Free/Cheap Summer Movie Roundup

July 10, 2007 ·
Filed under: Area 51 

Night of the Huntress

I have been woefully remiss in mentioning L Magazine’s SUMMERSCREEN: a series of free movie screenings at McCarren Park. This started last Tuesday with Bring It On. Whoops. Better late than never, I suppose. Especially since this evening’s selection is a big favorite of mine: Night of the Hunter.

This is a seriously fucked up movie. I highly recommend it. If you can bear the stifling heat this evening give it a shot. You will not be disappointed.

Summerstage 7/10:
Night of the Hunter
McCarren Park
Lorimer Street between Driggs and Bayard Avenue
Doors open at 7:00 p.m.

In addition, Creek and Cave is hosting Tripadelic Pleasure Night every Thursday this summer. Outdoor movies start at 9:00 p.m. and “drink specials rock soul groove tunes exploitation flicks all night at the bar” are promised. Upcoming offerings include:

7/12: Evil Dead II
7/19: Pink Floyd Live at Pompeii
7/26: Death Race 2000 (!!! — Ed. Note)
8/2: Pulp Fiction

To view the entire roster of movies, please visit to their Myspace page.

Creek and Cave
10-91 Jackson Avenue
Long Island City, NY

Lastly, Greenpoint’s very own East Coast Aliens Cineclub is closed for the summer. Movie screenings will resume after Labor Day.

Oh well. As Meatloaf once opined: two out of three ain’t bad…

East Coast Aliens
216 Franklin Street
Brooklyn, NY 11222

Miss Heather

Art Credit: Miss Heather

Art Event for Animal Lovers

July 10, 2007 ·
Filed under: Area 51 

Little Cakes Gallery

Little Cakes Gallery has a two-part show opening this week for art and animal lovers of all stripes. Their press release states:

Little Cakes Little Gallery in association with HPGRP Gallery presents:

Forever Home – a two part benefit for New York City Animal Care and Control’s “Big Fix” and “STAR” programs.

New York City is home to many happily pampered pets; dogs that run and play at dog runs, cats that dine on organic, grain-free meals, animals that are cherished as part of the family. Unfortunately, at the same time, the city overflows with unwanted pets. New York City Animal Care and Control (NYCAC&C), the non-profit organization contracted by the city’s Health Department, takes in over 40,000 of these animals every year through out the five boroughs. It has the tough task of having to admit every single animal surrendered to them, whereas other agencies may pick and choose or deny admission. Our hope for Forever Home is not only to raise money for AC&C’s programs but to also help promote them as an alternative to purchasing a pet and to inspire viewers to get involved and volunteer, if not at AC&C, with any organization that deals with issues they feel passionately about. During the run of the two exhibitions, there will be one day volunteer opportunities at Little Cakes Gallery to make cage comforters and kitty toys for those who want to get their feet wet. Please check the Little Cakes website for times and dates.

The group photo exhibition will be held at HPGRP Gallery in the Meat Packing District from July 12th to July 28th, 2007. An opening reception for both shows will be held at HPGRP Gallery on Thursday, July 12th from 6-8pm. Vegan hors d’oeuvres will be served.

HPGRP Gallery / 32-36 Little West 12th Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10014
Gallery Hours – Tues. thru Sat. 12-6pm

The following evening a drawing exhibition will open at Little Cakes Gallery at 625 East 6th Street:

Forever Home – a group drawing exhibition to benefit AC&C’s “STAR” Special Treatment and Recovery program which provides special medical treatment to injured animals rescued by AC&C. The show will feature small works by over thirty artists depicting a variety of different animals. A full list of artists will be available on the Little Cakes website at the start of the show. Little Cakes will be unveiling its’ first T-Shirt during the show. An illustration of a happy three legged dog by artist Josh Slater will be printed on organic cotton shirts. Partial proceeds from the shirt will also go towards the benefit. They will be available for purchase at the gallery and online for $20.

The group drawing exhibition will be held from July 13th to August 19th, 2007. There will be no opening at Little Cakes. Instead we will be celebrating at HPGRP Gallery on July 12th from 6-8pm. Please see photo exhibition information for details.

