Southside Photo Du Jour: Groovin’ On A Sunday Afternoon
Filed under: Williamsburg
From South 3 Street.
Miss Heather
Williamsburg Slide Show Du Jour: Carny At Heart
Filed under: Williamsburg
From the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, July 18, 2009.
Miss Heather
Williamsburg Lust Watch: Grand Street
Filed under: Williamsburg
Of course the real pisser is with this flier being located in Williamsburg I cannot conclusively determine if its author is seeking sex or heroin. Maybe he’s looking for both? Otherwise I am not so much troubled by the fact this chap has dropped trou (that’s his way of laying out “the fly paper”) but the fact he’s wearing socks in bed. That’s about as romantic letting one rip while a woman is giving you a hummer.
Miss Heather
Williamsburg Street Art Du Jour: The Art Of Doing Nothing
After spending this lovely day doing absolutely nothing I couldn’t resist passing along this amusing juxtaposition from Driggs Avenue.
Miss Heather
Williamsburg Photos Du Jour: Southside Cinderella
Filed under: Williamsburg
This afternoon the Mister and I went out for a walk, cameras in tow. Wishing to see sights that are genuinely interesting— not a spectacle that has been engineered as cheap campaign advertisement for a certain City Councilman running for Comptroller and the developer on whose site this dog and pony show came to pass. And, it should be noted, has seen fit generously donate to said councilman’s campaign.* We headed to the Southside without delay.
The Mister and I disagree about a number of things. You name it; we argue about it. Our household is like My Cousin Vinny albeit with a southern drawl: his. He’s a carnivore, I’m a vegetarian. I like sunshine, he prefers rain. He likes winter, I love summer.** The list goes on and on.
But we both agree one thing: we love Art Deco apartment buildings. The Southside has many of them. At some point I will feature my favorites right here on New York Shitty. But this post is an impressive Sweet Sixteen party we stumbled upon at South 2nd Street. Although it did feature ponies we had to confess: we were very impressed!
And of course the guest of honor…
A lovely lass in red!
This “Sweet Sixteen” celebration warmed my heart. Enough so that I’m go to end this post with a little Ringo.***
Happy Sweet Sixteen!
Miss Heather
*You can expect a post on New York Shitty about this. Soon.
**Which is sort of interesting given he was born in the summer and I in winter. I guess the grass is greener…
***The least objectionable and still very alive Beatle. Married to a former Bond girl and Playboy centerfold, no less: Barbara Bach.
People In Our Neighborhood: Summertime
Keap Street
South 4 Street
Bedford Avenue
Grand Street
North 5 Street
Nassau Avenue
Manhattan Avenue
Franklin Street
Greenpoint Avenue
Miss Heather
New York Shitty Day Starter: A Sign Of Trustifarian Life In Williamsburg?
Filed under: Williamsburg
Tania (who forwarded the following photograph) writes:
First off again, love your blogggg! So I thought this was pretty cool, as I have never seen this before. I went to the Bedford Ave ATM between Nth 5th and 6th the other day and found this receipt left at the machine, usually I am just pissed off for someone leaving their garbage there for me to take and I crumple it up right away to toss, but while I was waiting for my funds to disburse I decided to look at it for some reason. I noticed the balance on this receipt was a bit odd…
Suffice to say maybe the trustfundians are still alive and well in Williamsburg! Is this what a trust fund looks like? haha
(Am I the only person who finds this totally and utterly depressing?)
Miss Heather
From The New York Shitty Inbox: Townies Versus Newbies
An off-again, on again problem yours truly experiences is insomnia. Last night was no exception: I could not for the life of me fall asleep. Finally I gave up, grabbed a glass of milk and quietly shuffled to the computer. When I checked my email something very special awaiting me. It didn’t help me sleep at all (quite to the contrary— that’s impossible to do after laughing one’s ass off) but it is certainly worth passing along nonetheless. J writes:
I was witness to a really hilarious stoopid event last night.
I was on Bedford and N9 waiting for the B61 around 11pm, being joined by a rather large young local construction (and slightly inebriated) worker guy. He sat on the stoop by the bus stop. Above us, four hipster idiots drunk and or drugged were on the roof snickering and cackling to their own amusement/irony. One of the idiots started flicking crap off the roof at the big Polish guy. He started cursing and finally yelled at them. After a few more times, and a lit cigarette bouncing off his back, he shouted:
Motherfuck!! Fuck you asshole!
to which the girlie on the roof replied:
Fuck you you fucking Polack!
This threw the guy into a rage,
You motherfuck, I show you!
and he proceeds to start kicking the door at the top of the stoop. I went into “keep an eye on things but out of direct contact” mode I learned in BedStuy in the 80’s. He finally kicked the door in, cursing and shouting. He returns with a bicycle from inside the house and curses at the idiots on the roof:
You motherfucks I show you now I have your bike you motherfuck!
and proceeds to ride the bike down Bedford. The problem is – he kicked in the door and stole the bicycle FROM THE WRONG HOUSE. Naturally, the people of the house whose door he kicked in were pretty upset and a minute or so later half dozen of New York’s Finest showed up. The idiots on the roof of the house next door quickly disappeared. Since someone decided to rat me out as an eye witness, I gave them a basic description of the transactions between the idiots and of the guy, and let the folks in the house of the broken door know who should get talked to. Then the 61 finally showed up and I split.
This is turning out to be an interesting summer.
Miss Heather
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