Belvedere XX Goes Green: Kind Of

November 29, 2007 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Hmm. If I was a developer who built a buttload of crappy ass cookie cutter condos what would I do to generate interest? Oh wait, I know: I’d hire some spin doctor to turn my homogenized shit into individualized Shinola!

185 India

I must confess: this logo is pretty nice. It is me, or do those little green leafy things make me think of trees— or marijuana?


It’s sort of funny to have a logo invoking greenery when the fine folks at Belvedere/Bridge Realty seem to have killed the only tree on the premises. I won’t even go into the whole “No Dumping” thing because it is simply too easy.


Just like Babs “twat flop cakes” Corcoran advised, they covered the frontage with cement. I am certain this will add much value to my neighborhood.

Belvedere XX

Behold, another piece of condo crap!

Belvedere XX from Mickey G’s

And for the very reasonable starting price of $379,000 this view can be yours!

I too have a question for Babs:

Do your collars and cuffs match?

Having grown up in the land of fake blonds (Texas), I suspect her pixie-esque locks were begotten by peroxide. Why not drop trou and take one for the team, Barbara? Who knows, you might make a few (more) bucks. I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.


Miss Heather

The Sprinkle Brigade Cometh!

November 28, 2007 ·
Filed under: Area 51, Dog Shit, Dung of the Day, Williamsburg 

Sprinkle Brigade Blog

I recently received a couple of emails notifying me that the Sprinkle Brigade is having an opening this Friday Thursday*, November 29th, right next door in Williamsburg! As you can imagine I am very excited about this event and want to pass along the deets to you, dear readers.

WHAT: The Sprinkle Brigade

WHERE: Riviera Gallery
103 Metropolitan Avenue Brooklyn, New York 11211

WHEN: November 29 – December 23, 2007 (no opening times are mentioned, but I suspect it’ll be roughly 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. November 29)

HOW (to get there): the Bedford Avenue stop of the L or the B61 bus

These folks are real maestros with merde. By all means check it out! To get in the proper state of mind beforehand be sure to check out the online “Gallery” on their web site or their blog.

Gallery Hanahou

Another show I have been meaning to mention is Luv-able & Hug-able at Gallery Hanahou. Here’s the scoop from their web site:

This holiday season, 28 of the world’s most innovative plush artists will stuff gallery hanahou full of the cutest, fuzziest, and strangest gifts around! The show will include toys from 9 popular Japanese plush artists, rarely seen outside of Japan and specially curated by renowned plush collector PAPANDA (Kazuyoshi Kitami). Prices will range from $12 to $1200 in this holiday show of original, handmade gifts, and all of the pieces in the show will also be available for viewing and purchase beginning November 8th (online sales start November 9th). Let a hug-able plush send a luv-able message to your special someone!

I have not made it to this exhibition yet— but I definitely plan to do so before it closes. Check out their flickr photo set and you will understand why: this stuff is insanely cool!

Gallery Hanahou
611 Broadway, Suite 730
New York, New York 10012
(646) 486-6586

To close on an artistic note, by buddy over at Icky in Brooklyn has a little project in the works that might be of interest to some of the more craftier people out there. He writes:

Attention all Brooklyn weavers, painters, potters, photographers, artists, and craftsfolk of all disciplines!

The holidays and shopping season is upon us, and fact is, being someone who hand-crafts, I like to support those who hand-craft. (Besides, I have stuff to sell.) Over the next few weeks, I will be creating a list of Brooklyn artists and craftsfolk, links and all.

Ideally we can make folks aware of how many artists (and of how many disciplines) we have here in Brooklyn, and perhaps we can bring each other a bit of business. It will be available here at Icky. A sort of “Brooklyn Holiday Handmade Gifts” list. Copying of the list and cross posting on your blog or website is encouraged! Let’s work together for the love of Pete.

Here’s the rules: Handmade or personally-produced art and craftswork only, and Brooklyn residents only. For instance, if you crochet baby blankets and you live in Bay Ridge, that’s fab. If you sell machine-knit sweaters from China and you live in West Orange, that’s a double strike-out (in more ways than one, I suppose).

