Reader Contribution du Jour: Deja Vu

September 18, 2011 ·
Filed under: 10128, Culture War, Upper East Side, Upper East Side Manhattan 

This item hails from the Upper East Side (91st Street and Second Avenue, to be precise) and comes courtesy of Fred T. Sanford. If the subject matter of the above missive, dear (veteran) readers, seems vaguely/inexplicably familiar to you here’s why:

On January 6, 2010 I wrote of the above missive (which hails from Lorimer Street in East Williamsburg):

…the horrific grammar and spelling of this missive taken into account— here’s what I want to know:

  1. What the hell are “whipes”?
  2. How does one flush a mop down a toilet?
  3. Why would someone see fit to flush a mop down a toilet?

I guess there’s a first time for everything.

And as of today, September 18, 2011; there’s a second!

Reader Contribution du Jour: A Second Avenue PSA

April 29, 2011 ·
Filed under: 10128, Upper East Side, Upper East Side Manhattan 

The above missive was captured by an ex-pat Greenpointer, Rebecca, on Second Avenue and 95th Street. If the pup in the above picture looks familiar to some of you, it should. It is none other than Fred T. Sanford who, as some of you might recall, “discovered”* a lifetime achievement award for director Sidney Lumet at a traffic triangle right here in the Garden Spot!

Miss Heather

*READ: almost urinated upon

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