Woodside Photos du Jour: 61st Street

November 30, 2008 by
Filed under: Queens 

These photographs hail from the 61st Street stop of the 7 train. While the Mister and I were waiting for the local (to take us to Jackson Heights) I became enamored of the lamp posts at this station. Since I had plenty of time on my hands I shot some snaps of them. Enjoy!

Miss Heather


2 Comments on Woodside Photos du Jour: 61st Street

  1. d on Sun, 30th Nov 2008 3:19 pm
  2. Great photos! Love the angles.

  3. bitchcakes on Sun, 30th Nov 2008 3:24 pm
  4. Those are beautiful and you captured them so nicely! I think the second is my favorite- I love the position of the poles and the range of colors in the sky.

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