Halloween Photo du Jour: Gnomes on Franklin

October 26, 2007 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Hallowen Gnomes

I posted this photo on flickr a week ago. One of my (crazy talented and feline loving) friends commented:

This is going to give me nightmares.

Would you expect anything less from the man responsible for this?


The above photo dates from July 13. They’re still going at it lest any of you happen to be wondering.

Miss Heather

Greenpoint Girls, It’s Your Time To Party!!!

October 26, 2007 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

In keeping with this week’s roster of Halloween festivities, today I offer something for the ladies of Greenpoint: HUNK-O-MANIA.


The hottest male dancers in NYC are set to grace the stage at Club Europa this evening. The bar opens at 5:30 p.m. and “girls” are promised free admission and 1/2 price drinks until midnight. It’s encouraging to see sexual objectification cuts both ways nowadays!

Club Europa
98 Meserole Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222
(718) 383-5723

To help you get the proper Greenpoint attitude for the aforementioned Halloween hootenannies, I leave with this YouTube video of my buddy Borixon and five fellow Polish homies (Polmies?) slamming down some fierce rhymes. I have no idea what they’re saying, but then again you don’t really need to know Polish to “get” it: the feral female on a leash pretty much says it all.

Miss Heather

Love Keeps You Warm

October 26, 2007 ·
Filed under: Area 51, Greenpoint Magic 

Love Keeps You Warm Flyer

Yesterday I received an email from a fellow Greenpointer named Spring. She writes:

We have a yarn club at my work, called the Darn Yarn, and Love Keeps You Warm is our very own project that we’ve started this year. I’ll also point out though that we’re running out of our donated yarn and we’re not working nearly as fast as we’d like to. Aside from a few small bundles of yarn that have been donated here and there, all of the yarn we use we’ve pitched in to buy. Last year Diana, the lady who started this, crocheted over 300 scarves on her own, with yarn that she personally bought. If Diana can contribute 300, think how many scarves and skeins of yarn we could get if this was more public! We can’t afford to advertise in all the normal ways as we have no budget, so I thought I’d ask if you could mention this in your blog.

I am quite crafty (in ways I care not to recount here), but knitting is not my forte. Firstly, it requires a level of patience I simply do not possess. Secondly, when one has five cats any endeavor that involves yarn (ribbon, string, etc.) is doomed to certain failure. I speak from experience and have the scratches to show for it.

That said, I know Greenpoint and that little place to the south called Williamsburg have many knitters in their ranks. I’ve seen women knock out a scarves on the L train like no one’s business. Why not knit something and donate it to this cause? I am certain one of these children would love to get a scarf, hat or stuffed animal to lift his/her spirits this holiday season.

An hour or two of your time is such a small price to pay. Or, if you’re like me, you’ll donate all that yarn you’ve been meaning to do stuff with* but somehow never got around to it.

For more information email Diana Previtire at:

dprevitire (at) actorsequity (dot) org

On a related note, I have been long remiss in giving a shout-out to fresh art’s Sock Monkey Work Shop. I have purchased two such monkeys. I love them, as does my cat Bodhi.

Bodhi and his Monkey

To give you an idea what fresh art is about, here is an excerpt from their mission statement:

The mission of fresh art, a non-profit organization, is to provide expanded artistic, personal development, and entrepreneurial opportunities to New York City artists with special needs. We are also dedicated to enhancing public awareness of these artists’ talents and concerns, their agencies’ work, and on the use of art as a tool for healing, growth, and positive change.

I speak from experience when I say art heals. If I didn’t operate this blog I would be a much more imbalanced person. The previous having been said, fresh art needs volunteers. Those who are interested in volunteering can learn more by clicking here. Or you can make a donation by clicking here.

Miss Heather

*or steal it from work. Shh.

Halloween Photo du Jour: Black Cat on Franklin Street

October 25, 2007 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Black Cat on Franklin Street

I strongly encourage everyone to check out this kitty cat (located on Franklin between Huron and India Street). Its head and tail move. Since taking the above photo, he has been joined by a spooky ghost. Very neat!

Miss Heather

The New Park on Manhattan Avenue

October 25, 2007 ·
Filed under: Area 51 

Since it is a dreary day I thought it would be nice to share the latest photos I have taken of the new park under construction at the northern terminus of Manhattan Avenue.

Park, 10/22/07

All the walkways have been paved.

Park Detail, 10/22/07

Park benches and decorative rocks have been installed.

Park Detail 2, 10/22/07

Shrubberies have been planted. All in all, it looks very nice.

Keep Out

Too bad the scenery to be enjoyed there is luxury condoville in Queens West.

I have yet to get any word as to when this park will be open to the public. I can advise people to stay out of it in the meantime, though: a week ago a friend of mine saw the police arrest a man who was fishing* here. Whether or not it was for trespassing or being incredibly stupid is anyone’s guess.

Miss Heather

*Yes, some Greenpointers actually fish in Newtown Creek (and the East River). They don’t release either; they take these scrumptious morsels home to eat. I have seen this with my own eyes.

Another Halloween Party: Palace Cafe

October 25, 2007 ·
Filed under: Area 51 

Palace Cafe

This one was brought to my attention by a reader named Sherry. She writes:

I… wanted to let you know there’s an adults-only Halloween costume party at the Park Palace Café (Nassau and Russell), known as Goodman’s for some reason to my family, on October 27. I might drop by uncostumed to see how hipsterized what I remember as a working-class bar has become.

I walked by this very establishment yesterday and it does look pretty hipsterized. Inasmuch as it is possible (McGolrick Park is homeless person H.Q.) , anyway. Here are the deets about the party:

WHAT: Halloween Costume Bash and Art Party

WHERE: The Palace Cafe, Nassau Avenue at Russell Street

WHEN: Saturday, October 27, dusk until closing

There will be a prize for best costume and art work by Lenka Curtain is to be featured.

