The Word On The Street: A North 7 Street PSA

Taken May 28, 2012.

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Greenpoint Veterans Memorial Day Parade

May 26, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

This item comes courtesy of our 50th Assembly District Democratic Leader, Lincoln Restler. He writes:

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

This *Sunday is the 12th Annual Greenpoint Memorial Day Parade*! This is a special opportunity for everyone in our community to thank our neighborhood veterans for their service. It means a great deal to our veterans to have Greenpointers line the streets and cheer them on along the parade route. The parade is quintessentially Greenpoint with school marching bands and other local attractions. The 2012 Grand Marshal is Lorraine Bizinski

*Greenpoint Memorial Day Parade Schedule*
9:00 A.M. – Parade from Nassau Ave and Leonard. to St. Anthony’s Church
(Milton and Manhattan)

9:30 A.M. Memorial Mass at St. Anthony’s Church

10:30 A.M. Parade from St. Anthony’s Church (Milton and Manhattan) to 519 Leonard St. for Memorial Service and Flag Raising at St. Stanislaus Memorial Post, 519 Leonard Street

Drinks and hot dogs follow the Memorial Service at the St. Stanislaus Memorial Post.

Image Credits: Greenpoint Veterans Memorial Day Parade Facebook page.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: This Little Piggie…

May 26, 2012 ·
Filed under: New York City, Stuff That Makes Miss Heather Happy 

this little piggie went to market

Taken by John Fullard.

New York Shitty Day Ender: Smile!

From Eckford Street.

Greenpoint Photo du Jour: STOP

Taken May 24, 2012.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool: Flight

May 25, 2012 ·
Filed under: New York City, Stuff That Makes Miss Heather Happy 

the grayest pigeon

Taken by redchamboalert.

The Word On The Street: Black & White

From the Queens-bound platform of the Crosstown Local at Nassau Avenue.

New York Shitty Day Starter: Live From The Polish National Home…

The Public Meeting Regarding The Newtown Creek Superfund Site

To preface: My footage/documentation of this hearing is truncated because;

  1. I left the battery for my digital camera at home. (Hey, occasionally shit happens at Chez Shitty!)
  2. This meeting, which was scheduled to last two hours, ended up being more or less redundant. E.g.; More or less the same complaints/concerns were raised followed by more or less the same answers. (Thus, I feel a lot less guilty for forgetting my battery.)

Nonetheless, I got the presentation in its entirety along with a few questions from the audience (which, it should be noted, became much more substantial after the conflicting meeting regarding the Nassau Avenue Reconstruction meeting was dismissed). Without further ado, here we go!

Parts I – VI: Introduction & Presentation

Part VII: The Q & A Session Kicks Off

Part VIII: Laura Hofmann Speaks

Part IX: A Bone Fide Old School Greenpointer (and all-around Garden Spot/environmental badass) Irene Klementowicz Tenders Her Two Cents

Part X: A Resident Of Oak Street Speaks

It was at this point I— and my electronics— gave up. However, I did take notes. Here they are (in no particular order):

1. It was asked by one citizen if they (being the Department of Health and the Department of Environmental Protection) have considered posting notices at local fishing supply shops. They stated they were not aware of any. To wit, he replied:

There’s one two blocks from here.

This was met with surprise by the panel of experts present.

2. It was asked if there are any grants available (via the Department of Health) which would enable community groups to conduct a more comprehensive/focused study. The answer was (essentially) “not that we know of”.

3. It was pointed out by a member of the audience— at the Polish National Home (AKA: The Warsaw)— that little to no outreach has been made by either the Department of Health or the Department of Environmental Protection to the Polish community in Greenpoint, viz a viz, through its local Polish language newspapers. It was agreed by the officials present that this was a sterling idea and solicited information as to whom they could contact. Yours truly helped with this endeavor by giving them the contact information for a reporter at this newspaper.

4. Kate Zidar, Executive Director of the Newtown Creek Alliance, reiterated that these meetings are “repetitive” and advised the civil servants hosting said forum to “take notes” in the hope that— moving forward— these convocations (and health studies regarding the manifold number of toxins manifest in Greenpoint) can move forward. Ms. Zidar was advised notes were, in fact, being taken— and this was pretty awesome given the following:

We do not want a “perfect” health study. We want a health study.

Then she followed this statement up with the following bits of data:

  • In January of 2007 the Newtown Creek Alliance sent a letter to the Department of Health requesting a comprehensive health study of the Greenpoint Oil Spill.
  • After a meeting with the Department of Health in March 2008, the Newtown Creek Alliance (which will henceforth be called the “NCA” — Ed. Note) requested (among many other things) that a skilled Community Liaison be enlisted by the Department of Health. This has not happened.
  • After a meeting with the Department of Health in October of 2008 Ms. Zidar notes the map (and I quote) “does not include features agreed upon at previous meetings”. Which, as I intuit, would include a 1/2 mile radius versus a 1/4 mile radius (from which the Department of Health is operating currently) because…
    • a great deal of residential property is excluded by the current demarcations. Thus this current study is more an occupational/workplace study than one of long-term, consistent exposure.
    • Such a study should include/take into consideration other “hot spots” such as the “Greenpoint oil spill” and “Meeker Avenue Plume”. To date, it does not.

 5. The previous was not overlooked by our local politicians*:

  • Among them our City Councilman, Steve Levin (as seen above texting), noted:
    • He resides not only atop the “Oil Spill” but the “Plume” as well.
    • A half-mile radius study should be employed.
    • To merely focus on the creek is to focus on one part of a manifold number of environmental (and therefore: health-related) problems in Greenpoint.
  • Lincoln Restler (whose back can be seen at right) added his two cents. They were basically as follows: This is an ongoing problem. At what point will we get an honest, expanded study (and due process) so future generations of Greenpointers do not experience and/or are afflicted with what our predecessors— such as Ms. Hofmann and Ms. Klementowicz— have witnessed?

If the intransigence and “timetable” I witnessed last night— coupled with Ms. Klementowicz’s piquant observation:

By 2023, we (This being the people doing the complaining at last night’s meeting— Ed. Note.) will be dead.

this will be continued…

*It should be noted a representative of Joe Lentol’s office was present as well. I do not recall her name, but the DOH/DEP panel made note of her arrival.

New York Shitty Day Ender: Everything Must Go!

May 24, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Some of you may recall this establishment’s history; it’s original moniker was XTRA Discount Store and it was located across the street. It closed its doors in March of 2008. Among the reasons cited was their landlord’s refusal to renew their lease. As a result, it was replaced by a very shortly-lived branch of Washington Mutual. Given I purchased a number of housewares/sundries at this establishment let’s just say I was more than a little disappointed.

Thus you can understand my glee, gentle readers, when I received word eight months later that they were coming back (albeit under a different name) just across the street! Well, now they are leaving for good. As it was explained to me by the woman staffing the cash register their current landlord did not want them there and to this end raised their rent.

So long, Bang For Your Buck. I suspect I speak for many who have relied upon you for housewares over the years when I write that you will be missed!

Bang For Your Buck
Status: Closing
856 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

Williamsburg Photo du Jour: Eye On The Street

May 24, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11211, Williamsburg, Williamsburg Brooklyn 

From Bedford Avenue.

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