Urban Fur: Mixed Signals

July 20, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11104, Sunnyside, Sunnyside Queens, Urban Fur 

Sunnyside Kitteh 1 nys

Sunnyside Kitteh 2 nys

Sunnyside Kitteh 3 nys 2

Mixed Signals NYS

Taken July 19, 2014.

The Word On The Street: Tammy Wynette

Playground of peace

Tammy Wynette

This curiosity hails from the Playground of Peace in Sunnyside. Why Tammy Wynette, you ask? Why not, I say!

Urban Fur: Cat Guarding The Canaries

July 6, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11104, Sunnyside, Sunnyside Queens, Urban Fur 

Cat Guarding The Canaries NYS

Taken July 6, 2014.

The Word On The Street: Sunnyside

June 16, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11104, 11377, Sunnyside, Sunnyside Queens, The Word On The Street 

Live Here Die Here NYS

Taken June 15, 2014.

The Word On The Street, Part II: Queens Boulevard

Taken May 30, 2014.

The Word On The Street: Special Sunnyside Edition

August 23, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11104, Sunnyside, Sunnyside Queens, The Word On The Street 

taste the love

Taken August 23, 2013.

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Live From Sunnyside

Contrary to what you, gentle readers, might think some transit employees really enjoy their work. Take this fellow: a driver for the Q32 for example! Per Rose Sol, (one of the masterminds of Sol Sauce— I’ll add) who was kind enough to shoot the above footage:

Must be my lucky week! I got the singing bus driver three days in a row. Today was the Mr Rogers theme – Hi, neighbors!!

Awesome. Totally awesome…

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Found In Sunnyside

April 15, 2013 ·
Filed under: 11101, 11104, Crazy Cat Lady, Sunnyside, Sunnyside Queens 


A very nice and fellow cat) lady, Stephanie, writes:

I Heather! If you don’t mind, could you please share this? I found him in Sunnyside and hope someone is looking for him. I know you have significant reach. I’ll be posting fliers in the neighborhood tonight. THANK YOU!

I asked Stephanie for more information about this handsome fellow— and she delivered!

First seen Friday night on 40th Street between Queens Blvd and 43rd Avenue (“The Skillman side” of Queens Blvd). Was very friendly and hungry and ran right up to me for petting. Was hiding under cars, did not seem to be a local and it’s in front of my building, I’ve never seen him and I have mad street cat radar. The next morning, I went out to see if he was there and he was a little distressed under a car, skittish and crying a little. Again he came running straight up to me. I gave him some food and went back in for a carrier – when I returned he was nowhere to be found. I went out a few times in the day and couldn’t find him. As soon as it was dark I went outside to call for him and saw him on the sidewalk back arched in a near confrontation with a dog (thankfully on a leash). He ran into some bushes and I went over. I called him and he came right out and started talking to me and rubbing on me. I picked him up and put him in a carrier, he had no complaints – that is rare. he is not ear tipped and way to friendly for me to believe he lives on the street. He does not even know how to find a safe place to call home. There are ear tipped cats that live behind my building, but he did not seem to know what to do or where to go. I think he comes from a home and either got out/lost or was dumped by some bottom feeder. Black and white – young adult – talker – purrer – chirper – seems sweet, but is distressed in my bathroom with my jerk cat hissing at him from under the door. He’s eating and using the litter box and sitting in the window watching the birds. I will post fliers tonight and hope someone will claim him. It would be great if he had someone to hang out with that does not have cats to assess his personality, my cats do not accept adults, so he’s confined to my bathroom. I’m going to check in with my super to see if he’s ever seen him around and if he could foster him. He loves petting, but has swatted (no scratch/blood) at me twice. I hope this is just a nervous thing. It’s so hard to assess in a small space.

If anyone reading this knows to whom this fella belongs, please contact Stephanie via email at bigcitylittlekitty(at)yahoo(dot)com  —and spread the word! Thanks.

A Message From Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer

(via his Facebook page)


He writes:

Our community will never forget what these men did to Lou Rispoli. The NYPD’s release of new sketches (attached) shows that there is progress being made on this case but it is important we continue to raise awareness as a community. These three suspects think that they got away with a crime that robbed us of a good man who loved his neighborhood. I will not rest until I see these men punished for this heinous crime.

The NYPD is offering a reward of $22,000 reward to anyone with information that leads to the arrest and conviction of Mr. Rispoli’s killers.

Anyone with information in regards to this incident is asked to call Crime stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477). The public can also submit their tips by logging onto the Crime stoppers website atWWW.NYPDCRIMESTOPPERS.COM or by texting their tips to 274637 (CRIMES) then enter TIP577.

LAST GASP: And Now A Word From Jimmy Van Bramer

It has come to my attention that a number of my friends across the creek (READ: Long Island City and Sunnyside) want to know how they can lend a hand to those who need it. As you can see, Mr. Van Bramer is on it.

Vollies/Drivers Needed
Saturday, November 3rd 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Monday, November 5th – Friday, November 9th 9:00 a,m, – 6:00 p.m.
City Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer’s Office
47-01 Queens Boulevard, Suite 205
Sunnyside, Queens 11104 

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