015.

New York Shitty Photo Du Jour: Perched

Perched nys

From Driggs Avenue.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Dinner

February 17, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11249, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

Taken by Jonathan Percy.

Reader Contribution Du Jour: FYI

February 2, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11211, 11249, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

Those of you who may be harboring the notion of checking out the fire (at least what is left of it) today, don’t bother: security has been hired. The above fellow, apparently. NOTE: Stefano Giovannini (whose photo this is) presented his city-issued press pass to the police. They told him to leave. So there have you.

Reader Contribution Du Jour: Shots From Today’s Fire At Citistorage

January 31, 2015 ·
Filed under: 11249, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn, Wow, WTF 

An immensely talented and all-around nice guy, Stefano Giovannini, braved the cold and took some wonderful photos of our city’s Bravest fighting what is apparently now a seven alarm fire. Do take a moment to peruse his Flickr set here. They are not only lovely (if one can call such subject matter that) but are an excellent testement to the hard work and dedication of our firefighters.

Williamsburg Photos Du Jour: Special Feral Furniture Edition

Here’s the deal: I have not gotten out much lately. Part of this is due to the fact it has been very, SERIOUSLY cold. Thankfully I have had my snow globe project(s) to keep me busy. Today, being as it reached a downright sultry 41 degrees, merited a walk. It was the first time I have hit the “Catwalk” (READ: Bedford Avenue) since New Years Day. During the previously-mentioned sojourn I spied a charbroiled mattress on North 7th Street right outside the Bedford Avenue stop of the L. Finding this interesting I took a couple of photos. Without further ado, here they are!

Charbroiled mattress north 7 at Bedford nys

Charbroiled cushion top mattress 2 North 7 Street nys

Now let’s jump forward to January 19, 2015. Guess what? It is still there.

Mattress and china news

What’s more, I managed to capture something I honestly thought I had missed: a fellow giving himself a face/hair check courtesy of one of our shiny new(er) buildings!

face check on north 7 with detritus


Here’s looking at you, kid.

Thumbs Up

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