New York Shitty Street Art Du Jour: Left Hand Wave

March 14, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11211, Street Art, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 


From Dunham Place.

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Sugar Rush

March 9, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11211, Gentrification, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

Domino Sugar Lust from 2e. on Vimeo.

A fellow named Max writes:

I hope all is well. Opinions on the new Domino development?

I’ve made a serious effort lately to document as much as possible while it’s still there. I also made a stop motion video I think you’ll get a good laugh out of, if nothing else. Feel free to post if you enjoy it!

Done! As for the new Domino design: if I didn’t know better, I’d swear it was plucked from the pages of The Onion. Of course, there’s renderings and reality. In north Brooklyn the two rarely match.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS: CB1 Combined Public Meeting & Board Meeting



March is upon us and with it comes another Community Board 1 meeting! Yours truly found item number two of particular interest. Note to my fellow citizens interested in speaking up/out about this item, any others on the agenda or beyond: you must sign up to speak by 6:15 p.m. This is strictly enforced.

Community Board 1 Combined Public Meeting & Board Meeting
Wednesday, March 12, 2013 starting at 6:30 p.m.
The Swinging 60?s Seniors Center
211 Ainslie Street
Brooklyn, New York 11211 

Southside Photo Du Jour: Urban Artifact

February 27, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11211, Urban Artifact, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 


From South 5 Street.

Live From The 94th Precinct Community Council Meeting




It was all smiles at last night’s first Community Council meeting of the New Year. This is not to suggest that there were not serious topics discussed, however. There most certainly were! Among them:

  1. A general synopsis of crime statistics for 2012 (NOTE: a more detailed presentation will be given next month, so mark your calendars!). Yours truly found the rape statistics particularly sobering (12 versus 3 in 2011).
  2. A discussion of the homeless situation in Greenpoint. The good news: the ten bed respite center for our local homeless is up and running at the Greenpoint Reformed Church. The bad news: neighbors of this facility have already commenced complaining.
  3. The graffiti yours truly happened upon recently at Java Street Pop-Up Park. I’ll go into more detail on that in bit. Without further ado, here we go!

General Introduction/Preliminary Business

D.I. Hurson Gives The Rundown

  • Mr. Hurson recognizes two “Cops of The Month” who caught a sexual assault in progress.
  • Overall crime was up 14% over 2011. Foremost among them: burglary. D.I. Hurson cites new development as attracting burglars. There were 12 rapes versus three in 2011. There were three shootings.
  • A presentation of 2012 statistics will come to pass at next month’s meeting.
  • New Year’s Eve was lively. The foremost complaint, unsurprisingly, was noise.

Detective Komar Gives The Traffic Report/Question & Answer Session Commences

  • Pedestrian accidents were down: 55 in 2012 versus 75 in 2011.
  • Bicyclist accidents were up: 78 in 2012 versus 67 in 2011.
  • Truck accidents are down: 385 in 2012 versus 441 in 2011.
  • A concern about confusion arising as a result of the Nassau Avenue construction is raised by a member of the Community Council. Lincoln Restler promises to follow up with the MTA.
  • Public Safety Chair Tom Burrows queries D.I. Hurson about all-night party permits (there were 8 issued New Year’s Eve in the 94th) and advocated that the Community Board be notified moving forward.

On The Subject Of The “Swastika” Graffiti

  • It is posited by the 94th that the graffiti might be the handiwork of youths who frequented the waterfront a couple of years ago and therefore may be old.
  • Nonetheless, they have brought it to the attention of the Hate Crimes Unit and are attempting to contact the owner of the property so as to get all the graffiti removed.

POST-SCRIPT: While I readily conceded to Mr. Komar (and in fact, HOPED) they were correct that in their assessment this graffiti was a few years old and I simply missed it on previous forays this is not the case. After the meeting I remembered that I had documented the conditions at the India Street Pier and the surrounding environs back on August 29th, 2012. While I did not have any photographs of the section of wall in question, I did capture it on video. Follows is what I found:


As of August 29, 2012 it was not there.


Thus this graffiti is, at the very most, just shy of four months old. But don’t take my word for it: watch the footage for yourself.

I have since brought this to the 94th’s attention.

  • A question is raised about 400 McGuinness. More specifically: does it address Greenpoint’s homeless population.

Elizabeth Hulson, Community Council Headmistress Extraordinaire, Gets Well Deserved Props!

Councilman Levin Speaks

  • Mr. Levin gives a rundown about the new ten bed respite center for our local homeless. This is located at the Greenpoint Reformed Church and administered by Common Ground.
  • He clarifies 400 McGuinness is an assessment center. Upon entering an intake center men are sent to this facility, assessed and then sent to more permanent housing.
  • A question is raised by a citizen about panhandling. Mr. Levin posits that the men of which this lady speaks may be residents of either the Greenpoint Hotel (which is located at 1109 Manhattan Avenue, not 1155 as Mr. Levin states) or the 3/4 house located around the corner: 66-68 Clay Street. He outlines the history and deplorable conditions of these facilities. Those of you who have wondered what is going on thereabouts, please give this a listen.
  • Anyone in the Greenpoint community who experienced flooding as a result of Sandy is encouraged to apply for grants via FEMA.

And that’s all she wrote!

New York Shitty Street Seating Du Jour: French Provincial

January 2, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11211, Street Furniture, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 


From South 1 Street.

TODAY: 94th Precinct Community Council Meeting


Kicking off this new year, the 94th Precinct Community Council will be conducting its first meeting of 2013 this evening at 7:00 p.m.!

94th Precinct Community Council Meeting
January 2, 2012 starting at 7:00 p.m.
Church of the Ascension
122 Java Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Williamsburg Photo Du Jour: Metropolitan Avenue

December 16, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11211, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

Taken December 16, 2012.

New York Shitty Day Ender: Smile!

Taken December 6, 2012.

From The New York Shitty Inbox: 2013 94th Precinct Community Council Meeting Calendar

For those of you who follow such stuff (and you should), here it is!

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