Urban Fur: Gowanus

July 18, 2014 ·
Filed under: 11215, Gowanus, Urban Fur 

Gowanus Cat NYS

Taken July 18, 2014.

Urban Artifact, Part II: Huron Street

Miss World NYS

This bowling ball appears to have been owned by a fellow named Tom. Any takers?

(Taken July 16, 2014.)

Urban Artifact: 636 Days & Counting!

Say It With Flowers NYS

Jailbear 7162014 NYS

Taken July 16, 2014.

Urban Fur: Le Déjeuner sur l’herbe

Green Street NYS

Taken July 16, 2014.

The Word On The Street: Special Greenpoint Waterfront Edition

Part 1 NYS

Part 2 NYS

The truth hurts.

(Taken July 16, 2014.)

Crosstown Local Photos Du Jour: And On It Goes…

More Airbnb Commentary NYS

New Yorkers Do Not Agree Apparently NYS

The above morsels of Greenpoint goodness were shot on the Church Avenue bound platform at Greenpoint Avenue. I for one am really enjoying the evolving commentary on this poster. On a related note, there is some blue-chip material to be found on Airbnb’s Twitter feed as well. Follows is my favorite thus far:


On a final a decidedly not funny note is this recent broadcast of the Leonard Lopate show wherein Senator Liz Krueger talks about Airbnb. She mentions among many other things that this company is lobbying Albany— hard— to essentially scrap housing regulations altogether. Disturbed yet? You should be, gentle readers…


New York Shitty Slideshow Du Jour: Newtown Creek Boat Ride

Motorboat Repair NYS

Last weekend, thanks to City of Water Day, I decide to take a (FREE!) boat tour of the creek hosted by the inimitable Mitch Waxman.  As has been the case in times past (this makes my third sojourn up to the creek), it did not disappoint. Not only did I bear witness to a fellow catching a little shut-eye at our very own Nature Walk, but I learned an interesting fact shortly after the above photo (which hails from the Long Island City side of Newtown Creek) was taken. Our fair creek is not just host to Typhus, but also Cholera and Gonorrhea. If this isn’t a trifecta of fun, I honestly do not know what is. I feel compelled to note that this fact was rolled out after a fellow tour goer was observed balancing his child on the rail of the boat so as to take photos with his smart phone. You can’t make this shit up.

In any case, follows are some highlights of my trip to, from and up the creek.* I have even included a photo of a CSO (Concentrated Sewage Overflow) for your late afternoon/early evening entertainment. Enjoy!

*A task which involved going to Governor’s Island. This was rendered more complicated by the fact Greenpoint still remains without ferry service.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool, Part II: Smiles

July 15, 2014 ·
Filed under: Manhattan, New York City, Stuff That Makes Miss Heather Happy 

Taken by UrbanphotoZ.

The Word On The Street, Part II: Cranberry Street


Taken July 12, 2014.

Greenpoint Photos Du Jour: What’s Up At Duraflex Harte?




Those of you who were wondering what the hell was going on at the old plastics factory which straddles Clay and Dupont Street yesterday, here you go. Apparently a fellow broke and entered in order to filch copper so as to sell for scrap. I have said it before and I’ll say it again: if the scrap metal establishments hereabouts were required to issue checks— not cash— we would probably see a lot less of this kind of thing. Conducting a sting operation of establishments which are knowingly purchasing stolen city property probably would not hurt either…

Photo Credits: Michael Hofmann.

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