From The New York Shitty Photo Pool, Part III: A Dubious Anniversary

Minor Nuclear Explosion (G train; car 5062; Happy Anniversary Manhattan Project)

Exactly why Jilly Ballistic saw fit to install this nod to the first flowering of the Manhattan Project on a train which does not service said borough (the G train) I do not know. Nonetheless, it serves as a sterling opportunity to pass along some good news. Per our amazing 50th District Democratic Leader, Lincoln Restler, the MTA has apparently listened to Crosstown Local patrons and will keep service to Church Avenue intact!

New York Shitty Video Du Jour, Part II: Java Street, Revisited Once Again

July 16, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

As I mentioned in this post, today I had the pleasure of bumping into Kate Zidar, the headmistress of the Newtown Creek Alliance. After we concluded our impromptu film shoot, I informed her of the next piece of open space on my itinerary: the Java Street “Pop-Up” Park. She did not seem to be aware of what this wonder of public/private partnership was. So I gave her a general run-down:

  • That despite brandishing “Pop-Up” in its moniker, this park was anything but spontaneous. In fact, it took almost six months to open.
  • When it did open (December 2011) most of the plants contained therein were dead due to neglect.
  • This endeavor was apparently funded (at least in part) by $15,000 courtesy of our Borough President.
  • And, most recently, it has been the location of quite a bit of feral furniture activity (which I have learned came at the behest of a number of loft residents being evicted).

As you can imagine Ms. Zidar found this quite interesting— but I digress. Without further ado, here’s what Java Street looks like today. Enjoy!

As you can see, gentle readers, very little has changed. But this story might, just might, have a happy ending— and soon!

After yours truly shot the above-depicted footage a Department of Sanitation vehicle was spied with my little eye (READ: digital camera) surveying this archipelago of detritus.

To be continued…?

Spotted On Clay Street: New York’s Bravest

July 16, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

Those of you who are wondering what the ruckus was this afternoon on Clay Street (between Manhattan Avenue and Franklin Street), apparently there was a fire in the basement of 50 Clay Street. I have no word as to whether or not anyone was hurt (although it seemed like everyone was okay), but this is as good as an opportunity as any to give a hat tip to our Bravest!

New York Shitty Video Du Jour, Part I: The Manhattan Avenue Kayak Launch, Revisited

July 16, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic, Newtown Creek 

Upon having it brought to my attention— yet again— that trash collection (among many other things) continues to be a problem at the Manhattan Avenue Kayak Launch, today I decided to swing by and see it for myself. While certainly better than it has been in days past, there is clearly still ample room for improvement. Not only was this apparent by the overflowing garbage cans, but it was pointed out to me by none other than Kate Zidar: the immensely dedicated and all-around nice lady who heads the Newtown Creek Alliance.

You see, as it would happen she was there with a film crew from Vice Magazine. They were awaiting the arrival of a boat to take them up the ‘creek. Anyhoo, not knowing anything about plants/plant life (other than having an uncanny ability to kill them*) I asked her if she would take a moment to explain what else is amiss at this piece of public space. She was kind enough to oblige me. Without further ado, here we go!

I suspect I speak on the behalf of many folks when I write that I was absolutely ecstatic when this park— however small it may be— finally opened. Thus, it makes me not only sad but quite angry to see it in such a state. Or to put it differently: if the powers-that-be cannot take care of a park as modest as this one, why should the problems at the McCarren Park (and specifically its pool) come as a surprise? I for one am not surprised. Disappointed and fed up? Absolutely. But surprised? No. We deserve better than this, north ‘Pointers. Really.

*Yours truly is more effective than pesticide. I have been known to even dispatch cactus to its maker on occasion (hence why I stick to jade plants). Thus I am very, seriously, grateful for Ms. Zidar bringing me (and us) up to speed. Thanks!

Greenpoint Photo Du Jour: Jerzy Popieluszko Square

Taken July 16, 2012.

From The New York Shitty Inbox, Part II: Another Cyclist Struck?

