New York Shitty Photo Du Jour: Eye On The Street

Eye On The Street nys

Taken March 14, 2015.

New York Shitty Pay Phone Du Jour: Murray Hill Merlot

June 22, 2013 ·
Filed under: Manhattan, New York City, Urban Artifact 


Given the spirits I usually find gracing the public pay phones in the Garden Spot, I simply had to capture this corker for posterity. It’s a whole ‘another world over there, folks. One in which the Mister and I overheard a young lady talking up a bouncer. This went as follows:

Lady: Where do you live?
Bouncer: Brooklyn.
Lady: EVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVRYbody lives in Brooklyn!

Well, not yet.

THIS WEEKEND: Perfect Together

September 27, 2010 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Manhattan, New York City 

For those of you who have not noticed the numerous posters around the Garden Spot this upcoming Sunday, October 3, the Pulaski Parade will to come to pass in Manhattan! You can get the full rundown of the day’s festivities (along with a bevy of Polish beauties) by clicking here!

Pulaski Day Parade
October 3, 2010 starting 12:30 p.m.
5th Avenue from 29th to 53rd Street
New York, New York

Miss Heather

New York Shitty Day Ender: Miss Heather Does A Good Deed

October 14, 2009 ·
Filed under: Boobification, Bum Shit, Dung of the Day, Manhattan, Other Shit 

Today, dear readers, I did something I rarely do: go to the movies. This much-needed bit of recreation entailed me doing something else I do not do very often: going to Manhattan. Murray Hill, no less. (What can I say? I find Woody Harrelson brandishing firearms irresistible.)

Anyhoo, after deciding in favor of getting a little walking in I got off at the 1st Avenue stop of the L. As I proceeded further north I began to realize I was not in Greenpoint anymore. I felt uncomfortable. People were staring at me. Thankfully, at 24th Street I saw something that made me feel right at home.

pay phone

As you are all too aware I have a “thing” for pay phones. I cannot pass one without looking at it. The above example was no exception.


Incoming ordnance at twelve o’ clock!


Crikey, Verizon took a direct hit!

After I took the above photograph a livery cab pulled up beside me and a 40-something gentleman made a bee line for this telephone.

Me: Dude!
40-something Gentleman: (picks up receiver)
40-sG: (turns around)
Me: Don’t use that pay phone! Someone took a shit on it!!!
40s-G: (slowly turns around and, after noticing that someone has indeed despoiled said pay phone, let’s it slide from his hand.)
Me: That’s why I was taking photographs of it. SOMEONE SHIT ON IT!
40s-G: Thank you! Thank you! (starts heading back to livery cab)
Me: No problem. Do me a favor, okay?
40s-G: What?
Me: Please wash your hands as soon as you can, okay? I mean, someone SHIT on that phone. God only knows what else is on there we can’t see.
40s-G: I will, thank you!

With that closing remark and the slam of a cab door he was on his way. And I was on mine. Which brings me to what I found two blocks later.


Miss Heather

P.S.: I felt so good about my good deed today I decided to make a little detour and purchase myself a treat!


That’s right, kids. Project: Boobification is back! Methinks I’ll name the left one “Bill” and the right one “Mike”!

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