Little Cakes Little Gallery
625 East 6th Street #1B
New York, NY 10009
Gallery Hours – Fri. thru Sun. 1-6pm and by appointment

Check it out!

Miss Heather

Drawing Credit: Josh Slater

What is wrong with this picture?

July 9, 2007 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Franklin and Calyer Street

All you Greenpointers out there know where this intersection is: Franklin at Calyer Street. In fact, I bet a number of you have walked down this very block hundreds of times without noticing that something is amiss. I know did. That is, until I looked up one day.

Clinton Street

Your eyes are not deceiving you. The cornerstone of this house reads “Clinton S(t)”. Pretty neat, isn’t it?

What’s even more interesting is I have not found any direct reference to Greenpoint’s very own “Clinton Street” in the Brooklyn Daily Eagle online archives. Rather, I (might) have found it mentioned in an article entitled Vaccinators in Greenpoint. Here’s an excerpt:

Dr. Robert A. Black, the local health officer, with his associates, is trying to stamp out the present outbreak of smallpox in Brooklyn and the physicians of the vaccinating corps have been kept on the jump for over a week. There were five new cases reported at the office on Clinton Street today. The patients were all taken to the Riverside Hospital on North Brother Island . They were Walter Brush, a boy, age not stated, from 275 Driggs Avenue; Helen McMahon, aged 12 years, and Rose McMahon, aged 9 years, from 275 Driggs Avenue; Emma Schwartz, aged 23 years, from 31 Meeker Avenue, and John Devaney, aged 7 years, from 100 Warren Street. The cases from the house at 275 Driggs Avenue are believed to have received the infection from 273 Driggs Avenue, where there was a nest of cases.

The previous probably sounds like something from the 17th or 18th century to many of you. It isn’t: this article dates from March 11, 1901.

That said, I hardly find it surprising that there was a Clinton Street in Greenpoint. At one time there was both a Washington and Lincoln Street here as well. Naming streets after public officials (especially presidents or in this case, DeWitt Clinton) was a very popular practice in not only Greenpoint, but in Brooklyn as a whole.

This practice resulted in a slew of duplicate street names* which took years to unsnarl. It was a long and very contentious process. One which, amusingly enough, often saw “North Brooklyn” (AKA: “The Eastern District”) in opposition to “South Brooklyn” on a number of occasions.

Could you imagine trying to get your mail if (for example) there were five Washington Streets extant in the Borough of Kings?** In addition, if one happened to be a flim-flam man with a sketchy command of Brooklyn geography, all the name changes (that were eventually implemented) would pose a serious problem.

Keeping your story straight when you’re being interrogated by the cops is hard enough. Especially if you have trouble remembering your own name, as I learned from this article in the December 3, 1886 edition of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle.

His Name Had Changed

Note to self: If I want to blow someone off, tell them to meet me at Tompkins Avenue at the corner of Center Street.

Miss Heather

*This list is simply too lengthy for me to feature here. Go to the Brooklyn Public Library’s Brooklyn Daily Eagle online archives, run a search for “duplicate street names” and see for yourself!

**This was once the case, by the way.

Look Here: Fort Greene Doesn’t Take Any (Dog) Shit!

July 9, 2007 ·
Filed under: Dog Shit Signage 

Today I was emailed an example of dog shit signage from Clifton Place that gave me goosebumps. We’re talking about the kind of excitement you feel when you’re in the sixth grade and the cute boy in the class smiles at you (instead of trying to beat you up, which was my experience). Without further ado, here it is.

Look Here

This guy (or gal) is going to kick both the dog and the owner in the “F?”X” Ass!!!” That’s hardcore. Mike didn’t do that to me on the playground. He was content with humiliating me in front of about thirty or forty of my peers; for reasons only known to him, he kept my dog out of it.


Miss Heather

P.S.: Thanks “Mihow” for forwarding this to me. It made my day.

