New York Shitty Day Ender: Muddy Fun

August 20, 2010 by
Filed under: 11232, Sunset Park, Sunset Park Brooklyn 

Rounding out today’s posts I present to you a photograph of the incredibly cute little fella to whom I alluded in this post. Have a fun and safe weekend, everybody!

Miss Heather

P.S.: Special thanks go out to Carnade for allowing me to post this image!


2 Comments on New York Shitty Day Ender: Muddy Fun

  1. rowan on Fri, 20th Aug 2010 5:07 pm
  2. that is hilarious. reminds me of growing up in the Connecticut woods and the giant puddle that formed in the driveway after rainstorms. it was sheer muddy heaven.

  3. missheather on Fri, 20th Aug 2010 5:10 pm
  4. I told the child’s mom that I usually look like that after eating an ice cream cone. This was not an exaggeration, it was (and is) the truth. In any case, this just goes to show you don’t a Wii or other high-priced gadgets to have fun. Mud will suffice!

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