From The New York Shitty Inbox: Grand Street Walks!

July 8, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11211, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

Grand St WW poster

A very nice lady named Artineh Havan, who is the brains behind the Grand Street Business Improvement Distinct writes:

Dear Miss Heather,

…I saw you last and hope that you are doing well.

We are getting ready for the second annual Grand Street “Weekend Walk” block parties on July 13th and 20th from 2 – 8 pm, this time from Manhattan to Bushwick Avenues to provide a car free public space for the community.

Please feel free to post it on NY Shitty as you see fit, and we hope to see you on Grand Street on either or both of those days.

Those who are curious can get more details about these event by clicking here or via the Grand Street BID’s Facebook page. Check it out!

Grand Street Weekend Walks
July 13 & July 20th, 2013 2:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Grand Street between Manhattan Avenue and Bushwick Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11211

Quicklink: Live The Brooklyn Dream!


It would appear a favorite steakhouse of the Mister’s, DeStefano’s, has hit the market for just shy of $3,000,000 million dollars.


91 Conselyea St LIVE THE BROOKLYN DREAM! Flawlessly situated on the corner of Conselyea and Leonard Street, is this beautiful, massive mixed-use brick property offering an exquisitely crafted NYC Steakhouse Restaurant with a private residence above and its own 2 car garage with addition FAR; all 100% owner occupied! This classy, well-known restaurant generates consistent cash flow and has the ability to seat many (that’s debatable — Ed. Note)…

You can view this listing in its entirety by clicking here.

Hat tip goes out to Miss Mousey Brown for this.

Urban Fur: The Best Bodega Cat In Brooklyn, R.I.P.



Last night the Mister and yours truly were walking down Lorimer Street. As we approached Meeker Avenue, I excitedly told him we were about to pass the bodega that the fittingly-named furkid, Tank, called his place of work and play.  You can undoubtedly understand my sadness, gentle readers, when I happened upon the above memorial. Rest in peace, big boy, you are and will continue to be missed.


You can see more shots of this handsome fellow in his resplendent, super-sized glory by clicking here.

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Artisanal Cream Cheese!

July 6, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11211, Gentrification, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn, Wow, WTF 


No kids, this is not a joke. Exactly how far “off the beaten path” is North 7 Street and Bedford Avenue? It’s beaten to death. This is why it is a hellhole.

Credits/Props go out to my landlord for this gem. Thanks!

Bittersweet Brooklyn, Episode 2: “4thofJuliars are Dominosugarocious”

Esteban Duran of the Greenlight District Volunteer Corps and Brian Paul of The Domino Effect documentary join the Bittersweet neighbors to discuss development and construction at the former Domino Sugar site in Southside Williamsburg.

Spotted On Graham Avenue: Ingenuity

July 3, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11211, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 


If there is something this so-called “Brunch War” has taught me it is this: when there is revenue to be gained, local business owners can be downright inventive— be it by couching their argument as oppressing the brunching community (TIP: if you’re able to brunch— much less complain about the lack thereof—  online— you are probably not oppressed) or creative license in regards to sidewalk cafe rules (Hear me, Nights and Weekends?*). Which brings me to the above photograph which was taken today.

Sage is permitted a sidewalk cafe with nine tables and eighteen tables. The work-around: installing eight picnic tables with two benches attached to each respectively. Thus we have eight tables and sixteen pieces of seating! Genius!!!

*Who have since, to their credit, removed these stools.

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Trappers/Vollies Needed!



Those of you who want to give a helping hand to our feral furry friends, here is your opportunity. The very nice folks of Neighborhood Cats need human helpers for a “TNR” (Trap Neuter and Return/Release) project right in our own backyard! Those who wish to volunteer or learn more about this project should email Lois or tnr (at) neighborhoodcats (dot) org. Be sure to indicate “TNR Project Greenpoint” in the subject line. Thanks— and spread the word!


Quicklink: The 12 Douchiest New York City Real Estate Ads Of All Time


Alas, MySpace Realty (as seen above and here) did not make the cut. Nonetheless, Buzzfeed’s selections are pretty cringe-worthy and not surprisingly Williamsburg is well represented…

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Bittersweet Brooklyn

This is a new endeavor by a good friend and all-around very thoughtful fellow named Dennis. Give it a watch— compelling stuff!

What’s Going On?


Coming at you from Meeker Avenue and Graham Avenue. A labor dispute? Anyone?

Props/Credit: Go to citizen journalist Robin for the tip-off. Thanks!

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