Nothing Like a Stop Work Order on a Saturday Afternoon

July 9, 2007 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Greenpoint is not a very exciting place. While some people may enjoy the constant hum of activity that comes with living in Manhattan, I like peace and quiet. To use Beastie Boy parlance, “slow and low” is my tempo. Always has been.

That said, there was a flurry of excitement on Manhattan Avenue this weekend. I had just returned to my job (after taking lunch) when a man poked his head in the door and shouted:

Hey, a building across the street is being issued a work order!

I bolted out the door without delay. I was not about to miss this. Miss Heather loves her some Stop Work Orders, but I had yet to see one being issued. When I got outside I noticed a number of my fellow Greenpointers must have shared my enthusiasm because a rather sizable crowd of gawkers had collected on the street.

After arguing with the building inspector in vain, the contractor took a moment to contemplate his new Stop Work Order.

988-900 Manhattan Avenue

After he was done, a number of this neighbors wandered over to do the same.

Greenpointers Inspecting SWO

Who knew the issuance of a Stop Work Order could generate so much interest? I certainly didn’t. Then again, maybe some of these people were fed up with the illegal weekend construction that has been conducted here for the last four weekends?

Just a thought.

Miss Heather

Need a mattress? COME TO GREENPOINT!

July 8, 2007 ·
Filed under: Crazy People, Dog Shit, Dung of the Day, Greenpoint Magic 

Whenever I start running low on new subject matter to expound upon I go for a walk. I have spent much of the last two days pounding the Greenpoint pavement. And, as always, I did not come home disappointed. Perplexed or downright disturbed? Yes. But disappointed? Not in the least.

This is why I live in Greenpoint. It has long been my understanding that, as a lowly renter* with low class, the “A-list” Brooklyn neighborhoods are well beyond my reach. As I told my buddy Larry yesterday (after dealing with the “Pornophile”, AGAIN):

Not all of us have the stuff to land a porn queen, some of us have to settle for the fluffer.

“The Garden Spot of the Universe” always puts out. They can keep can keep their Park “Angelina Jolie” Slopes and Boerum “Lindsay Lohan” Hills. I like my neighborhoods like my women: delectably wrecked and HARD. Greenpoint is the Amy Winehouse of Brooklyn ‘nabes. This is why I love her so.

July 7, 2007

I was walking along Greenpoint Avenue when I happened upon one of the many languishing development sites my recently designated chic neighborhood has to offer: 189 Greenpoint Avenue.

189 Greenpoint Avenue

I go in for a closer look.

189 Greenpoint Avenue Detail

“Wow, that’s kind of gross.” I thought to myself. “I wonder if Jessica Simpson’s marital bed looked like this?” After chuckling at my own sordid imaginings I took the above photograph. Not thinking any more about it, I went home.

Today: July 8, 2007

As I am walking down Green Street I find another abandoned mattress.

141 Green Street Mattress

After taking a few photographs of the above mattress, box spring and shopping cart still life, a gentleman sunbathing next door (whilst reading a book entitled Great Artists) commented:

You’re the sixth person to photograph that mattress.

I told this chap he can expect one of those photographs to find its way onto the hallowed walls of MOMA or the Whitney and proceeded down the street where…

108 Green Street Mattress

I found this despoiled mattress just as a man was about to load it into his minivan. I asked him if I could photograph it before he took it. Not only did he oblige, but he propped it up for me so as to get a better angle.

On the one hand, I find this gentleman’s eagerness to take a not-so-gently used mattress home somewhat disturbing. On the other, it was uplifting to see Serta Sleeper Samsara in action.

If Instant Karma doesn’t get him, the bedbugs most certainly will.

Miss Heather

*I agree with a number of points Mr. Oder makes in this post. The New York Times article he critiques is bad. I’m not saying this because I am sore that I wasn’t mentioned in it either; when I read something as hagiographic and insipid as this turd is it makes me thank the heavens above my name is in no way attached to it.

The Brooklyn ‘blogosphere’, just like real life, has A-listers and fluffers. I know which one I am. Before I end this post (because my hand is tired and I need a glass of water— I wonder if that is how Gregory Beyer felt after writing Cracker Barrel Vial 2.0?) I will leave you with today’s Dung of the Day, which I like to call Greenpoint Casserole: Miss Heather Style.