So there have you! Yet another Halloween party to choose from on this upcoming Halloween(ish) weekend!

Miss Heather

#7 of the Greenpoint 10 is…

October 25, 2007 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

218 Eckford Street

my buddies over at Belvedere Partners, Inc. The above-depicted Belvedere is currently under construction at 218 Eckford Street. I have no idea which “number” this one will be. Hell, I suspect even the evil masterminds behind this turd probably don’t know either: there are so damned many of them now even they occasionally lose track.

For better or worse, these tacky buildings (and their absurdly over-sized balconies) have become a defining characteristic of the Garden Spot’s landscape. What’s more, I discovered via Belvedere Partners’s web site we are set to get yet another one.

Coming soon…

On Manhattan Avenue, no less. The above address for Belvedere VII sounded inexplicably familiar to me, so I poked around my ever-expanding collection of all things Belvedere and looked it up on the Department of Buildings web site. It didn’t take me very long to figure out why this address rung a bell. Which brings me to this week’s motivational poster.


The best (and only) thing I can liken the Belvedere phenomenon to is a hydra. You cut one head off and another one simply takes its place. Sure, Greenpoint lost one uglyass piece of illegal advertising, but consider what is going to take its place: a doublewide Belvedere. It’s sort of like trading gonorrhea for stage four syphilis.

Miss Heather

Halloween Decoration Du Jour

October 24, 2007 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Inspired by the Gowanus Lounge’s daily dose of Halloween goodness, I have decided to follow his example and feature some cool Halloween decorations from right here in Greenpoint. Today’s offering hails from Leonard Street.

Headless Man

Perhaps he is contractor pooped after a busy day building Belvederes?

Miss Heather

Hillary Hilarity on Norman Avenue

October 24, 2007 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

S & A for Hillary

S & A Building Development loves them some Hillary.

Next Two

A smartass with a can of spray paint does not share their enthusiasm.

Such is the smash-jaw world of Greenpoint politics. I love it. We air dissent in a civilized and witty fashion, unlike our high falutin neighbors in Boerum Hill. When drug dealers or chicken bone tossers blight their door steps, Boerum Hill calls 911. We Greenpointers, on the other hand, call it home.

Hillary hater or not.

Miss Heather

Williamsburg Needs Neuticles!


I came across the above sticker yesterday on Maspeth Avenue west of Olive Street. Amused, I took a photo of it. I had my suspicions as to what “Neuticles” were, so upon arriving home I immediately Googled it. They were exactly what I thought they would be (from neuticles.com):

Over 225,000 caring pet owners Worldwide have selected Neuticles as a safe, practical and inexpensive option when neutering.

Neuticles allowing your pet to retain his natural look, self esteem and aids in the trauma associated with neutering.

I spent an hour perusing this web site. I advise you, dear readers, to do the same. It is a comedy goldmine:

Neuticles are just plain neat!
—Rush Limbaugh

I wonder when Rush saw fit to lavish this praise upon Neuticles? Was it before or after he got caught with that illicit bottle of Viagra? If he had followed his own advice and got himself some Neuticles Rush might not have found himself in the previous predicament. He also would have spared the American people a lot of pain and suffering thinking about his bloated sack of pus hot air having sex.

Believe it or not, the “satisfied customers section” is even better:

I’ve put off neutering “Crooked Joe” for months and when I found out about Neuticles and spoke to them it made me feel better about neutering. Joe not only looks the same now- but dosen’t know he’s missing anything.

He’s a guy and I wanted him to remain looking like one.

And my personal favorite:

Frodo never knew he lost anything and is just a happier little dog since he’s been neutered with Neuticles.

Perhaps the previous pet owner should rename her canine companion Scroto Baggins? Just a thought.

Those of you who are interested in this product should be advised that the (s)experts at Neuticles have a vast assortment of nut bags for you to choose from. The budget conscious ball sack connoisseur can purchase the basic, no frills “Original” model, the more effete testicular snob can spend a little extra and get the “Ultraplus” model with Scargard.

Sizes range from XL, for pets weighing 110-190 pounds (in which case one nut will cost you $189 or you can get a pair for $269) to XS, for pets weighing 3-8 pounds (in which case one nutlet will set you back $59 or a pair can be had for a measly $94). What a bargain!

Cat owners, don’t despair: they have the perfect pair of balls for your pussy. All you need to do is grab that mouse, point and click! All major credit cards are accepted.

In closing, I have to confess that I have developed Neuticle envy while writing this post. Yesterday I walked to Artist & Craftsman Supply to buy some paper mache. Such is the real estate hoax of pimping Greenpoint as being an ‘artistic’ neighborhood: artists may reside here, but there are no longer any stores here to facilitate their (my, our) habit. North Brooklyn:

Be an artist or just look like one!

So off to East Williamsburg I went. And in so doing, I became the unwitting (and unwilling) object of affection for a number of fellows along the way. Hisses, whistles and yelling greeted me as I approached the BQE. As I recounted to a friend of mine later:

…my trek to the art supply store on Metropolitan Avenue and back was a gauntlet of hisses and whistles. One especially creepy guy beckoned for me to come over to his van (!!!) and talk to him. This was on Meeker (by the BQE), which made the situation even creepier. I am fucking 30-something years old. I am NOT going to walk over to some stranger’s van and to talk to him. Much less by the BQE. The previous scenario has “coming to the back of a milk carton near you” written all over it.

Perhaps if I had a pair of Neuticles, the previous chap would have left me alone? I don’t want the “XS” model either. I want ’em SO BIG I’ll need a handtruck to carry them.

Miss Heather

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