Christmas Comes Early to Greenpoint!

December 11, 2007 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Today I discovered something blissfully amiss during my sojourn along Manhattan Avenue.

1000 Manhattan Avenue, 12/11/07

Hmm. Something’s different here, but I just can’t put my finger on it. Maybe looking at a photo from last week would help?

1000 Manhattan Avenue, 12/5/07

Yes, something certainly has changed.

1000 Manhattan Avenue 12/11/07

Oh wait, I got it! This pole has inexplicably moved itself two feet to the east!

Or did it? We Greenpointers have been very good this year, after all. This may very well be so the handiwork of Santa and his little elves.

Miss Heather

G is for Gonads, Part II

December 11, 2007 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Yet another gem from the Smith and 9th Street bound platform of the G.

80’s Night!

Although I cannot explain why, this just keeps getting funnier every time I look at it.

Miss Heather

G is for Gonads!

December 11, 2007 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Last night I ventured into Manhattan to attend Gothamist‘s holiday party. I have long wanted to meet Jen Chung and thank her for finding Julie, my former feline neighbor/bodega cat a new home. And I did.

It took me three subway lines and two transfers to make it happen, but I didn’t mind. Unlike my fellow go-getters, having no “direct access” to Manhattan does not bother me. I travel at a leisurely pace in life, so the Crosstown Local (AKA: the “G”) suits me perfectly.

Pussy, HA!

Some of you might remember the post I wrote about the above annotated poster(s). If not, you can read about it here. I despise the “marker-proofing” of these advertisements. If forced to look at some tart’s “package” while waiting for the G, I should have the right to comment about it— or better yet— force said tart stare at my “package”. Freedom of discourse.

Nimrod Station

Thankfully we Greenpointers…

Small town, big game

have risen to the challgenge.

Hitman Shit

Behold, the (s)Hit(wo)man!

Greenpt 121007

What is this?

Mt. Penis

There’s nothing a nice heterosexual gal likes to do more than to mount some penis.


Oh, they meant Dick.

Sorry, I am not into five-ways or living in a police state.

Miss Heather

Way To Go, Pistilli Realty!

December 10, 2007 ·
Filed under: Area 51 

Remember the post I wrote last Thursday berating the deplorable conditions at the Astral? If not, here is an excerpt to jog your memory:

“…the Astral Apartments is the most perfect type of an apartment house in the world.”

Not anymore. That “playground” where children once played has become a dog shit smeared den of inequity for the Superintendent and his harem. So much for those “ample sanitary requirements” as well: mold growing on ceilings and an unabated bedbug infestation are two of the least sanitary things I can think of. Then again, could I honestly expect anything different from the fine minds who brought us this?

Co-op Crap

Well as irony would have it, Mr. Pistilli was honored by the Queens Chamber of Commerce for the above opus turd the very same day! Queens Crap writes:

Next time you are on this side of the Creek, pick up a copy of the Queens Gazette. It’s a real laugh riot.

Queens Gazette 12/6/07

This is not a joke. Click on the above image and read this piece of hilarity from the Queens Gazette for yourself.

Miss Heather

P.S.: On a (somewhat) related note, do check out the bedbug poetry over at Bedbuggers. Funny stuff.

Greenpoint Pay Phone Du Jour: Manhattan Avenue

December 10, 2007 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Phone Home

E.T. sure seems to get around.

Miss Heather

‘Tis The Season: Franklin Street

December 10, 2007 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic 

Remember that lemur that was getting buggered by E.T. over on Franklin Street?


Well, they have broken up.

E.T. 12/8/07

E.T. is hanging out with Santa, the Hulk and Mickey Mouse.

Lemur 12/8/07

I’m not too sure what the lemur is doing, but it looks kind of painful.

Miss Heather

Belvedere Blow Out!

December 10, 2007 ·
Filed under: Dung of the Day, Greenpoint Magic, Other Shit 

It has been some time since I have written about my buddies over at Belvedere Partners, so today I am going to redress this egregious oversight on my part and give the scoop on two, count ’em, TWO new Belvederes! Excited yet? If not, you should be dear readers!

Belvedere XII: 150 Java Street

Cement Being Poured at Belvedere XXII

In keeping with the Belvedere landscape architecture paradigm, the entire frontage has received a heaping helping of cement. Planting trees and shrubs are for bleeding heart liberals who don’t appreciate the value-added qualities of concrete.

Can you find the Belvedere in this picture?

Belvedere XXII

You can’t? No worries, I have gone to the trouble of labeling it for you. Belvederes have a chameleon-like tendency to blend in with 100+ year old row houses. Even ones half their size. Uncanny.

Belvedere XXIV: 490 Morgan Avenue

Have you ever wondered what would happen if the aesthetic savants at Belvedere got their hands on an existing piece of property? If so, wonder no more. I have the answer: they will make it look total and utter shit.

Belvedere XXIV

Photographs scarcely do this masterpiece justice. One really needs to go to 490 Morgan Avenue and behold it in all its half-assed glory in person. Not only is the “D” missing from “Belvedere”, but the cheesy lanterns gracing the front door are not even mounted straight. Nice.

Belvedere XXIV sideview

Burglar bars: CHECK.
Friedrich and Fedders Boxes: CHECK.
Stucco: CHECK.

Oil facility

Oil storage facility down the block: CHECK.

I have long been mystified as to what “system” Belvedere uses to number their serialized schlock. Thankfully, a thorough examination of Belvedere XXII has helped me to understand the why and wherefore behind the numbering its distant cousin at 490 Morgan Avenue: it sucks twice as hard.

Haven’t had enough suckiness, you say? You crave yet more Belvedere hilarity? Check out the new Flash introduction on their web site. Belvedere Partners must be strapped for cash if they can’t hire a professional to straighten that crooked “R” on their store front. In fact, things must be really bad if the President of the company can’t outlay $4.00 for a box of Nice ‘n Easy and touch up those roots. If Mayor Mike really wanted to beautify Greenpoint he would stop planting trees, lock this woman in a beauty salon and refuse to let her out until that shit matches.

Miss Heather

‘Tis The Season: Wythe Avenue

December 9, 2007 ·
Filed under: Greenpoint Magic, Williamsburg 

Love Thy Everyone

Analysis: before one can love others he/she needs to learn how to love him/herself.

Miss Heather

Doublespeak or What The Fuck…

December 8, 2007 ·
Filed under: Area 51 

am I eating?!?

Nature’s Finest Fabricated

There are a number of reasons why I am a vegetarian. The above sign (from Devoe Street) is yet another one.

Miss Heather


December 8, 2007 ·
Filed under: Area 51 

There has been much debate about America’s “Obesity Epidemic”. Some say you can be “fit and fat”. Others vehemently disagree.

We Make Rebar Chairs

All I’m saying is if you need a chair fortified with Rebar, it’s probably time to go on a diet.

Miss Heather

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