Puppies, Anyone?

October 3, 2007 ·
Filed under: Area 51 

I rarely, if ever, post more than four items a day. Today I am going to make an exception and overcome my innate laziness for these furry friends.

Puppies in Prison

Per Rebecca11222, a frequent New York Shitty contributor and commenter, these very cute lab mix puppies were found under a highway overpass. That’s all I know. Anyone interested in giving any of these guys (or gals) a home should email Rebecca at:

Rebecca11222 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Miss Heather

10/05/07: It has been brought to my attention that these dogs are no longer for adoption. Please see the comment left by Mr. Belvedere to learn more.

Back At It On Box Street

October 3, 2007 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

I have spent the afternoon thus far prepping for my big day with Mike. I have an appointment to get my hair done. Even a Dog Shit Queen takes the time to mind appearances. Personal vanity aside, I thought it would be fun to do a little homework on Greenpoint’s far north side. Guess what? The workers constructing the box at 48 Box Street are quite busy. Again.

Open for business!

The fence was open.

Fence detail at 48 Box

The fence looked like shit. Is this up to code? Perhaps someone from the Department of Buildings will tell me tomorrow?


The construction permit is expired and yet the bricklayers are busy laying bricks.

Bricklayers a laying!

Or at least they were at 2:30 p.m. today.

Oh, did I mention there is a Stop Work Order in this property?

DOB BIS 48 Box Street

There is. Click on the above image and learn why! Curiously enough, I found no such notice on the fence. They probably ripped it off and went back to work. That seems to be the general practice around here nowadays. Thankfully, I can go to the Department of Building’s web site and find out if they’re breaking the law! Well, unless it involves illegal after hours construction anyway.

Miss Heather

A Few Events in Greenpoint and Beyond

October 3, 2007 ·
Filed under: Area 51 

Wow, do I have a slew of goodies I have neglected to pass along! Here they are.

Dalaga NYC is currently having their We Love Fall Sale. Per their press release:

When that first Fall crisp hits the air it makes us happy, and we wanna make you happy with a fresh Fall sale. Join us this week October 2nd to 7th and receive 10% off sweaters and jeans.

Just in time for NEW arrivals……

  • Fab fall tights and knee highs
  • Cozy cotton and cashmere blend sweaters
  • Organic cotton men’s shirts and henleys
  • Seriously soft shawls

“Yummy Dalaga cocktails” are also in the offering. Boozehounds and fashion mavens unite…

and head down to Dalaga!

Dalaga NYC
150 Franklin Street
Brooklyn, NY 11222
(877) 287-8395

Tuesday – Thursday 2:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Friday – Sunday 12:00 -9:00 p.m.

Next up, Mo Willems will be at Word Books this Thursday, October 4 from 5:00 -7:00 p.m. Those who are interested in attending should R.S.V.P. by sending an email to:

info (at) wordbooks (dot) com

Word Books
126 Franklin Street Brooklyn, NY 11222
(718) 383-0096

Hours: Tuesday – Saturday: 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Sunday: 12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Off the beaten (Garden Spot) path, I received the following press release this morning regarding the upcoming launch of Y Personal Fitness in Bedford Stuyvesant. Here is a (very) general rundown:

WHO: The YMCA of Greater New York and national fitness expert Michael J. Spezzano will Launch “Y Personal Fitness,” a 12-week personalized exercise program, at a press conference/open house. The YMCA of Greater New York is a community service organization which promotes positive values through programs that build spirit, mind and body.

WHAT: The Y Personal Fitness program is rolled out at all 19 Greater New York YMCA branches, the largest regional launch.

WHEN: Thursday, October 4 at 10:00 a.m.

WHERE: Bedford-Stuyvesant YMCA Branch: 1121 Bedford Avenue, (at Monroe Street), Brooklyn

For more information, please contact Jessica Fletcher at:

jessica (dot) fletcher (at) lotus-pr (dot) com

Lastly, I will once again admonish my fellow Greenpointers to beeline it to the Polonaise Terrace tomorrow night for the mayor’s visit. Be there and bitch (politely, please), or stay home and quit bitching. You can read Brooklyn11211‘s excellent post about this upcoming event by clicking here.