Artists unite! If you’re someone who ought to be on the list, please leave a comment including your info, and I’ll create a post that will accrue items as they come in. Please include –

Your name (or business)
What you do (short description, a few words)
Website, Etsy address, whatever

Those of you who are interested in participating can contact Icky via his web site.

Miss Heather

Photo Credits: The Sprinkle Brigade & Gallery Hanahou

*Humor me, I am still recovering from Thanksgiving.

G Train Glory, Part III: Photo du Jour

November 28, 2007 ·
Filed under: Williamsburg 

Porn Again!?

From the Queens-bound platform at Metropolitan Avenue.

Miss Heather

Parental Visit Wrap-Up: Part I

November 28, 2007 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

My father was a Greenpoint greenhorn. Until I moved to Greenpoint he equated New York Shitty with the worst it had to offer: midtown Manhattan. Pa Heather made numerous trips to our fine city “on business” before he retired. These usually entailed being shacked up in some shitty corporate hotel on Times Square. Well, dear readers, he has returned home a Greenpoint believer.

Yessiree. The Pontiff of Poop (I acquired my predilection for all things scatological from dear old dad— he can back-up a toilet like no one’s business) loves him some Garden Spot.

Greenpoint Cutie

This is the first thing that caught my father’s eye upon riding the G train for the second time: a woman wearing an incredibly short miniskirt with high heeled boots. Her entire ensemble was trimmed in gold. LOTS of gold. It was topped off by a huge mop of permed hair. BIG HAIR. After all, the bigger the hair, the closer to god.

Pa Heather: I saw a woman who looked like that while waiting at DFW (Dallas/Fort Worth Airport).
Me: It took me years to figure out the fashion here, but I did.
Pa Heather: ?
Me: You hit the nail on the head. There is very little difference between the likes of her and Texans. You could put her in a shopping mall in Dallas and no one would notice.

Therein lies the rub, dear readers: NO ONE WOULD NOTICE.

Inasmuch as we New Yorkers would fancy ourselves as being different, the fact of the matter is we Americans are all pretty much the same: Gauche. Hence why I didn’t mind when my mother chided me for dressing like “a bag lady” the last time she visited. There is no better means airing one’s dissent in an affluenzic society than looking like a homeless person. What’s more, it’s damned comfortable.

Methinks I will have to take this sociological experiment to a higher level. I will dye my hair gray. Nothing will render a person more invisible to our society than being elderly, poor, foul-mouthed and bat shit crazy. Maybe I’ll start a new trend and twenty-somethings will being eschewing Brooklyn Industries for the local pharmacy. Surgical stockings, colostomy cans, walkers and Metamucil might just become the new trucker hat. Who knows, crazier things have happened.

Miss Heather

What Would Guido Do?

I created a little controversy recently when I referred to the Rat Man’s stomping grounds as being in Greenpoint. Addrobinson, a frequent New York Shitty commenter, noted:

Its funny you know him as the “rat maniac”, because to me & my friends he is “The Pigeon Maniac”. I always just assume that he was feeding the Pigeons and the rats took care of what the birds left behind. I also find it very odd that you consider that area to be “southeastern Greenpoint”, in all the years I have lived here that is the first time I’ve heard anyone even use that term, let alone call that area it.

What constitutes Greenpoint? This is a very contentious question. If you ask an old timer, as another commenter (Zeebah) suggested, he or she will tell you the area in question (Kingsland Avenue near Frost Street) is in Greenpoint. If you ask a real estate agent, he (or she) will call it Williamsburg. It is simply a matter of who benefits. Which brings me to this:

Martone’s Dairy

This rather nifty old photo can be seen at De Stefano’s Restaurant. Note the location where the picture was taken: Graham Avenue between Devoe and Metropolitan Avenue. Now let’s take a closer look at the neighborhood inscribed on this photo, shall we?

Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY

Interesting. My curiosity piqued, I asked the owner of the restaurant about this unusual piece of taxonomy. He explained to me that when he was a kid no one who lived in this area called it Williamsburg. That neighborhood was considered distasteful. Greenpoint, therefore, was used because it was considered to be “more classy”. So there have you.

