An Update Regarding The Greenpoint Ferret
It would appear his rightful keeper (paws crossed) has been found! Sara writes:
Hi,A woman called today to say that the ferret we found belongs to her daughter. His name is Buddy and he ran out the front door 3 days ago. She will be reunited with him this evening (I asked her to bring pictures as proof of ownership as we’ve been getting some interesting calls from interested ferret enthusiasts) I’d like to thank David, Anastasia and Jay for being kind enough to collect him from the street and bring him here and thank you to the lovely woman who brought him an array of ferret food and accessories to make him comfortable as well as passing out our flyers. I’ll let you know if anything changes.Thanks for your help with the blog.
Help Wanted: Foster Mom (Or Dad)
Filed under: 11222, Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic
This little one (which the folks at Dog Habitat have named “Socks”) was recently found in a backyard in Greenpoint. He is three weeks old and I have been told was in pretty rough shape. Thanks to our very own Greenpoint vet and the folks of Dog Habitat he is doing much better— but still needs the help of a very special person. May be you? Jay writes:
Do you know any body who could help care for a 3 week-old kitten? we have formula and medication from his visit to the vet. we just need an extra pair of hands to help feed the little guy… we can take care of him tonight and tomorrow if there’s someone who can switch off for the weekend.
It goes without saying that someone who has experience with neo-natal cats is preferred. If you have what it takes please contact the folks at Dog Habitat via email at: rescue (at) doghabitat (dot) org. They can also be reached via telephone at (347) 689 – 4000.
Miss Heather
Adoptable Cuties: Meet Thelma & Louise
Filed under: 11222, Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic
These two cuties (appropriately named Thelma and Louise) were found on the stoop of the Greenpoint Veterinary Hospital recently. With them came a note from their former “person”. He (or she) simply stated he was no longer able to take care of them and he hoped they would find good homes. The latter is the purpose of this post. Follows is a little video footage of this very dynamic duo in action— with a little background info provided by the head honcho of the hospital himself: Brad. Enjoy!
Anyone who is interested in provided either of these feisty femmes a home should contact the Greenpoint Veterinary Hospital via email at: gpointvet (at) gmail (dot) com.
Miss Heather
Found In Greenpoint: One Lovely Lady
This item comes courtesy of our new vet, Brad. He writes:
She’s very nice – someone just found her at Nassau Avenue and Leonard Street and brought her here… She has a Texas rabies rag.
If you know who this lovely lass belongs to please contact the folks at Greenpoint Veterinary Hospital via email at: gpointvet (at) gmail (dot) com.
Miss Heather
From The New York Shitty Inbox: Much Ado About Vets
My inbox has abuzz of late with questions about the Greenpoint Veterinary Hospital. Most of these inquiries center around whether or not this establishment is open. Well, today I received confirmation that it is open for business from a very satisfied customer! Vince writes:
Hey Miss Heather,
I was perusing the shittyblog and saw the 4 Bed Stuy cats …Adorable! I don’t know about all of them, but the one tentatively named “Smudgy” is a dead ringer for King Diamond!
Also, I wanted to let you know I made my first visit to the new Vet on Nassau Ave last night for a bit of an emergency w/ one of my furry little seniors. The place is fantastic, and the Dr. is a wonderful young guy who managed to see me on REALLY short notice, just after closing for the day. The missus is there now for a little follow up, but I’m really quite pleased with this place. I’ve felt like the more personable vets around the area don’t have terribly great resources, and the ones with the resources are like strange animal medicine factories. They have been really straightforward about what the issue may or may not be and the different avenues available for treatment and I think really have the best interests of our little friends in mind. I’m really glad this place has opened up.
So there have you. Thanks for the report on our new vet, Vince. By the way, naming a cat King Diamond is nothing short of awesome!
Greenpoint Veterinary Hospital
111 Nassau Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222
(347) 529-4345
Miss Heather
From The New York Shitty Inbox: The Vet Speaks!
Remember that post I wrote about a veterinarian opening shop on Nassau Avenue? Well, today I received an email from the vet himself. His name is Brad Seaman and he is a very nice guy.
Officially: you are the first press I’ve gotten and I love that its coming from a blog founded on mapping dog crap Hi – I’m Brad, the guy starting Greenpoint Veterinary Hospital. I should be opening within a few weeks, just tying up some loose ends with equipment and whatnot. I’m from Cincinnati, OH and have been practicing for 5 years. My first veterinary job was in Southampton, NY, ( and I stayed there for two years. Great first job, exciting place to live, famous clients (accidentally slammed the door on Jon Stewart as I was going into a deli once)…but not the kind of area where I wanted to live long term. After that I moved back to Cincinnati to join my dad (also a vet) at his hospital ( – my picture is still up on the main page, tall guy all the way on the right. Stayed in Cincinnati for 3 years and had a great time working with my dad, but took a vacation to Brooklyn several months ago to visit friends from vet school and fell in love with this part of town. And a friend made me realize the need for vet care in this area and gave me a ton of advice on starting a clinic. So here I am…
And on a completely unrelated note: know anyone who’d be interested in doing an animal themed graffiti on the clinic security gate?
I know damned well that the Garden Spot sports some of the most mad-talented people to be found. Let’s trick out this burglar gate with style! If you are interested in helping Brad with this endeavor— or know someone who is— shoot me an email at missheather (at) newyorkshitty (dot) com. I will gladly forward your inquiries. Thanks!
From The New York Shitty Inbox: A Vet In Greenpoint?
Filed under: 11222, Crazy Cat Lady, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic
Mike C. writes:
Miss Heather,
This must have sprung up near overnight because I haven’t noticed it all. There’s a new vet opening on nassau and eckford. Maybe you reported on this and I haven’t seen the post, but they are in the phase where the IT guy is involved (he’s who I spoke to there) so they must be pretty far along.
Needless to say I headed down today without delay.
Sure enough, it would appear the Garden Spot is slated to get a veterinarian’s office! I asked the gentleman working atop the scaffolding is he had any idea as to when this establishment was going to open. He said he didn’t know. Given what I saw on the ground floor, I’d say soon.
What’s more, Greenpoint Veterinary Hospital is conveniently located off the Nassau Avenue stop of the G train and the B48 bus! But let’s defer to the experts: the hardworking chaps from National Grid working across the street. They took a keen interest in my keen interest in this establishment. After I offered to take their portrait (because they offered to take mine) we got down to brass tacks.
Me: As far as I know Greenpoint doesn’t have a veterinarian. People have to go to Long Island City or Williamsburg. This is a big deal.
National Grid Dude (talking to one of his comrades): You know, now that I think of it, I haven’t seen a veterinarian office here.
Me: It’s conveniently located near the G train and the B48 bus to boot!
N.G.B.: This is a good location. Smart move on their part.
Me: I’m going to alert my readers to this. I write a blog about north Brooklyn and I’m always getting asked about veterinarians in Greenpoint.
N.G.B.: You write a blog? Cool.
Me: Thanks. By the way, if you haven’t tried Kestane Kebab just down the street, you should. It’s very tasty.
Greenpoint Veterinary Hospital
Opening Date: t.b.d.
111 Nassau Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222
(347) 529-4345
I am pleased to report the National Grid guys have tried Kestane Kebab and found their fare tasty. I advised them to try the lentil soup next time. They promised they would. To be continued?
Miss Heather
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