Back to prepping my construction calamity dossier for tomorrow night, I have a date with the mayor!

Miss Heather

Calling All Kitties in New York Shitty!

October 3, 2007 ·
Filed under: Area 51 

Working Class Cats

I recently received an email from the proprietor of Working Class Cats asking me to help him with a project he is cooking up. “Tom Cat” writes:

I am trying to branch out of Greenpoint as much as possible (though there a few more cats I want to capture here). But ultimately, I want several cats from each borough and several neighborhoods in each borough. So I guess if you have blogger friends or other wise that might know of shop cats in other neighborhoods please let me know

I hope I am not being a pest but any info you can give me would be fantastic.

So there have you. I for one think creating a map of the hard working (and even harder napping) cats of the five boros is a neat idea. Anyone up for giving this chap a hand paw?

Miss Heather

Photo Credit: Working Class Cats

A Greenpointer Comes Out of The Closet

October 3, 2007 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

No, this Greenpointer was not “coming out” to use contemporary parlance for openly admitting one’s homosexuality. This chap was extracted from a closet. Literally, and interestingly enough, unwillingly. In keeping with the particularly strange mojo my neighborhood has been giving off lately I present to you a very special coming out story from the April 24, 1949 edition of the New York Times.

Hermit Headline

4/28/1949 NYT

Mrs. Makushak was a woman ahead of her time: that closet probably commands $600 a month now. Plus utilities and first and last month’s rent, of course.

Miss Heather

Bicycle Brouhaha Brewing on India Street

October 2, 2007 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

I have long suspected that someone is in the business of stealing bikes and reselling them in Greenpoint but never had any proof to back it up. That is, until I discovered the below bike on India Street.

Stolen Bike

I happened across this bike September 26th while walking home. Noticing that a note had been affixed to the seat, I went in for a closer look.

This is my bike

The former owner of this “hot” bike, being the duly diligent person he (or she) is, even included an angry missive en Espanol.

En Espanol

Unfortunately it does not appear to have worked. As I learned when I walked by this bike again this four days later.

Follow-up sign

Mark my words folks: this is gonna get very ugly muy feo.

Miss Heather

Models Wanted At the Astral

October 2, 2007 ·
Filed under: Area 51 


This morning I received an alarming email from my neighbor and all-around casserole whiz, Emily. She writes:

There sure is a mushroom growing from my ceiling:


I’ll be frank. I have heard a lot of bad things about the Astral. Mostly that it is a total dump whose north-facing wing has a bedbug infestation. What I did not know, however, is the Super is too busy shooting amateur boudoir photography to do anything about it.

How did I find out this piece of information, you ask? Very simple: Eefers Googled her Superintendent’s name and this gent’s portfolio at “Model Mayhem” was the first item to pop up.

I wish I had learned about this excellent opportunity earlier. If I did, I would have contacted this guy. I could use a little extra money for Christmas shopping this year.

Miss Heather

Photo Credit: The Thing. No, it is not the Super of the Astral. Sorry folks!

Poor Brandon

October 2, 2007 ·
Filed under: Crazy People, Greenpoint Magic 

I have had my share of bad neighbors. Crack heads, manic depressives, filth-mongers, a wailing nympho* and a likely prostitute just to name a few. Thankfully, as of the writing of this post my existence is relatively nuisance free. Relatively.

You see, I have a neighbor who likes to talk on the phone. She also likes to smoke cigarettes or low grade weed while doing so. But she does not, however, like to smoke in her apartment (given how foul smelling that last spliff was, I can’t say I blame her), so she takes her telephone and smokes to the area behind her apartment.

I have listened, albeit unwillingly, to a number of her marathon telephone sessions. If the sheer amount of time she spends talking to people is any indication, she must be pretty popular. She sounds like a nice enough person— and that’s why I enjoy hearing the latest developments in her life. Mile stones like:

  1. Having a nose job.
  2. Getting a boyfriend.
  3. Bra shopping. For the record she likes under wire soft cup bras with no padding. Victoria’s Secret is her favorite place to buy under garments. Too bad I don’t know who her boyfriend is or I would tell him that. The holiday season is just around the corner, you know.