What do I consider to be Greenpoint? Well, this map should give you a general idea.

What is Greenpoint?

The semi-transparent red line indicates the boundaries of the 11222 zip code. The additional shaded sections are areas I consider to be Greenpoint that fall outside this zip code. The more eagle-eyed among you will notice that the Greenpoint Hospital would be considered by many not to be in Greenpoint at all. It is also very telling to note that the engraved text (which read “Greenpoint Hospital”) which once graced the entrance of this building has been removed. I have little doubt this was done at the behest of a real estate professional. Perhaps the developer plans on having “East Williamsburg Hospital” inscribed its place?

I suppose there is no clear cut means of determining what constitutes Greenpoint— or any neighborhood, for that matter. Or is there? As daskol observed:

Guido, the mayor of Withers Street, will kick your ass if you refer to this area as Williamsburg. He might change his tune when it’s time to list his property.

I think it is time for us to stop bickering and ask ourselves a much more important question:

What would Guido do?

Miss Heather

In Praise of Stupidity

November 27, 2007 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Unlike most people who bemoan the downward spiral of human intelligence seems to be taking nowadays, I believe this brain drain to be a positive development. Had my fellow hominids been graced with greater gifts of the mind I assure you most of them would busy themselves by concocting in one dishonest scheme or another. Nobel Prize material most people are not.

Now that I think about it, even those with marginal mental mettle usually employ it in some nefarious fashion. Take my former neighbor (PLEASE). She, a 50-something year old, 300 plus pound, non-English speaking Puerto Rican woman had a novel idea about how to generate some revenue: steal and cash one of Miss Heather’s unemployment checks. Though I am certain she thought her plan to be fool-proof, the reality was it had certain fundamental flaws:

  1. When asked to present identification (in order to cash said check) merely pointing at one’s self and then at the check in question will not suffice.
  2. A person of Hispanic origin is probably going to encounter certain difficulties cashing a check made out to a person with a Polish/Lithuanian surname in Little Poland. It’s just a wee bit suspicious.

Needless to say the woman at the check cashing establishment confiscated the check and I got it back. Hence, why I am pro-stupidity: it makes criminals (like my dip shit former neighbor) easier to catch. In fact, the only thing I can think that would be dumber than what this woman did would be to rob a store and leave your picture.

Well guess what, readers! A pair of thieves did just that right here in good old Greenpoint, no less. From the September 28, 1913 edition of the New York Times, I present to you two of the dumbest criminals to ever grace the Garden Spot.

9/28/1913 New York Times

I wonder why these chaps were “taken aback and annoyed” by this photograph? Was the lighting bad? Did he capture their bad sides? Oh wait, I know: it made their butts look big!

Miss Heather

Shitty Reliquary

November 27, 2007 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Cleaning Chateau de Ghetto is not unlike Christmas morning: there’s always some hitherto unknown treat to be found under any given pile of crap. Last week’s pre-parental visit scrub down was no exception. Follows are a few items of New York City interest I (being my own Santa Claus) purchased, forgot about and had the pleasure of rediscovering.

Piece of 3rd Avenue El

A piece of the 3rd Avenue El. It is interesting to note that Hulan E. Jack was sworn into office as Manhattan Borough President on December 31, 1953. In so doing, he became the first African American to hold a major elective office.

History of New York City

A textbook about New York City history dating from 1899 (one year after incorporation). I have started to scan this book into PDF format and plan to make it available (via New York Shitty) to download. While it only has a scant two pages about Brooklyn, I imagine it will make for a nice bit of winter time reading for a number of you.

But enough History 101, let’s have a little fun!

Libby Liberty

The fine folks at Garbage Pail Kids dubbed her Libby Liberty. But I prefer to call her Greenpoint Gertie…

or Newtown Creek Nancy!

Miss Heather

The Queensboro Kitten: ADOPTED!

