Conan the Astorian

November 8, 2007 ·
Filed under: Area 51 

As I indicated in this post, I was very disappointed with the fecal offerings to be found during my latest trip to Astoria. Yesterday I decided to make a return visit and not come home until I found the perfect pile of poop for my latest project. After schlepping for over two hours my shit quest came to an end at the intersection of 30th Drive and 12 Street.

Help Keep New York Clean

Realizing time was of the essence, I quickly went to work.

Conan the Astorian

All in all, I was pleased with my creation.

Conan the Astorian

Very, very pleased.

Miss Heather

#5 of the Greenpoint 10 is…

November 8, 2007 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

A man who needs little in the way of introduction. Damned near everyone in Greenpoint knows who he is— and besides, no one seems to know his name anyway. He is simply that shirtless guy who lives on Franklin Street —or “Blow Torch Harry” as one New York Shitty commenter likes to call him:

When he lived on Milton he was renovating his bathroom. We could see him from our window. He would be blow torching naked in his apartment. It was classic.

It is my understanding that my buddy over at 11222 is going to give us the 411 on this chap and I do not want to step on her toes. However, I too have a “Blow Torch Harry” story I would like to share. Here it is.

One very brisk February morning I decided to burn a little time before a hair appointment by taking a walk. Curious to see what my favorite Greenpoint celebrity was up to, I swung by Franklin Street to find out. He was busy tending his lot.

Clad only in a pair of tighty whities.

I do not recall what the temperature was that particular day, but it had to have been around freezing. Watching this man conduct his business in his BVDs was painful to watch, and yet too fascinating to avert my gaze away. I was mesmerized and from that moment forward became a “Blow Torch Harry” believer.

You gotta respect a a guy for walking around in sub-freezing weather in his underoos. He looked shrinkage in the eye and didn’t flinch. The fact he also sees fit to weld au naturel on occasion is pure gravy, which brings me to this week’s motivational poster.


The Park Slope Civic Council can distribute free umbrellas (lest the local populace melt with the first trace of autumn rain). We Greenpointers don’t need no stinking umbrellas. Hell, we’ve dispensed with clothing altogether! What’s a little rain water compared to the thrill of going commando with a blow torch?


“Blow Torch Harry”, it is people like you who make Greenpoint, well, Greenpoint. On behalf of all the fellow Greenpointers you have managed to amaze and inspire, I salute you.

I look forward to seeing a lot more of you this upcoming February.

Miss Heather

Miss Heather’s Condominium Select-O-Matic

November 8, 2007 ·
Filed under: Long Island City 

Pulaski Bridge with Condo

Whenever I feel my neighborhood is going to over-development hell in a hand basket, I make a trek across the Pulaski Bridge to Long Island City. I invariably come back to the Garden Spot feeling much, much better. With one notable (and nagging exception): I cannot stop worrying about how John and Jane Q. Consumer will be able to select the perfect condominium to suit their new Long Island City lifestyle. There are simply too many of them to choose from!!!

As the proprietress of New York Shitty, I aspire to inform as well as entertain. Therefore, I have created Miss Heather’s Condominium Select-O-Matic to help these needy people make the right decision. Don’t know which Long Island City domicile is right for you? Complete the following questionnaire and find out!

#1: I am hard of hearing.

A. The above statement describes me.
B. The above statement does not describe me.
C. I cannot read the above statement.

#2: Does the following disturb you?

Stop Son of Sam

A. No.
B. Yes.
C. I am the author of the above missive.

#3: My idea of pleasing scenery is…

A. Queensboro Plaza.
B. A nice pair of breasts.
C. The Queens Midtown Tunnel.

#4: When I go to a gentlemen’s club I prefer:

A. a little Dim sum with my poontang.
B. to wear an artfully placed donut on my member.
C. Titty bars are for jerks. I want HOOKERS!

#5: Showerheads are not just for getting clean.