I mention the above anecdote because (after learning about it on Curbed yesterday) I have a confession to make: I am addicted to rottenneighbor.com. Last night I spent over an hour trolling bad neighbor horror stories and believe it or not Greenpoint has quite a few. By far my favorite (and easily the most disturbing) tale is the case of poor Brandon on Leonard Street. A disgruntled neighbor writes:

Brandon is a kid who live(s) with his grandmother and grandfather, (in their 40s), and grandma yells ALL DAY LONG, and when she is not yelling, Ralphie, their little yip dog, stands by the door and barks at no one. In addition to yelling at Brandon through the door intercom system, she yells at Brandon inside. Daily phrases include, “shut the F–K up, Brandon,” “get the F–K in bed, Brandon,” and “pick up your F—ING S–T, Brandon.” The all time favorite, however, was “you wanna’ go live wi’cha mom in the ghetto?” There is lots of dog feces on the sidewalk, and Brandon’s grandparents make life pretty unbearable at times.

Um, this sounds like something that should be reported to ACS. As for the dog feces on the sidewalk, well, I see smell a field trip coming!

Miss Heather

*This woman was like clockwork: 10:00, 12:00, and 4:00 (a.m. or p.m.) every Saturday. One night she was really on a roll. Her consort was clearly hitting all the sweet spots. Feeling impish, I opened up the window and mimicked every moan she made. Soon, my next door neighbor (a very nice woman who has since moved) joined in. For a full five minutes it was a non-stop chorus of moaning and “Oh Gods” occasionally puntuated with a “Yee Haw” and “Yippie Ki Yay”.

What can I say? I AM from Texas after all.

Has Anyone Seen An Albino Ferret?

October 2, 2007 ·
Filed under: Area 51 

If so, someone in Flushing would like to talk to you. Flakito is sorely missed.

Flakito the Flushing Ferret

This gem comes from Lisanne over at Found in Brooklyn. She writes:

Hey Miss Heather……..i saw this flyer for a missing albino ferret in Flushing today and thought of you for some reason, don’t know if it’s your thing but the weird thing to me was that all the numbers were pulled off the flyer, so i guess a lot of people have seen it running around…if you have a slow news day thought you might have some insight…

or not!

There is never a day in Miss Heather’s life when she is too busy to spread the word about Flakito the fugitive Flushing ferret. Please help this special pet (who even eats “special food”) find his way home. They’re even offering a $100 reward.

Thanks again Lisanne for this excellent find!

Miss Heather

Hey Everybody, The Mayor’s Coming!

October 1, 2007 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!

It has come to my attention via the fabulous Brooklyn11211 that hizzoner is coming to the Garden Spot this week! He writes:

This is a once-in-an-administration opportunity for the community to get its key issues in front of the Mayor, and to put some Commissioners (ahem, DOB) on the spot in front of their boss. If the past is any guide, though, the Mayor will be presented with a huge laundry list of issues, some of which he won’t even have control over, some of which can only be answered in platitudes… What we need is a list of 5 to 7 key areas that can be pounded over and over again (my vote: construction, affordable housing, parks, environment, contextual zoning, landmarks and transportation).

This is an excellent idea which merits following through. Speaking for myself, I have much material to choose from construction-wise. The above cement truck FALLING on a house while violating a stop work order last week is my current favorite. It takes a special kind of imbecile to pull that off.

Seriously folks, this is the time to let our mayor know we are fed up with the developers’ total and utter disregard for our personal safety and quiet enjoyment of our homes. We live here. We have rights.

I repeat, A TRUCK FALLING ON A HOUSE! This is beyond ridiculous. Greenpoint is a neighborhood, not The Wizard of Fucking Oz.

Where: Polonaise Terrace, 150 Greenpoint Avenue

When: Thursday 4 October 2007. 7 pm.

Miss Heather

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