July 16, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

A fellow named Jim (who took the above photograph) writes in an email entitled “Cyclist Struck on Driggs/Graham”:

Cyclist had just crossed McGuinness (with the light). I noticed her bike with the flowers on the basket. I was crossing the other direction, so I heard the crash, but didn’t see it. The cyclist appeared to be in good shape afterwards. She was sitting on the curb talking to a man who had come to her aid. I only got a picture about two minutes after the impact, timestamp on the photo is 9:04. Ambulance was there by 9:06, and the NYPD removed the bicycle about 45 minutes later. Maybe someone else will know more?

Given this thoroughfare’s distinction as the deadliest in Kings County, this woman was very, VERY lucky. Still, enough is enough.

UPDATE, 7/17/2012: Here’s the 411 from the lady involved in this accident. It’s pretty scary stuff,

hey heather. yeah that was me.. i have a fractured fibula, some bruises and road rash it WAS scary as hell. i was on my way to work. riding cautiously as always.. got to graham and driggs looked to my right at that off shoot from mc guiness to see a car coming.. i thought holy shit he’s not gonna stop let alone slow down, i’m fucked. next thing i know i’m flying in the air, landed on his car (not sure if it was the hood or the trunk, couldn’t see, only felt the thunk) and i bounced off into the street. it’s a miracle that i didn’t hit my head and i’m not dead. and my injuries are minor compared to the intensity of the hit.he was probably going 20mph. he broadsided me, hardly a graze!(i didn’t have a helmet, but i’m getting one now) that’s it in a scary nutshell. now i just have to deal with the insurance company and but i have a lawyer..

NOTE: The motorist involved in this incident was not cited.

The Word On The Street, Part III: Valkyrie

Taken July 15, 2012.

Long Island City Photo Du Jour: Vernon Boulevard

July 16, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11101, Long Island City, Long Island City Queens, Street Art 

Taken July 15, 2012.

From The New York Shitty Photo Pool, Part II: Pink

July 16, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11101, Long Island City, Long Island City Queens 

Pink: Long Island City, Queens

Chris Arnade (who met Pink in Long Island City) writes:

“My dream? To go to Disney World. Like those commercials. I need to get clean first.” Pink

Pink, 45, was raped at 12, in a housing project elevator in Jamaica Queens. She has been using crack since 18, and walking the streets since 25. “I didn’t like sex, men, when I was younger. It took me being desperate to forget that rape.”

She works the streets hoping to get enough money for a hotel room and drugs. “I aint really addicted to crack, I am addicted to the lifestyle. I can have a bag full of crack but still feel the need to walk the streets. Its what I know.”

When I told her why I was taking pictures of addicts, she said “Make sure you write that I don’t like this. This is only a means.”

You can view Mr. Arnade’s ongoing photo series, Faces Of Addition, by clicking here.

From The New York Shitty Inbox: Prophet In Pink

July 16, 2012 ·
Filed under: 11222, Greenpoint, Greenpoint Brooklyn, Greenpoint Magic 

A fellow named Nick writes:

Hi Miss Heather,

I’m a long-time reader and fan of your blog, first-time e-mailer
I’ve seen that you’ll sometimes post about events that may be of interest to you and your readers, and I think this might fit the bill.  I’m a North Brooklyn-based playwright, and a play I’ve written is being featured in this year’s New York International Fringe Festival.  As my readership of your blog might imply, I have an ongoing fascination with the neighborhood in which I live, so it was probably inevitable that I was going to write something relating to my Willamsburg and Greenpoint environs.  And that’s indeed what has come to pass.

The play is called Prophet in Pink, and the majority of it is set in our own McGolrick Park.  It’s the story of three local struggling artists–who, I must stress, are not hipsters…the two don’t always have to go hand in hand–whose lives are going nowhere.  Everything changes for them when one of McGolrick Park’s statues begins speaking and sending them mysterious messages.  But which of the statues is it: our fair park’s lovely World War I angel, or the equally lovely Monitor Memorial?  And, more importantly, why?

We run August 10-24 at the New Ohio Theater, 154 Christopher Street.  More information can be found at

Thanks so much for your time, and thanks even more for your wonderful neighborhood reporting.

Thanks for the heads-up (and kind words), Nick!

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