A. I disagree with this statement.
B. I agree with this statement.
C. I do not understand this statement.

#6: What do you think of the following?

Live Like A Star!

A. This is the stupidest thing I have ever seen.
B. I do not understand it.
C. Cool!

Quiz time is over folks! Time to tabulate those scores and find your new dream home!

I have mostly A’s.
I have mostly B’s.
I have mostly C’s.

Good luck at your new digs, aspiring condo dwellers. To those of you who scored mostly A’s: I’ll be sure to carry a can of mace and box of A-200 Pyrinate with me when I drop off your housewarming casserole.


Miss Heather

Public Service Announcement

November 7, 2007 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Whoever stole that kid’s tent on Kent Street between Franklin and Manhattan Avenue last weekend…

Tent Taker

the parts and instructions are ready for you to pick up.

Miss Heather

P.S.: Thanks for forwarding this to me Nate!

Franklin is Clinton Country

November 7, 2007 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Yesterday we learned 177 1/2 Norman Avenue is Bush-friendly (and tambourine playing). Democrats, don’t despair! I have since learned that Franklin Street is Clinton country!

William Jefferson Clinton on Franklin

Is that a pumpkin stem between his legs or he is just happy to see me? In keeping with most such moments in my life, Bill’s show of affection was a little too little and a little too late. Unlike Ms. Lewinsky, I would have proven to be a very capable power behind the bone.

I know how to use a cigar correctly.

In closing I’d like to give a big New York Shitty shout-out to my buddy across the pond who has seen fit link to my humble post featuring the above depicted gnomes. I suspect he will be blown away by this latest tableau.

In more ways than one.

Miss Heather

A Few Upcoming Events This Week

November 6, 2007 ·
Filed under: Area 51 

Here’s a round-up of events of interest to cat lovers, Brooklyn enthusiasts and foodies.

The Brooklynites

This evening at 7:30 p.m. Word Books will be hosting a book signing and slide-show presentation of The Brooklynites, a collection of Brooklyn-centric photographs by Seth Kushner and stories by Anthony LaSala. Featuring 206 images, the book charts a course from Bensonhurst to Bedford-Stuyvesant, and captures such borough notables as Jonathan Lethem, Spike Lee and Matisyahu. I have seen this project online— and even though it does not feature yours truly (which I am certain is due to a big misunderstanding), I have to say it is rather impressive. The non-celebrities featured are by far the most interesting. Give this event a whirl and see for yourself.

Word Books
126 Franklin Street
Brooklyn, New York 11222
(718) 383-0096

Brooklyn Kitchen’s First Birthday Celebration and Bodega Challenge

November 7th, Brooklyn Kitchen will be celebrating its first birthday at Union Pool with the Bodega Challenge. Per the Brooklyn Kitchen web site, if you bring a cake you will receive a 10% discount for the entire month of November (or what’s left of it, anyway). Either way it’s a pretty sweet deal.

Those of you who are curious about the Bodega Challenge can read a nice article about it by clicking here or peruse the rules and regulations at the Brooklyn Kitchen’s web site.

This event sounds really cool. I considered entering it but what I prepare for Thanksgiving dinner at Chateau de Ghetto is more than a little unconventional: a phat spread of Mexican food including the best damned chile rellenos on the east coast. In my infinite humility (READ: laziness) I have decided to let someone else have a shot at winning this contest.

Union Pool
484 Union Ave (Subway: L to Lorimer, G to Metropolitan)
Brooklyn, New York 11211
(718) 609-0484

Slope Street Cats Fall Feral Fund Raiser

This Saturday, November 10th, Slope Street Cats will be hosting a fund raiser at Ripple Bar in Prospect Heights. Here are the deets per Slope Street Cats web site:

Join your favorite cat ladies (and a few cat guys) for a night of food, drink, and fun—all to benefit Brooklyn’s feral felines! Your ticket includes one drink, buffet-style finger food, and automatic entry for a door prize.