November 27, 2007 ·
Filed under: Area 51, Greenpoint Magic 

Final Portrait

I am pleased to announce that not only did Jeff, a cute little fella who was found wandering around on the 59th Street Bridge, get a new home over the holiday weekend, but he is now a Greenpointer! Lisacat writes:

If he wasn’t headed for Greenpoint, it’s too late to change his mind now! He’s living in our lovely neighborhood now with a really nice couple who found him on your blog. They want to remain anonymous for now but said it was ok to post a cropped photo (below). I’m going to post about it later, we got a funny email from the official Jeff Bridges website! Cute story…

Jeff and his new people

I knew it! This little Lebowski wanted to go to Greenpoint all along (because, I suspect, he heard we have a bowling alley). He simply got a little confused and mistook the 59th Street Bridge for the Pulaski. It’s a perfectly understandable mix up for a seven week old kitten to make. Especially one working without the benefit of a map.

On the behalf of my fellow Garden Spotters, I’d like to give Jeff a great big Greenpoint welcome to the neighborhood! Those of you who can’t get enough of the Little Lebowski can click here and read more about his curious homecoming on BARC’s blog.

Miss Heather

UPDATE: Here’s an excerpt of an email I received from Jeff’s (or as I like to call him, The Dude’s) new people:

Hi, Miss Heather —

I’ve been meaning to write you to thank you SO much for sharing the story of Jeff, which led to his eventual adoption into a loving family on Lorimer Street! I’m a faithful reader (and admirer) of your site and once I saw him up there, I just couldn’t quit looking at him. As a matter of fact, I still can’t, which is why I’ve been so remiss in sending the thank-you note I owe you. I tell you, the cuteness is incapacitating. There oughta be a law.

My boyfriend Kevin managed to crawl out of the kitten torpor long enough to post a little something about Jeff (and his new sister, Dreamy, the one responsible for the alarming state of K’s hands) yesterday. Yes, he’s not only joining a Greenpoint household, but a household of Greenpoint bloggers (some of us lazier than others), the poor guy.

Photo Credit: Lisacat

Has Anyone Seen Buddy?

November 27, 2007 ·
Filed under: Area 51 


A fellow Greenpointer writes:

On Thanksgiving Day Buddy got loose from our house on Humboldt Street between Nassau and Driggs. Buddy is a very sweet and friendly tabby cat – male, about 8 years. He is also deaf, which makes looking for him impossible!!! He may be a bit skittish because he does not usually go outside, however, he can be approached… so if you see him, please try and pick him up. He has been neutered, his shots are up to date, and he was not wearing a collar.

Buddy 2

If you have seen Buddy please contact Caitlin at:

cataspencer (at) gmail (dot) com  or 212-767-9963

Let’s help this distinguished Greenpoint gato find his way back home for the holidays. It’s a jungle out there!

Miss Heather

Nimrod Station: Williamsburg Vs. Greenpoint

November 27, 2007 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

One poster, two different worlds on the crosstown local.

My mother dislikes my constant shutter bugging. Usually because it entails documenting things she considers distasteful and takes away from valuable shopping time. I, on the other hand, will gladly spend time (instead of money) savoring the best the G train has to offer in the way of subway poster vandalism. Such things make Miss Heather’s world go round.

Exhibit A: the Queens-bound platform of the G at Metropolitan Avenue, Williamsburg

Nimrod Nation, Metropolitan Avenue

One restless patron waiting for the crosstown local saw fit to inscribe the above poster with a little political commentary.


To wit, one of his teammates, Number 41, replies


Exhibit B: the Queens-bound platform of the G at Greenpoint Avenue, Greenpoint

Pussy, HA!

After noting the exposed pudenda on the poster to the left, they got right down to business.

Number Thirteen

Number 13 is date material.

Blue Ribbon

Number 37 placed, but Number 32 got the blue ribbon.

Number 34

Oh wait, it was number 25, not 37. Nimrod 34 might have been deemed as “ugs”,

34 packing heat

but he won Mr. Congeniality.

See what depths of depravity we G train patrons wallow in while waiting for the subway? After tiring of trying to overthrow the government, we take simple solace in cradle robbing.

Miss Heather

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