Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Wanted


In the 14+ years I have never EVER seen a NYPD-sanctioned (?) notice regarding bicycle theft. Now I have. The neighborhood is a’ changin’…

Crosstown Local Photo Du Jour: The Leftovers

Leftovers NYS

From the Church Avenue bound platform of the G at Greenpoint Avenue.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: The Word On The Beach

Taken by Diane Greene Lent.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Coney Island

June 29, 2014 ·
Filed under: Coney Island, Coney Island Brooklyn, New York City 

Taken by Reuben Radding.

Urban Fur: Special Feathered Edition

Warlock 1 600

Warlock 2 NYS

Warlock 3 NYS

Warlock NYS

I made a new friend today on Stuyvesant Street. His name is Warlock!

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Rainbow

Bandanna Rainbow NYS

Now that summer is with us someone has seen fit to dust off and launder those bandanas. Happy Pride weekend everybody!

East Village Photos Du Jour: The Maginot Line

Cordon Sanitaire 1 NYS

Cordon Sanitaire 2 NYS

Although located in the East Village, I am certain plenty of folks on this side of the East River (especially those who reside in Williamsburg and along Franklin Street) can relate to what is being attempted here: a cordon sanitaire so folks who reside in the adjacent building do not have ingress and egress precluded by patrons of the establishment next door.

Cordon Sanitaire 3 NYS

Sadly, it appears to be about as effective as its namesake.

Update, June 29th: I stand corrected! A fellow named Robert writes:

Your posts are usually on the money. This post:
Is totally wrong, sadly; It’s not a resident line, or anything; Abraço opened up a little 2nd market store, roughly 6 doors down: the pink line is in fact a number of arrows leading their customers down the street.
(I was there yesterday)
So there have you!

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Moment To Moment

June 26, 2014 ·
Filed under: New York City 

Taken by Micah Saperstein.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool. Part III: Untitled

June 25, 2014 ·
Filed under: New York City, Street Art 

Taken by amolho4.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Clinton Hill Bear

June 25, 2014 ·
Filed under: Clinton Hill, Clinton Hill Brooklyn, Urban Artifact 

Taken (once again) by autovac.

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