Take one dead bird and one large pile of dog shit. Let them roast in the hot July sun until they smell like refried death. Garnish with a cigarette butt and it’s ready to eat.

Greenpoint Casserole

If this succulent dish makes you hungry, grab your knife and fork, run down to 1043 Manhattan Avenue and get your some!

Bon Apetit!

Pulaski Poo

July 7, 2007 ·
Filed under: Bum Shit, Dog Shit, Dung of the Day 

Yesterday evening my husband and I went to the Creek and Cave for dinner. After we reached the Queens side of the Pulaski Bridge, we happened upon a token of someone’s (or something’s) gastronomic distress.


Why did the Greenpointer cross the bridge?

Pulaski Poo

To take a bigass dump on the other side.

Miss Heather


July 7, 2007 ·
Filed under: Area 51, Dog Shit 

Two Words: Watch This

Miss Heather

P.S.: Thanks Steve from Astoria for bringing this to my attention!

How to Purchase Previously Owned Porn: A Primer

50’s Backdoor Bitch

I always dread the first Friday of the month. “First Fridays”, as my buddy Rachael calls them, are very busy days at the junk shop. She says it’s because this is the day people get their public assistance checks. Maybe this is true, maybe it isn’t. If it is, I can tell you what the taxpayers’ money was outlaid on in my little corner of Greenpoint today: PORN.


Before I continue:

  1. It is not the purpose of this post to malign people who receive public assistance. A person may lack money, but that does not mean he (or she) lacks integrity, intelligence or worth. More often than not all the previous qualities render a person poor. I speak from experience.
  2. It is not the purpose of this post to malign people who spend their public assistance on porn. Everyone deserves a diversion from the misery of their daily life. Especially those in the throes of poverty. Let them eat c*m— or better yet— watch someone else eat it for them. That sticky substance is catharsis for many a down-trodden person. “What’s that strange taste in my mouth?” you ask. It’s freedom. Spit or swallow. The decision is yours to make. The good ol’ U.S. of A. is a democracy after all.
  3. Rather, it is the purpose of this post to establish proper etiquette for buying porn, as it became very manifest today that such ground rules need to be set. Here they are.

Rule #1: Do not buy your porn from a thrift store.

Rule #2: If you find yourself in the position of having to purchase porn from a thrift store, don’t be an asshole.

The rest of this post will explore Rule #2.

Porno Pointer A

Any attempt to be sly about perusing porn is a waste of effort.

Today I finally commandeered more space to put out craft supplies and bargain bags of earrings. Immediately to my left was a chap foraging through a sizable container of DVDs. Though a recent addition to the store, we all knew what it contained:

  1. Four or five DVDs of “mainstream” movies
  2. A lot of porn, most of which involved inserting large objects up a woman’s rectum

As I was organizing this man hunched over this cache of affordable and no-strings-attached female companionship like a miser. He thought I would think that cinematic flicks such as The Fugitive (which was in said container) were the target of his dogged search. He was wrong. His attempt at subterfuge was pathetic.

This man was a picky poonhound. After much consideration Black-eyed Pees did not make the cut. I immediately brought this to my coworker’s attention. We laughed our asses off. Which brings me to the next titulation tip…

Porno Pointer B

Those of you who are thinking:

Gee, I bet these folks see people come in and buy this stuff all the time. If I want to buy Super-sized Black Booty Butt Plungers #87, they won’t think anything of it. This is normal, right?


Speaking as someone who has gone through boxes purchased at storage facility auctions, I have had plenty of moments when I find myself saying, “Ewwwww, GROSS.” You get used to finding the odd butt plug, cock ring or stacks of Juggs magazines. And worse.