Raffle and silent auction prizes courtesy of:

  • Area Spa
  • Bird
  • Natural Heights
  • Sweet Charity
  • …and much more!

Tickets for this event cost $25.00 and can be purchased online.

Ripple Bar
769 Washington Ave (between Sterling & St. John’s Place)
Brooklyn, New York 11238 (Subway: 2/3 to Eastern Parkway, or 4 to Franklin)
(718) 230-4514

And that’s all she wrote!

Miss Heather


November 6, 2007 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

One thing I have noticed as I parse through newspaper archives is that Greenpointers sure like to bite. As we have learned so far, the discriminating Garden Spotter has taste for landlords and would-be ghosts. Given the previous, I suppose it should hardly be surprising to learn that law enforcement officials also tickle our taste buds. From the December 16, 1895 edition of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle I present to you a tale about good old Greenpoint cop biting.

12/16/1895 Brooklyn Daily Eagle

Perhaps we should do as this subway poster suggests and pluck our teeth for freedom? Mr. Smith’s freedom, that is.

Miss Heather

A Word of Advice To Greenpoint Bike Owners

November 6, 2007 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

You might want to watch where you park on Greenpoint Avenue or you might discover that your two wheeler has been converted into a NO wheeler. Missy, a long-time New York Shitty reader and first time tipster writes:

Noticed this endangered bike on Greenpoint in front of The Black Rabbit and thought of your blog… The bike’s gonna get it if we don’t act fast!

Draft two

While grammatically flawed, the point attempting to be made in the above missive remains pretty clear: remove your bike or it will be removed. Piece by piece. On that note, any bicycle enthusiasts who might be reading this should probably refrain from chaining your bikes to this tree on Calyer Street as well.

Calyer Street Sign

Hey, at least they said thank you.

Miss Heather

The Karate Krishna

November 6, 2007 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

The following are three phrases I use with unusual frequency in Greenpoint:

  1. What the fuck?
  2. Oh my.
  3. Who the hell did this?

Yesterday I asked myself the above two questions, dear readers. What’s more, they were both answered in the course of a mere thirty minutes. It all started with the following objet de arte on Norman Avenue.

Cart Thing

What the fuck?

At 2:30 p.m. I found this tricked-out five wheeler tethered to a steel gate which graces one of Greenpoint’s more interesting edifices: 177 1/2 Norman Avenue.

God Bless Our Troops

Oh my.

Obviously the owner of the aforementioned cart (and presumably the decorator of the above window) likes:

  1. America
  2. George W. Bush
  3. Karate
  4. Running

Karate House

Especially America and Karate.

Who the hell did this?

I have asked myself the above question many times as I have gazed upon the this building. And on November 5, 2007 at 3:00 p.m. I finally received an answer.

Karate Krishna

The kind of guy who totes his painfully adorable children in a customized kiddie coach while beating a star-shaped tambourine at the intersection of Manhattan Avenue and Norman, that’s who.

Oh my.

Miss Heather

Hi Ho! Hi Ho! And Off To The Dog House I Go!

November 5, 2007 ·
Filed under: Area 51 


As I was parsing through the brain-numbing labyrinth that is the Department of Building’s record keeping for 30-03 Newtown Avenue last night, I decided to get a glass of wine. Since a bottle was not open, I went into the closet and grabbed me one. Big mistake.

Miss Heather is in the shitter

In the two years we have been married my husband has never, ever, left me a nasty note. (And take my word for it, the tone of this note is SUPER PISSED in Mr. Heatherese.)

So off to the dog house I go. Since Mr. Heather spends a fair amount of time in the aforementioned domicile, it is only fair that I take my turn.


Miss Heather

Dog Card Credit: Hallmark. This is the card we received from my mother in law for our second anniversary. We were married on Halloween, lest any of you happen to be wondering. Here’s to 30-40 more years of finding new and innovative ways to Mr. Heather insane!

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