From The New York Shitty Photo Pool, Part II: Flushing Avenue

Flushing Ave (Queens bound G)

By Jilly Ballistic.

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Greetings From Broadway

(in Brooklyn, that is)


My anonymous tipster, “T” writes:

You may have seen these, but just in case. Posted up under the train along Broadway.. On almost every truss/pillar.

Actually, I have not. But then again:

1. I received this mailer from a tipster who resides in the 34th.



lapdogAARONSHORT2. I reside in the 33rd— wherein a great many of my fellow citizens seem to be in a state of denial that our incumbent City Councilman, Steve Levin, was the Chief of Staff and in fact mentored by this lovely fellow.

Why is this so? For starters, I’d hazard to guess that when compared to David Yassky or Ken Fisher, Levin’s predecessors, he seems like an improvement. The sad fact is, Levin probably is an improvement.

But that just goes to show how low the expectations are here in Greenpoint— and how disappointed I am that no attention by reformers is being directed to the “race” here. Yes, there is one

Supplemental/suggested reading: this tome by City & State. Here’s a choice passage:

…Possibly the most bizarre example of the staffer-as-candidate phenomenon is taking place right now in Brooklyn, where two former chiefs of staff to Assemblyman Vito Lopez, Council Members Stephen Levin and Diana Reyna, currently occupy neighboring districts. In a veritable warren of political intrigue, Lopez is running against Reyna’s chief of staff, Antonio Reynoso, while next door Levin is making every effort to pretend that his own re-election campaign has nothing whatsoever to do with the scandals plaguing his former boss…

From The New York Shitty Inbox: A Cancellation & Reminder


Given the community forum/workshop which will come to pass this evening, I suppose it is not surprising that September’s 94th Precinct Community Council has been cancelled. Otherwise, follows is the 411 regarding this evening’s convocation:

Forum On Crime
August 27, 2013 starting at 6:00 p.m.
Polish Slavic Cultural Center
176 Java Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222

A self-defense workshop conducted by the Anti Violence Project will follow.

Quicklink: By Their Friends Ye $hall Know Them…


Ever wondered who this fellow is? I know I have. This is because I see his mug all over north Brooklyn.

QCscreencapCIAFANOWell, Queens Crap has the low-down. Here’s a teaser:

Astoria attorney John Ciafone is running for City Council District 22 (Astoria) to replace outgoing Peter Vallone, Jr. He has run previously for the council as well as for the assembly… What you may not know is that Ciafone currently appears on Public Advocate Bill DeBlasio’s slumlord list (for a property located in Greenpoint no less — Ed. Note). To his credit, he is on the “most improved” list, having reduced his violations from 195 to 2. He tried to donate to DeBlasio, but it was returned. Local council member/Vito Lopez protege Steve Levin and Queens BP candidates Peter Vallone and Melinda Katz apparently have no qualms about keeping his money, however…

Read it for yourselves here.


Otherwise, I will leave you with this footage from a campaign event from Christopher Olechowski’s campaign for 50th Assembly District Democratic Party Male Leader. At 0:28 you can see John J. Ciafone, Esquire, himself…

I encourage you all, gentle readers, to give ALL these videos (there are five total) a watch. They’re, um, interesting.

(Image Credit: Ciafone making aluminum siding look good comes courtesy of Queens Crap)

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Saw Something, Said Something

August 23, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11211, Criminal Activity, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 


A person we’ll call “X” writes today at 6:09 p.m.:

Hi Miss Heather. I am a lurker on New York Shitty and I pay special attention to your posts about crimes in the area.

I was jogging near the Williamsburg Bridge today and I spotted this guy:

He was unmistakable. I remembered him from your post a few weeks back. The yellow bike with the blue seat was the first thing I noticed. I trailed him for a little while and watched him pull on doors, checking if they were open. We made eye contact and that’s when I stopped and called the police.

I met with the police and showed them the guy’s picture and the posting and then I kept on running. Hope they get this punk today!

First off I want to thank X for contacting the police. Well done! Although I sincerely hope he/she made a spot-on identification and the police caught this fellow, the fact of the matter is someone trying doors (so as to find one which is unlocked) is bad news. I have said it before and I’ll say it again: please, please make sure your front doors are locked/secured. Do not simply “buzz” people into your building without discerning who he/she is— or better yet: meet/greet anyone desiring access to your building in person. Ask questions. If you see anything amiss, say something to the police. STAT.

From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part II: Join Us!

Earlier today I noted the meeting regarding crime scheduled for this evening has been cancelled —and a public forum regarding crime has been organized by our city Councilman, Steve Levin, is scheduled for August 27th. Well, it has been brought to my attention the previous evening, August 26th, there will be a sunset “meet and greet” at 475 Kent Avenue, replete with cocktails, on the rooftop!


A few thoughts/observations:

  • This email blast (which was in turn forwarded to yours truly) was sent to someone who is not a resident of 475 Kent Avenue.
  • However he/she has attended Loft Law workshops publicized by NAG (Neighbors Allied For Good Growth).
  • NAG is a recipient of city funding for activities like Williamsburg Walks.
  • The tenant organizer for NAG also happens to be a member of Community Board 1— and she was appointed by Councilman Levin.
  • The NYC Loft Tenant Group is a city-wide group.  Are they conducting “meet and greets” for all city councilmembers up for reelection this year— or only Steve Levin?

Williamsburg Photos Du Jour: Trashed





The feral cat colony on Metropolitan Avenue (which as some may recall was until fairly recently was located across the street at Monster Island) is no more.

The Word On The Street: Time Machine


Taken August 13, 2013.

From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part II: DANGER

July 26, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11211, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn, Wow, WTF 


A fellow named Jay (who took the above photography today, July 26, 2013) writes:

I would never entertain the idea of cooling off in the East River no matter how high the temp reached. These four teenagers disagree…

I’ve been away from Brooklyn for about a year. I don’t think the River is much cleaner than when I left. So, what the fuck?
And, yes, these kids could read that sign in English.

Hope all is well with you…

Bittersweet Brooklyn, Episode 2: “4thofJuliars are Dominosugarocious”

Esteban Duran of the Greenlight District Volunteer Corps and Brian Paul of The Domino Effect documentary join the Bittersweet neighbors to discuss development and construction at the former Domino Sugar site in Southside Williamsburg.

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