The Word On The Street, Part II: Smile…

Smile NYS

(For the Love of Big Brother)

As captured today on 70th Place during a sojourn from Woodside to Queens. As far as surveillance signs go— and I have been paying special attention to them of late— I give this one (on the basis of cheer alone) an enthusiastic thumbs up!


What’s better more, it makes for a nice opportunity for self-promotion. I would like to share the status of my surveillance series of snow globes as there have been some interesting developments! To recap, follows are the first two (which I posted June 20th):



My buddy over at Flatbush Gardener posed a provocative question. It went (more or less) as follows:

So what are the people on the other (viewing) side of the camera doing?

I have wondered about this myself. So I decided to take a glass-boat boat tour through the labyrinth of my imagination.  I determined three two sided globes were in order:

  1. One wherein unsavory activity was coming to pass under surveillance and the “eyes behind the camera” do not notice.
  2. One wherein unsavory activity was coming to pass under surveillance and the “eyes behind the camera” do notice.
  3. One wherein no unsavory activity was coming to pass under surveillance and the “eyes behind the camera”— well, you’ll see soon enough.

I have embarked upon #1 and #3. (Still waiting for parts for #2.) Without further ado, here they are!

See No Evil, side 1

SeeNoEvilSide 1

See No Evil, side 2

see no evil side 2

And the last part of the trilogy. Just like George Lucas, I have yet to nail down a name for it…

Side 1

All is well in Closed Circuit Cameraland… or is it?

side 2

It is rare that I solicit the Mister’s input— much less presence— in my play space. But in this case I did. I told him it was too bad it was so tiny as I would have liked to have put a red ball gag in the dude’s mouth— but then noted I could paint a mask on him. The Mister said to leave it as is because (and I quote):

Less is more.

So there you go.





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