You do NOT, however, get used to seeing a woman with a mop handle shoved up her nether-regions. Consider yourself warned because…

Porno Pointer C

We will talk about you behind your back. Your sexual eccentricities are our entertainment. Learn to live with this fact or:

  • acquire some social skills and get a girlfriend
  • buy porn made by companies who do not treat women like garbage
  • get therapy
  • all of the above

Porno Pointer D

Perversion has a price. Asking $5.00 for a gently used copy of Let’s Get Our Orgy On or Big Black Women with Little White Chicks is not at all unreasonable. What IS unreasonable is trying to haggle the price down because “other video stores sell these types of movies for $2.00.”

The previous sentence speaks volumes about your life(style). It is not a very flattering portrait.

Porno Pointer DD

Further attempts to justify a lower price will not work. What’s more, approaching the solitary female employee of the store with the hope of exploiting her lack of adult entertainment expertise might backfire. Which brings me to…

Porno Pointer E

Do not insult Miss Heather

What we’ve got here is… failure to communicate. Some men you just can’t reach. So you get what we had here last week today, which is the way he wants it… well, he gets it.

Miss H: Yes, I am aware these movies are of inferior quality. Jenna Jameson, they are not.

Pornophile: These movies are nothing more than footage culled from other movies.

Miss H: Yes, I know what “loops” are. I recently read Jenna Jameson’s biography, you should read it.

Pornophile: Did you learn anything from it?

Miss H: I was merely stating that it was interesting book. You should read it. You might learn something. (And being a cocksucker isn’t one of them, this dude has clearly mastered that art already . — Ed. Note)

*Chirp, chirp*

After taking ten seconds to deduce that he had been insulted by a broad, this dude transgressed…

Porno Pointer F

Appealing to another store employee in order to secure a low(er) price for porn is a futile endeavor. In the above case study this sad attempt at duplicity backfired. Big time. The price went up: $16.00.

And this chap tendered it. He even had the temerity to ask for a bag to conceal his salacious purchases. Had I been alone I would have told him we had none. Asshole.

After this episode I ventured out to forage lunch-time vittles. I was hungry. I was pissed. I needed to vent. So, as I was walking along McGuinness Boulevard with my newly acquired foodstuffs, I called my husband.

Miss H: …Remember that Hare Krishna looking dude we saw on the G train last weekend? The guy with the pants you liked?

Husband: Yes.

Miss H: That motherfucker tried to stiff me! He tried to tell me what loops were versus full length features. Like I don’t know the difference.

Husband: That was dumb.

Miss H: Yes it was. Who the fuck does this dude think he is? I’m not fucking stupid, you know. Give me a fucking break!

It was at this moment I noticed there was a woman walking behind me. A pregnant woman. A pregnant and very horrified woman. She looked like she had seen a ghost.

Let’s review:

  1. I was walking down McGuinness Boulevard shouting into a cell phone.
  2. I was walking down McGuinness Boulevard shouting into a cell phone while clad in a pair of hip-hugging stretch pants (rolled up to the knee), a yellow tank top with a black bra underneath (need to do laundry) and large sunglasses. My hair is currently blond. VERY BLOND. Long story— let’s just say that I recently had an epiphany: if Britney Spears can (still) dress like Britney Spears, so can I.
  3. I was shouting about someone trying to “stiff me”.
  4. Now subtract the previous telephonic exchange from my (previous and lengthy) context.

I am not so egotistical to think I am of professional porn caliber. I am not. Never was. Greenpoint has more, uh, LAX standards for such a sinecure. I know this because I have found “home grown” porn strewn on my block. You could probably stuff a sow in a negligee and get takers. Yes, it’s that’s bad.

When I got back to work, lunch in hand, my coworker was busy helping another customer. This man was— get this— BUYING PORN.




NEXT WEEK: Customers say the darnedest things. AKA; Don’t try to understand ’em, just rope, throw and brand ’em.

Miss Heather

McCarren Park’s New Leash Law

July 6, 2007 ·
Filed under: Area 51, Crazy People 

Owners must be on leash

I came across the above annotated sign at McCarren Park recently. Why do I not find this surprising? Perhaps the fact this dog run is the stomping grounds of the notorious Williamsburg gentile fondler has something to do with it?

Yeah, that’s it.

Miss Heather

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